Sunday 30 July 2017

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Pequena notícia. Semanal A Secretaria de Proteção Ambiental de Pequim começou a solicitar a opinião pública sobre seu padrão mais rigoroso de emissões, que deverá ser implementado em 1º de dezembro de 2017. A nova norma, que abrange veículos leves, veículos pesados ​​e motores pesados, foi elaborada de acordo com o mais rigoroso possível Emissões. Atualmente, os veículos em Pequim precisam cumprir o quinto padrão de emissões de fase, que entrou em vigor em 2013 e é equivalente ao limite de emissões de Euro V. Pelo menos 52 executivos, incluindo os de emprestadores estatais de renome, renunciaram por motivos pessoais ou transferiram-se para outros empregos recentemente. Os salários estagnados e as oportunidades altamente pagas na banca privada eo nascente setor financeiro on-line ajudaram a alimentar o ciclo de partidas. Dez dos 16 bancos listados relataram que o pessoal executivo do presidente ou do vice-presidente renunciou ou saiu. Desde o início do ano, pacotes de pagamento para executivos de bancos foram limitados em CNY600.000. O maior conglomerado privado da China, Fosun Group, completou a aquisição da seguradora norte-americana Ironshore, que marca um marco para os investimentos da companhia em Xangai em seguros especiais. Ironshore é agora uma subsidiária integral de Fosun. Em fevereiro, Fosun pagou US $ 464 milhões por 20 de Ironshore, que fornece corretores de propriedade especializada de propriedade comercial e cobertura de acidentes, e mais tarde também comprou os restantes 80. Os turistas chineses gastou HKD13,9 bilhões em novas apólices de seguro de vida em Hong Kong no primeiro A metade do ano um aumento de 37.6 dos HKD10.1 bilhão no mesmo período em 2013. A parte dos turistas chineses do seguro de vida novo em Hong Kong alcançou 20.2 no período janeiro-junho, acima de 18.4 no mesmo período em 2013. O Yuan será uma moeda convertível e livremente negociada até o final de 2020, quando mais de um terço dos pagamentos totais da China serão liquidados em yuan, disse Zhou Xiaochuan, governador do Banco Popular da China (PBOC). As reformas monetárias estão entre as 17 metas principais definidas pelo banco central. Os ativos onshore das instituições bancárias chinesas, incluindo bancos comerciais, bancos de políticas e cooperativas de crédito rural, subiram 15% em outubro para CNY188,6 trilhões, informou a Comissão Reguladora Bancária da China (CBRC). O passivo total das instituições aumentou 14,3 no período para CNY174 trilhões. O primeiro lote de bancos centrais no exterior e instituições similares foram autorizados a entrar no mercado interbancário de câmbio da China, disse o Banco Popular da China (PBOC). Sete dessas instituições concluíram o registro no Sistema de Negociação de Divisas da China. As instituições são a Autoridade Monetária de Hong Kong, o Banco de Reservas da Austrália, o Banco Nacional da Hungria, o Banco Internacional de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento, a Associação Internacional de Desenvolvimento, os Fundos de Fideicomisso do Grupo do Banco Mundial e o GIC Private. De acordo com a China Regulatory Commission (CSRC) da China, oito dos maiores bancos comerciais regionais da região têm apresentado pedidos iniciais de oferta pública (IPO) desde junho de 2014. Wen Bin, pesquisador da China Minsheng Banking Corp, disse que os credores da cidade regional estão dispostos a ir público porque estão enfrentando maiores pressões de capital após a rápida expansão nos últimos anos. Espera-se que a Apple Pay esteja disponível na China antes do Festival da Primavera no início de fevereiro. Analistas não esperam que ele tenha um grande impacto sobre os líderes de pagamento móvel Alibabas Alipay e Tenpents Tenpay. China UnionPay, que opera a maior rede de compensação e compensação do país, ajudará a introduzir o Apple Pay no mercado. Baidu, a seguradora global Allianz e a investidora asiática Hillhouse Capital Group formaram uma companhia de seguros digital na China chamada Bai An. Em novembro do ano passado, os rivais Alibaba e Tencent uniram forças com Ping An Insurance na criação de um seguro de propriedade on-line Zhong para tocar a crescente demanda local. A empresa francesa de serviços financeiros independente Oddo amp Cie disse que estava planejando fazer uma oferta para o gerente de ativos BHFKleinwort Benson, concorrendo a uma oferta existente da Chinas Fosun. A Oddo já detém 21,57 de BHF e afirmou em comunicado que estava preparada para adquirir mais de 50 da empresa após chegar a um acordo com dois outros acionistas, os grupos Franklin Templeton e Aqton. A China provavelmente investirá mais de US $ 1 trilhão no exterior nos próximos cinco anos, disse o primeiro-ministro Li Keqiang. Ele também disse que o país provavelmente importará commodities no valor de mais de US $ 10 trilhões durante este período. Embora o crescimento econômico da China tenha diminuído, o volume de crescimento está aumentando anualmente, disse Li em um fórum econômico e comercial da China e dos países da Europa Central e Oriental em Suzhou, província de Jiangsu. A Administração Geral de Alfândegas (GAC) desenvolveu 18 medidas para impulsionar o comércio exterior. Os procedimentos aduaneiros foram simplificados, aumentando a eficiência de desembaraço aduaneiro em cerca de 50, enquanto as taxas de comércio exterior foram reduzidas ou eliminadas. O primeiro transplante de útero bem sucedido foi realizado na China depois que uma mãe na província de Shaanxi doou seu útero para a filha de 22 anos. A filha nasceu sem vagina e útero, mas tinha ovários funcionando. Houve 11 transplantes de útero conhecidos em todo o mundo, a maioria deles na Suécia. A autoridade nacional chinesa de propriedade intelectual continuará cooperando com seus pares japoneses e sul-coreanos para ajudar os residentes dos três países a se beneficiarem da inovação e da criação, disse Shen Changyu, diretor do Escritório de Propriedade Intelectual do Estado (SIPO). Ele fez as declarações na 15ª reunião trilateral de diálogo político entre a SIPO, o Escritório de Patentes do Japão eo Escritório Coreano de Propriedade Intelectual em 17 de novembro, em Guangzhou. Os três escritórios de IP estão entre os cinco maiores do mundo. Banco da China (BOC) foi mantido em desacato aos tribunais nos EUA por se recusar a entregar detalhes da conta de Gucci e Yves Saint Laurent falsificação de suspeitos. O juiz de distrito Richard Sullivan, em Manhattan, ordenou ao banco que pagasse uma multa por reter seus clientes8217 registros. O próprio Bank of China não é um réu no processo e argumentou que não poderia entregar os registros sem violar a lei chinesa de privacidade. O banco também disse que o tribunal de Nova York não tinha jurisdição sobre ele. A primeira patente unitária na Europa, prevista para o próximo ano pelo Instituto Europeu de Patentes (OEP), ajudará as empresas chinesas a economizar tempo e dinheiro, disse o presidente do EPO, Benoit Battistelli. Em vez de lidar com formalidades em diferentes países, um requerente de patente unitária pode obter aprovação para os países participantes na União Europeia. Será menos oneroso e mais simples para registrar uma patente, Battistelli disse durante um simpósio de propriedade intelectual em Pequim. A oitava Conferência Anual da China Copyright foi realizada em Pequim para combater a violação de direitos autorais de música on-line e promover a proteção de direitos autorais na era da internet. Cerca de 500 profissionais participaram da conferência, organizada pela Sociedade de Direitos Autorais da China. A receita de copyrights da música China8217s é cerca de 10 do lucro industry8217s, em comparação com cerca de 60 a 70 nos países desenvolvidos. O vice-presidente chinês Li Yuanchao incentivou as empresas de robótica no exterior a compartilhar tecnologias com fornecedores chineses, dizendo que a cooperação internacional ajudará as empresas estrangeiras a entrar no mercado chinês. China compra um quarto de todos os robôs globalmente. Pelo menos 800.000 robôs serão colocados em uso em fábricas chinesas em 2020, de acordo com o Ministério da Indústria e Tecnologia da Informação (MIIT), representando um volume de negócios de CNY100 bilhões. China8217s indústria de cirurgia estética será avaliada em CNY400 bilhões até o final deste ano e espera-se que dobre em tamanho para CNY800 bilhões até 2019. Se o crescimento continua como esperado, a China será o world8217s terceiro maior mercado após os Estados Unidos eo Brasil por 2019, de acordo com o último relatório de tendências da indústria emitido pela Associação Chinesa de Plásticos e Estética. Mais de sete milhões de chineses, a maioria mulheres, fizeram cirurgia plástica no ano passado. A PetroChina Co e sua empresa estatal China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) planejam vender ativos antes do final do ano, o que pode incluir participações em oleodutos e refinarias. A CNPC está buscando usar os recursos da venda para atender às metas de crescimento anual de renda. A queda nos preços da energia empurrou as empresas de energia para lançar ativos e cortar pessoal para sobreviver à crise. O aumento da despesa de segurança social na China ultrapassou o crescimento da receita nos últimos cinco anos, o que representa um grande desafio para o sistema de bem-estar do país, disse o ministro das Finanças, Lou Jiwei. Ele pediu medidas para resolver o problema, incluindo ter 30 dos lucros das empresas estatais para cobrir a insuficiência. O Partido Comunista Chinês se comprometeu a fazer tudo o que pudesse para erradicar a pobreza nos próximos cinco anos. O partido tomaria medidas não convencionais e métodos perfeitos em sua batalha para eliminar a pobreza, disse o Politburo depois de uma reunião presidida pelo presidente e secretário-geral do Partido, Xi Jinping. 70,2 milhões de pessoas nas zonas rurais viviam abaixo da linha de pobreza, ganhando uma renda anual de menos de CNY2.300 no final do ano passado. A Associação da Indústria de Ferro e Aço da China (CISA) rejeitou as alegações da indústria internacional de que um excesso global de suprimentos é o resultado direto do forte crescimento das exportações chinesas de aço. Wang Liqun, vice-presidente do CISA, disse que discordou fortemente com uma indicação conjunta por nove contrapartes extrangeiras que reivindicaram a indústria siderúrgica chinesa é o contribuinte global predominant à indústria de aço de world8217s que sofre uma crise do overcapacity. Os lucros industriais da China diminuíram acentuadamente em 4,6 ano-a-ano em outubro, ampliando a queda de 0,1 em setembro. No entanto, a indústria de alta tecnologia obteve um crescimento de 14,2 ano-a-ano. Os lucros na indústria de fabricação de equipamentos aumentaram em 8,6. Nos primeiros 10 meses, os lucros industriais do país diminuíram 2 em relação ao ano anterior, atingindo um total de 4,87 trilhões de CNY. Mais talentos de topo foram buscados na China este ano por multinacionais com uma notável mudança para as perspectivas locais de alto calibre. A executiva global de consultoria e consultoria Heidrick amp Struggles International disse que metade dos 119 executivos multinacionais com responsabilidade sobre as operações da China disse que o número de funcionários provavelmente aumentaria até o final de 2015 em relação ao ano anterior. Um consórcio que inclui a State Grid Corp da China está entre os candidatos aprovados para uma rede elétrica de US $ 6 bilhões em Australias New South Wales. A empresa chinesa se uniu ao Macquarie Group8217s Macquarie Infraestrutura e Fundo de Ativos Real em julho para fazer uma oferta para a TransGrid em Nova Gales do Sul, que planeja aumentar AUD 20 bilhões de vender um arrendamento de longo prazo para operar a empresa e participa em duas empresas de distribuição de energia Para financiar novas ferrovias, estradas, escolas e hospitais. Cinda Real Estate Co concluiu o maior negócio de terrenos residenciais do ano em Xangai, superando mais de 10 concorrentes rivais para garantir um lote no distrito de Yangpu por perto de CNY7,3 bilhões. Com uma área de desenvolvimento de 148.500 metros quadrados, a proposta vencedora representou um custo médio de CN.19.150 por metro quadrado. Este é o lote de habitação mais caro vendido em Xangai este ano, disse Lu Wenxi, gerente sênior da Shanghai Centaline Property Consultants. Os consumidores e sites chineses abraçaram a sexta-feira negra, a extravagância de compras americana, na qual os varejistas oferecem descontos profundos até a quarta sexta-feira de novembro. Cada vez mais sites estrangeiros estão aceitando cartões de crédito emitidos pela China. Um forte dólar dos EUA atrelado ao dólar de Hong Kong e rendas elevadas estão matando o negócio de varejo em Hong Kong, segundo os últimos relatórios de resultados do segundo semestre de dois negócios de pilar do setor varejista de Hong Kong. Sincere Co, a operadora de Sincere Department Store, informou que as perdas nos seis meses até o final de setembro cresceram 34 ano-a-ano, para HKD93 milhões. Luk Fook Holdings, operador da Luk Fook Jewellery, viu o seu lucro para o período mergulhar 42,6 ano-a-ano para HKD463 milhões, enquanto as receitas caíram 7,7 para HKD6,96 bilhões. Ciência e tecnologia A despesa da RPC na China atingiu US $ 1,3 trilhão em 2014, um aumento de 9,9% em relação ao ano anterior, de acordo com um relatório publicado conjuntamente pela Secretaria Nacional de Estatística, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e Ministério das Finanças. Nos últimos anos, as despesas da RampD foram equivalentes a 2,05 do produto interno bruto (PIB) do país, o segundo ano consecutivo acima de 2. Com as despesas da RampD em mais de 1 trilhão de CNY, as empresas foram o maior contribuinte. Oito funcionários da Universidade de Comunicação da China foram punidos por violar as regras de austeridade. O Ministério da Educação envergonhou os altos funcionários por seus carros e escritórios de luxo e por tentar encobrir a gestão financeira caótica das universidades. A teoria de Charles Darwins da evolução pela seleção natural não trabalha no nível celular, uma descoberta que poderia influenciar profundamente a batalha para encontrar uma cura para o cancro, de acordo com o estudo comum por uma equipe dos investigadores da universidade de Chicago e da academia chinesa Ciências (CAS). Os resultados foram publicados em um documento no Proceedings da Academia Nacional de Ciências. Em vez de resolver o problema removendo as células mutantes mais aptas, isso poderia realmente perturbar o delicado equilíbrio de poder dentro de um tumor, disse o estudo. O fabricante chinês de drones DJI lançou seu primeiro drone projetado para uso agrícola. O DJI Agras MG-1 tem oito rotores e pode transportar mais de 10 quilos de líquido para pulverização de culturas, com a capacidade de pulverizar até quatro hectares por hora. Ele também dobra para torná-lo conveniente e portátil. Baseado em Shenzhen DJI é o líder mundial no mercado de drone civil ostentando uma quota de mercado de 70 para drones de consumo e comerciais. A Duzhe Publishing amp Media Co, editora da revista mais popular China8217, The Duzhe (The Readers), planeja aumentar CNY500 milhões em uma oferta pública inicial de Xangai (IPO). A assinatura começará em 1º de dezembro. O capital levantado será utilizado para desenvolver seus títulos de revistas, operações de publicação digital e projetos de publicação de livros. A China concederá uma cota de CNY50 bilhões à Malásia no âmbito do programa Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) para fortalecer a cooperação financeira com a Malásia. Nikhil Rathi, diretor executivo da Bolsa de Valores de Londres (LSE), disse que o trabalho na criação de uma ligação comercial entre a bolsa e Xangai está fazendo bons progressos, sem revelar um cronograma específico. Ele disse que algumas questões técnicas ainda estão sendo resolvidas pelos reguladores, acrescentando que Londres, como um mercado com liquidez profunda e abrangente alcance global, está disposta a ser complementar ao mercado chinês. Há 49 firmas chinesas listadas em Londres, e 39 títulos denominados em yuan foram vendidos na bolsa britânica, elevando GBP2.2 bilhões. CITIC Securities Co, a maior corretora da China, exagerou alguns de seus derivados financeiros em mais de CNY1 trilhões em relatórios mensais de abril a setembro, a Securities Association of China disse. A Associação está investigando o assunto, mas não acusou a CITIC Securities de qualquer irregularidade, pois os números errados não foram incluídos nos registros financeiros trimestrais do CITIC. CITIC disse que o erro foi causado por uma atualização do sistema, e os números foram alterados no início de novembro. Credit Suisse Group joint venture, Credit Suisse Founder Securities, recebeu a aprovação da China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) para oferecer serviços de corretagem em Qianhai, a zona econômica especial em Shenzhen. O empreendimento deve começar a oferecer serviços no início do próximo ano, depois de concluir a criação de sua saída comercial em Qianhai. Fundada em 2008, a joint venture é 33,3 detida pelo Credit Suisse, com o restante detido pelo seu parceiro Fundador Securities. A China expandirá o alcance de sua política de entrada sem visto de 72 horas para aumentar o consumo e dar novo impulso à demanda doméstica. O país também irá melhorar a política de reembolso de impostos para visitantes estrangeiros e acelerar a abertura de mais lojas isentas de impostos nas 18 cidades incluídas no programa de vistos, que se aplica a viajantes de 51 países e regiões. Para serem elegíveis, os viajantes necessitam de reservas subsequentes para um país terceiro. O Grupo HNA vai se tornar o maior acionista da brasileira Azul Brasil Airlines, companhia de baixo custo do Brasil, com uma aquisição de 23,7 milhões de dólares. A Azul, com uma frota de 145 aviões, será a sétima companhia aérea fora da China, com a participação do HNA Group, depois da Hong Kong Airlines e da Hong Kong Express em Hong Kong, da Aigle Azur na França, da Comair na África do Sul e da Africa World Airlines Gana e myCargo na Turquia. A HNA Tourism, uma subsidiária do grupo, também anunciou que estava fazendo um investimento estratégico de US $ 500 milhões para se tornar o maior acionista da empresa de viagens on-line chinesa da Nasdaq, Tuniu. A China tem agora 202 aeroportos civis, com 35 novos estão sendo construídos e mais de 60 já existentes em expansão. O governo planejou investir CNY500 bilhão em 193 projetos de aviação domésticos principais antes do fim deste ano. Uma ponte de HKD133 bilhão de Hong Kong a Macau e Zhuhai faltará seu prazo de construção 2016 por um ano, o governo de Hong Kong confirmou. O comunicado diz que a conclusão do bridge8217s será adiada até o final de 2017 por causa de suprimentos materiais instáveis ​​e escassez de mão de obra, além de lidar com os limites de altura da aviação, requisitos de proteção ambiental e um progresso mais lento do que o esperado na recuperação de terras. A ligação de 50 quilómetros consiste em três pontes estaiadas, duas ilhas artificiais e um túnel submerso de 6,7 km de extensão na Ilha de Lantau. A ligação cortaria o tempo de viagem de Hong Kong a Zhuhai de mais de três horas a 30 minutos. China e Rússia estão montando uma joint venture na Rússia para a fabricação de veículos eletromagnéticos para o projeto ferroviário de alta velocidade Moscou-Kazan. Os veículos serão fabricados pela Changchun Railway Vehicles Co, uma subsidiária da CRRC baseada na capital da província de Jilin. A experiência chinesa da subsidiária 8217s em fazer o equipamento apropriado para condições frias extremas do tempo virá a calhar para a linha de Moscow-Kazan. A MTR Corp, a operadora do sistema de metro de Hong Kong8217s, continuará desenvolvendo novas linhas de metrô em Pequim nos próximos cinco anos. Beijing MTR Corp, uma joint venture formada por MTR, Beijing Capital Group e Beijing Investment Investment Infrastructure, está olhando para participar na construção de linhas de metro de Pequim 12 e 17, bem como a nova linha do aeroporto. Atualmente, opera a Linha Daxing, a Linha 4 do Metro de Pequim e a Linha 14. Os orçamentos de viagens de negócios das empresas chinesas cresceram 4,79 ano-a-ano. A China vai ultrapassar os Estados Unidos para se tornar o maior mercado de viagens de negócios do mundo em 2016, com gastos esperados de US $ 346 bilhões no próximo ano, em comparação com o tamanho do mercado dos EUA de US $ 319 bilhões, segundo um relatório da CITS American Express Global Business Travel. China e Malásia chegaram a um acordo para aprofundar a cooperação em infra-estrutura e discutir projetos-chave, incluindo uma linha ferroviária de alta velocidade que liga Malásia e Cingapura durante a visita do primeiro-ministro chinês Li Keqiangs. Os dois países também explorarão o potencial de cooperação na construção de uma linha ferroviária no sul da Malásia e estabelecerão uma aliança cobrindo os portos da China e da Malásia para estimular o comércio bilateral. A linha de alta velocidade que liga Kuala Lumpur e Cingapura deverá custar mais de US $ 10 bilhões e reduzir o tempo de viagem entre as cidades a apenas 90 minutos de cerca de oito horas. O presidente chinês, Xi Jinping, não trará novas concessões à mesa de negociações quando ele participar de importantes negociações da ONU sobre mudança climática em Paris. Líderes mundiais estavam indo para a França para dar um impulso político à reunião, mas não estavam lá para as negociações, disse o vice-ministro de Relações Exteriores Liu Zhenmin. A conferência de Paris não é sobre a apresentação de novas propostas, trata-se de reduzir as diferenças e chegar a um acordo com base nas propostas existentes, disse ele. O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, reuniu-se com Xi no primeiro dia das negociações de Paris em 30 de novembro. A China impulsionou seus laços econômicos com a África, assinando 23 negócios, totalizando US $ 930 milhões, à frente da visita do presidente Xi Jinpings nesta semana. Em uma cerimônia de assinatura em Joanesburgo, empresas como Sinosteel Corp, Sinochem Group e China Chengtong assinaram contratos com 50 empresas da África do Sul envolvidas em setores como aço, energia, medicina, frutas, vinho e têxteis. Pequena notícia. A empresa semanal Zhejiang Geely Holding Group afirmou que vai direcionar veículos de energia nova para perfazer 90 das vendas até 2020. Cerca de dois terços das vendas de veículos de energia nova da Geely8217s virão de híbridos plug-in e híbridos gasolina-elétricos até o final de A década, com o restante de veículos elétricos de bateria, a empresa disse. A China tem um prazo exigindo fabricantes de automóveis para reduzir o consumo médio de combustível em seus modelos de 6,9 ​​litros por 100 quilômetros este ano para não mais de 5 litros por 100 km em 2020. A empresa começou a vender seu primeiro carro elétrico com um preço de CNY228,800 Antes de subsídios do governo de cerca de CNY108.000. A Volkswagen não aumentará sua participação na joint venture FAW de 40 para 50 por dois a três anos devido a razões financeiras, disse Jochem Heizmann, presidente e CEO da Volkswagen China. O adiamento do aumento de participação custaria à Volkswagen 5 bilhões. Heizmann disse que a China geralmente não é afetada pelo software ilegal que a Volkswagen usou em seus carros a diesel para enganar os testes de emissão nos EUA, já que a China importa apenas um número muito pequeno. Especialistas estão apostando que o yuan será incluído nos Direitos de Saque Especiais (DSEs) do Fundo Monetário Internacional em breve. Gerentes de reservas em todo o mundo disseram em uma pesquisa que previram que cerca de 10 das reservas mundiais de divisas serão realizadas em iuanes até 2025, acima dos atuais 0,3, de acordo com uma nota de pesquisa do HSBC. Se os direitos de saque forem concedidos pelo conselho do FMI no final de novembro, o yuan será a quinta moeda na cesta, seguindo o dólar dos EUA, o euro, o iene japonês ea libra esterlina. A Comissão Reguladora de Seguros da China (CIRC) e o Banco Central da Rússia firmaram um memorando de entendimento (MOU) na Turquia, à margem da Cúpula do G20, para expandir a cooperação em seguros de turismo, financiamento de grandes projetos de construção e Controle de risco e resseguro, disse um comunicado. O Japão expressou preocupação com a China sobre o ritmo das saídas de capital do país e sugeriu que Pequim se mova muito lentamente na reforma de seu sistema cambial para evitar repetir os erros passados ​​do Japão. A queda de ações de mais de 40 em questão de poucos meses ea desvalorização do yuan agiram como um lembrete de quão rapidamente Beijing poderia perder o controle de seus mercados se ele se movesse rapidamente para se abrir às forças do mercado, disseram autoridades japonesas. A China é o maior parceiro comercial do Japão e seus mercados se tornaram suscetíveis a grandes oscilações causadas pelas decisões políticas chinesas. O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) deve criar uma versão digital de sua moeda de reserva global que poderia ser mais amplamente utilizada em todo o mundo mercados financeiros e sistemas de pagamento, Yao Yudong, diretor do People8217s Banco de China8217s Research Institute of Finance and Banking, disse . Além disso, o papel dos Direitos Especiais de Saque (SDR) deve ser expandido, disse Yao. Suas propostas incluem o estabelecimento de um sistema de liquidação entre SDR e outras moedas, e promover o uso de SDR no comércio global, transações financeiras, preços de commodities e contabilidade. À medida que a China muda para uma versão nova, mais difícil de copiar de sua nota CNY100, versões mais antigas da moeda desaparecerão lentamente da circulação. As antigas notas serão queimadas em uma instalação especial em Yancheng, província de Jiangsu, gerando eletricidade. As notas de banco são adequadas para geração de energia de biomassa graças ao seu valor de calor relativamente alto e baixo teor de umidade. Uma única tonelada gera 1.000 quilowatts-hora de eletricidade. A polícia de Jinhua, província de Zhejiang, abateu um caso bancário subterrâneo envolvendo transações de até CNY410 bilhões. É o maior de seu tipo e também o primeiro envolvendo a conversão do yuan chinês em moedas estrangeiras por meio de contas não-residentes, informou o Ministério da Segurança Pública. Um total de 100 suspeitos de oito gangues foram detidos. O banco de Qingdao Co, apoiado por Intesa Sanpaolo de Italy8217s, está procurando tanto quanto USD666 milhão em uma oferta pública inicial de Hong Kong (IPO). As ações começarão a operar em 3 de dezembro. Seis investidores de pedra angular concordaram em comprar ações representando mais de 60 da oferta. Nos primeiros 10 meses deste ano, 2.628 empresas de capital estrangeiro foram criadas na Zona Franca de Shanghais (FtZ), 22 de todas as empresas de capital estrangeiro recentemente estabelecidas em Xangai. A proporção foi superior a cinco anos atrás, quando a zona foi criada, indicando melhoria da confiança externa sobre o ambiente de investimento zonas, Zhu Min, vice-diretor da Administração FTZ, disse. Os investimentos de saída das empresas nacionais através da FTZ totalizaram 16,8 bilhões de CNY, representando 41 do total da cidade. Entre janeiro e outubro, 36 instituições financeiras abriram 36.220 contas de livre comércio para clientes. A Austrália impediu que entidades estrangeiras comprassem uma empresa de criação de gado que, segundo se diz, possui a maior exploração de terras privadas do mundo, uma vez que estava localizada dentro de uma área de testes de armas. S. Kidman e Co possui 11 fazendas de gado que cobrem 101.411 quilômetros quadrados em toda a Austrália do Sul, Austrália Ocidental, Território do Norte e Queensland uma área combinada maior do que a Coréia do Sul. As companhias de investimento chinesas Genius Link Group e Shanghai Pengxin foram declaradamente em uma guerra de licitação para adquiri-lo por até AUD350 milhões. A China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) fechou um acordo de US $ 15 bilhões com a Argentinas Nucleoelectrica, abrindo as portas para as exportações de equipamentos nucleares que podem chegar a CNY30 bilhões. CNNC vai construir duas usinas nucleares ao longo de um período de 18 anos. A empresa já exportou seis reatores nucleares, cinco reatores de fonte de nêutrons em miniatura, duas instalações de pesquisa nuclear e um reator experimental. A CNNC investirá US $ 6 bilhões, ou 85 do financiamento total, na construção da quarta usina nuclear da Argentina, que deverá ter uma capacidade de 750 megawatts. A CNNC também assinou um acordo-quadro para fornecer um reactor de água pressurizada de design chinês, Hualong One, para uma quinta usina no país. O super-herói japonês Ultraman está enfrentando uma batalha de propriedade intelectual na China depois que um distribuidor disse que 99 de todos os jogos móveis com o personagem foram pirateados. A SCLA, empresa sediada em Xangai que detém os direitos de franquia Ultraman no continente chinês, disse que apenas três das dezenas de jogos relacionados lançados no segundo trimestre foram autorizadas. Cerca de 85 mil pessoas foram detidas desde 2013 por suspeitas de violações de propriedade intelectual, disse a Xinhua. A China 2015 China Antifraude e Contrafacção Relatório Anual é o nation8217s primeira publicação resumindo seus esforços, realizações e desafios na luta contra a violação de propriedade intelectual e produtos de contrafacção. O relatório foi produzido pelo Grupo Líder Nacional de Combate à Violação e Contrafacção de DPI e seus ministérios e organizações membros, bem como grupos provinciais líderes em todo o país. O livro foi publicado na China e no exterior, e terá uma edição em inglês. China manipulou 178 mil casos envolvendo produtos falsificados em 2014, a polícia investigou mais de 28 mil crimes e os promotores processaram mais de 18 mil ações judiciais. Autoridades locais na China estão hesitando em aprovações de projetos e negócios, algumas para evitar o destaque de uma campanha anticorrupção, impedindo os planos do governo central de usar gastos com infra-estrutura para impulsionar o crescimento econômico. Embora a Comissão Nacional de Desenvolvimento e Reforma (NDRC) aprovou CNY1.9 trilhões de projetos de investimento nos primeiros 10 meses de 2015, cerca de US $ 45 bilhões de projetos estão atrasados. O consumo de eletricidade na China, um barômetro-chave da atividade econômica, caiu 0,2 a 449,1 bilhões de quilowatts-hora em outubro. Nos primeiros 10 meses, o uso de energia subiu 0,7 em relação ao ano anterior para 4,58 trilhões de kWh, de acordo com a National Energy Administration (NEA). O uso de eletricidade nos serviços aumentou 7,1 nos primeiros 10 meses, enquanto o setor agrícola viu um ganho de 3 e uso pelo setor industrial caiu 1,1 em relação ao ano anterior. O presidente chinês, Xi Jinping, disse na 10ª cúpula do Grupo dos Vinte (G20) na Turquia que a economia chinesa é capaz de sustentar uma taxa de crescimento média a alta e continuará a criar oportunidades de desenvolvimento para outros países. Xi disse que a economia chinesa deverá crescer cerca de 7 este ano, equivalente ao PIB de um país de médio porte e maior do que o crescimento de dois dígitos há vários anos, e continuará a contribuir até um terço para a economia global crescimento. China8217s 500 empresas privadas fizeram contribuições significativas na promoção da inovação, criando empregos e contribuições fiscais, de acordo com um relatório da China Federation of Private Enterprises e da China Academy of Management Science. Classificou Legend Holdings Corp como a empresa privada líder na China, com receitas operacionais de CNY289,5 bilhões, seguido por Huawei Technologies Co e Suning Commerce Group Co. Gree Eletrodomésticos8217 Dong Mingzhu assumiu o primeiro lugar na lista de empresárias mais influentes na China , De acordo com a revista Fortune. Outras mulheres de negócios proeminentes na lista incluem Chen Chunhua, Co-presidente e CEO da empresa de negócio agrícola New Hope Liuhe Co, e Wang Fengying, Presidente da Grande Mural Motor Co. Chinas atacado preço do gás natural será cortado por uma média 28 mais tarde este Mês eo governo vai abandonar muito de seu controle sobre fixação de preços para deixar o mercado decidir preços de energia. Os preços residenciais, que não foram alterados desde 2010, não serão alterados, mas permanecerão abaixo dos preços não residenciais. O gás não residencial responde por cerca de 80% do consumo total. O governo chinês planeja uma abordagem progressiva para aumentar a idade de aposentadoria, disse Li Zhong, porta-voz do Ministério de Recursos Humanos e Segurança Social (MOHRSS). A idade de aposentadoria seria levantada por apenas vários meses a cada ano. A actual idade de reforma é de 60 anos para os homens, 55 para os trabalhadores de colarinho branco e 50 para os operários. SOE profits fell 9.8 year-on-year in the January-October period to CNY1.88 trillion, with profits of SOEs under central government control slumping 11.3 to CNY1.35 trillion. Locally administered SOEs posted a 6 drop in profits in the first 10 months. SOEs in the petrochemical, oil refining and construction materials sectors saw sharp profit declines, while the steel, coal and non-ferrous metal sectors continued to suffer losses, but the profits of transport and electronics SOEs continued to improve. Mergers amp acquisitions A potential merger between Sinotrans amp CSC and China Merchants is being discussed. Zhao Huxiang, Chairman of Sinotrans amp CSC, said that not many of our businesses overlap and we are not competitors in most areas, it will be a group level integration. Sinotrans amp CSC would become a subsidiary of China Merchants. Zhao said that the structure of Sinotrans amp CSCs listed platforms wont be changed significantly in the event of a merger. Dalian Wanda Group concluded the merger with World Triathlon Corp, making it the worlds largest sports company. Wanda also purchased Swiss sports marketing group Infront Sports amp Media for 1.05 billion earlier this year, and took a 20 stake in Spanish soccer team Atletico Madrid. Hong Kongs Grade-A office towers are starting to be occupied by mainland Chinese enterprises as they buy en bloc buildings and lease office space in the central business district (CBD) amid rapid business expansion. Their explosive demand for office space spurred rents for Grade-A offices to rise for a tenth consecutive month in October, with the vacancy rate in Central dropping to about 1. Two senior executives of state-controlled property developer Financial Street Holdings, Wang Gongwei and Ju Jin, have been detained as part of a Communist Party investigation over their alleged links to Lu Xiwen, the disgraced former Deputy Party Secretary of Beijing. Financial Street Holdings is the biggest state-owned commercial property developer in Beijings Xicheng district. Swire Properties has sold the last unit at Opus Hong Kong in Mid-Levels for HKD509.6 million, making it the most expensive apartment transaction in Asia. The 5,444 sq ft unit sold is on the 12th and top floor of the three-year-old Opus Hong Kong block at 53 Stubbs Road and includes two car parking spaces and a 1,508 sq ft roof top. The price translates to HKD93,608 per square foot. The property sector will remain an engine for Chinas economic growth over the next decade and serve as a lifesaver amid the slowdown, according to Dalian Wanda Chairman Wang Jianlin. In the next five to 10 years, theres unlikely to be an industry that could replace property as an engine for growth, Wang, who built his empire on property, told the Beijing News. The property sector directly accounted for 12 to 13 of Chinas gross domestic product (GDP), but if related industries such as construction, decoration and building materials were included the figure would be more like 30, said Wang. Prime office rent in Shanghai is likely to rise 6.1 in the next three years which will also see Beijings rent growing by a milder 1.8, global property consultancy Knight Frank predicted. The increases are expected to place Shanghai at No 13 and Beijing at No 19 in the list of the worlds 20 leading business cities. Hong Kong stands at No 8 with a rise of 12 through the end of 2018, according to the Global Cities 2016 Report. Overall office rent in Shanghai rose 5.5 year-on-year in the third quarter. Louis Vuitton has closed one of its two flagship stores in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, as the French fashion house continues to grapple with slow sales in China. It also closed its outlets in Harbin and Urumqi and was drawing up plans to close several others. The store closures will leave LV with about 50 stores across the mainland. Other leading retailers such as Giorgio Armani, Hermes and Versace have been closing shops since 2013. JD, Chinas second-largest e-commerce services provider by sales, plans to expand its mobile initiatives with Tencent Holdings and pursue further strategic investments after recording a 52 year-on-year increase in third-quarter revenue to CNY44.11 billion. Our partnership with Tencents dominant Weixin and Mobile QQ platforms puts JD at the fingertips of virtually every Chinese mobile online consumer, and continues to drive rapid user growth, JD Chief Executive Richard Liu said. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) plans to ramp up inspections of goods bought online, as there are many complaints about low-quality goods on offer. Companies like Alibaba, rival JD and others have been criticized by regulators for enabling the sale of low-quality goods and counterfeit products. The issue has affected e-commerce companies. Merchants found to be selling goods that don8217t meet the regulator8217s standards will be made to stop sales, the SAIC said. The e-commerce platforms on which they operate will also bear responsibility for removing the products. Walmart Stores signed an agreement with China Resources SZITIC Investment Co for the purchase of minority interests in 21 joint ventures. The deal is valued at CNY3.3 billion. The investment closely follows the decision to acquire 100 of Yihaodian, reflecting our belief that Chinese customers want a seamless online and offline shopping experience, said Sean Clarke, President and CEO of Walmart China. New store openings in China have driven up third-quarter sales growth by 2.9. Foreign retailers had a 13.5 share of the Chinese market during the third quarter, a 1 drop from the corresponding quarter in 2014, according to Kantar Worldpanel. Science amp technology Scientists in Shanghai are rewriting the rules of reproduction with a groundbreaking experiment that combined genetic material from two female mice to create healthy offspring. But the researchers said they strongly opposed using the technology to create humans, saying it would give rise to serious ethical and genetic problems. The team, led by Professor Li Jinsong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, genetically modified ovum-derived embryonic stem cells to make them function like sperm, and injected the cells into ova to produce a batch of mouse pups with two genetic mothers and no male involvement. China is conducting tests on its largest and most powerful rocket, the Long March 5, at the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center in Hainan province, with plans to make the first launch before the end of next year. Long March 5, the nation8217s next-generation heavy lift launch system, is nearly 57 meters high, with a diameter of 5 meters. With a liftoff weight of around 800 metric tons, it will have a maximum payload capacity of 25 metric tons in low earth orbit and 14 tons in geosynchronous transfer orbit. The Long March 5 will be used to launch large lunar probes and the manned space station that China plans to send into orbit around 2020. Scientists carried out the last step in testing the retina component of China8217s gigantic radio telescope. After its scheduled completion in September, it will be the largest such telescope in the world. The telescope, 500 meters in diameter and known as FAST, is composed of 4,500 mostly triangular panels with sides measuring 11 meters that create a parabolic shape or hemisphere. CITIC Securities Co, China8217s largest securities brokerage, said Chairman Wang Dongming, 64, is retiring for age reasons, and Zhang Youjun, 50, has been put forward as his replacement, subject to a decision at the next board meeting. Focus Media Holding, the country8217s largest commercial screen-advertising network, will become the first Chinese company to be listed on the domestic A-share market after delisting from the United States Nasdaq stock market. It plans to be listed in the domestic equity market through a reverse merger with Hedy, a move which has in principle been approved by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) is working on a stock connect scheme between the Shenzhen and Hong Kong bourses. Authorities will expand the quota of shares that can be traded under a similar program that already exists between Shanghai and Hong Kong, according to Fang Xinghai, CSRC Vice Chairman. The schemes allow investors to trade on both bourses under a quota and are seen as further opening the Chinese capital market. Yirendai, an online consumer finance marketplace, is planning to raise USD100 million in an initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform, a wholly-owned subsidiary of online finance firm CreditEase, was set up in 2012 and currently has more than 7 million registered users and has facilitated more than USD10 billion transactions. Trading in yuan-denominated securities has started on the Frankfurt stock exchange, hailed as the first such market outside China. The platform allows investors in Europe to trade securities denominated in yuan. The China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX) is the first yuan market authorized outside China. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) announced that 10 of the 28 companies whose IPOs were suspended during the summer market crash will be among the first batch to disclose their IPO prospectuses. New IPOs are expected to be launched this week. Financial authorities released more measures to promote the Beijing-based National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ), also known as the New Third Board. The new rules include a pilot program that allows NEEQ-listed companies to transfer to the startup-dominated ChiNext board, and the scrapping of a restriction on the number of qualified investors needed when companies seek to offer new shares. A much-anticipated open price-bidding process, however, was not included in the new rules, and the minimal capital requirement of CNY5 million for investors to trade shares of NEEQ-listed companies was not lifted. Guotai Junan International Holdings said Chairman and Chief Executive Yim Fung has been missing since November 18. Ms. Qi Haiying, Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, will temporarily act as Chair of the Board until further notice. The company is the Hong Kong-listed unit of Guotai Junan Securities, one of Chinas largest financial firms. German railway company Deutsche Bahn is opening its first international procurement office in Shanghai and has identified some 40 potential suppliers of train products in China. The Shanghai office will help the company to find Chinese suppliers for rail vehicle replacement parts and infrastructure materials. Deutsche Bahn plans to spend 10 billion annually in the next five years. Turkey says it will actively take part in Beijings One Belt, One Road economic and trade initiative, but has cancelled a USD3.4 billion tender for a Chinese-made missile system provisionally awarded to China in 2013. The news came hours after President Xi Jinping arrived in the Turkish city of Antalya for the G20 summit and held a meeting with Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Malaysia for an official visit and to attend the 18th China-ASEAN (101) leaders8217 meeting, the 18th ASEAN-China, Japan and South Korea (103) leaders8217 meeting and the 10th East Asia Summit. China has pledged infrastructure loans totaling USD10 billion to Southeast Asian countries and proposed railway and production capacity cooperation. Short news. Weekly Government support lifted Chinas electric car production in October eight-folds year on year to 50,700 vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said. Output of pure electric and plug-in hybrid passenger vehicles in October was 850 and 200 higher, respectively, than a year ago, the Ministry said. In the first 10 months, Chinese carmakers produced 206,900 new-energy vehicles, three times as many as they did in the same period of last year. Government measures included tax exemptions, subsidies and requirements for government bodies to buy green cars. Vehicles in Shanghai already banned from the streets due to their heavy emission of pollutants will have to be scrapped if their owners want to keep their registration and license plate, the city announced. Vehicle owners are instructed to hand in documents with the citys public security authority proving that they scrapped their old vehicles, typically labeled yellow. Both registration and license plate will become invalid if the owner fails to do so by December 31. Once the vehicle is scrapped, the owner can transfer the license plate and registration to a new car. Chinas car market rallied strongly by 9.7 last in October from a year earlier, as the central government halved vehicle purchase taxes for passenger cars with engines below 1.6 liters, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) said. The rally came after Septembers 2.1 moderate growth, which reversed a three-month drop. The accumulative sales so far this year hit 19.27 million units, up 1.5 year-on-year. But the increase is still short of the 3 annual growth target. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will set up an ethics integrity department to prevent and combat corruption, said Jin Liqun, President-designate of the institution. Employees will be encouraged to report corrupt behavior in the bank, Jin said. The bank will launch its first projects in the second quarter of next year, focusing on electricity, transportation and water supply, as these are in high demand. China will not impose tough licensing restrictions on overseas bank card providers seeking to enter the countrys USD7 trillion card payment market. Fan Yifei, Vice Governor of the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC), told a conference that there are no plans to limit the number of licenses issued to foreign card providers and force them to operate through joint ventures with local partners. The financial industry in Shanghais pilot free trade zone (FTZ) achieved an added value of CNY146.1 billion in the first three quarters of this year, up 27.2 year-on-year, compared with the increase of 18.8 for the whole of 2014. The number of FTZ-based traditional financial institutions rose by 39 to 883 at the end of September, made up of 257 banks, 376 securities companies and 250 insurers. China faces an uphill battle against financial risks over the next five years as it works to internationalize the yuan and overhaul its financial regulatory framework, Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said. Expectations have been mounting for a reshuffle of regulatory bodies, including the central bank and watchdogs overseeing banks, securities firms and insurers, to adapt to the changing business environment. Total bank lending in China may have shrunk by some 42 in the month of October, according to the latest estimates provided by Credit Suisse. This is much worse than the CNY1,04 billion seen in the previous month, wrote Tao Dong, Research Analyst at Credit Suisse. He expects total bank lending to reach between CNY550 billion and CNY600 billion in October. Chinese banks saw their bad loan ratio rise to 1.59 at the end of September. The ratio was 0.09 percentage points higher than that at the end of June, with the value of outstanding non-performing loans (NPLs) rising CNY94.4 billion to CNY1.19 trillion, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC). Despite the NPL increase, the CBRC said the lenders overall capability to offset risks remains stable. The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) has issued a new version of of the CNY100 banknote on November 12. The new note has better anti-forgery features, but problems surfaced as some ATMs rejected the new banknotes. The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) and the banking, securities and insurance regulators should combine to form a financial supervisory body, according to Yin Zhongqing, Finance Committee Deputy Director of the National People8217s Congress (NPC). This would allow better oversight of financial institutions with mixed businesses in various markets beyond the scope of any one regulator. Yin8217s suggestion at a forum in Shenzhen was among the first proposals on financial regulatory reform made publicly by a senior official. The yuan had fallen against the U. S. dollar for nine straight days as of November 13, the longest exchange rate decline in the past seven years. The yuan had weakened by 27 basis points to 6.3655 against the U. S. dollar, the longest consecutive-day decline since August 12, 2008. Chinese Overseas Ports officially took control of Pakistans Gwadar Port free trade zone (FTZ), further cementing its role in the Gwader area, a gateway to oil-exporting Gulf countries. Under the agreement, it will manage the FTZ on a 43-year lease. The formal handover signals the Chinese sides control of all the ports business affairs. As part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China plans to make Gwadar a transportation hub by building a 3,000 km railway linking Xinjiang with Gwadar. Chinas foreign direct investment (FDI) grew 4.2 from a year earlier to CNY54.68 billion in October, according to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), compared with an increase of 7.1 in September. In the first 10 months of this year, FDI, which excludes investment in the financial sector, totaled USD103.6 billion, up 8.6 from the same period of last year. Foreign investment in the service sector rose 19.4 in the January-October period. The Australian Senate passed two pieces of legislation relating to the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), clearing the final hurdle to its enactment, which will see an immediate round of tariff cuts, followed by a second round on January 1. The two pieces of legislation passed were the Customs Amendment Bill and Customs Tariff Amendment Bill. CAFTA will also result in the removal of a number of tariffs, such as those on Australian beef, dairy and wine entering China. Chinese customs authorities said that 23 people had been detained after an undercover operation to bust a multi-billion yuan coal-smuggling operation that shipped CNY5 billion worth of the fuel from Vietnam. The detainees were allegedly part of a network that involved 150 people and 20 companies. They smuggled about 5.61 million tons of coal into China from 2013, avoiding CNY491 million in taxes. A research team from Xinhua News Agency filed two patent applications for its Kuaibi Xiaoxin news writing robot system to write sports and business news. The system can write in Chinese and English and was tested for months. A news brief that takes a reporter about 10 minutes to write can be done by the robot in only seconds. President Xi Jinping called for more reform and innovation ahead of the introduction of China8217s 13th Five Year Plan (2016-20). The spirit of reform and innovation must be strengthened and the country8217s governance system should be modernized, he said. China8217s consumption will be a decisive factor in achieving the country8217s next five-year economic growth targets, as its contribution to GDP will continue to increase. The driving power of investment will be relatively weakened, said Yang Weimin, Deputy Director of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs. Net exports, meanwhile, will be no worse than the current situation, but too fast growth is unlikely in the coming years he added. China will also work to lift 70.17 million rural residents out of poverty in the next five years. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) indicated that consumption accounted for 60 of economic growth in the first half of this year, up from 51.6 in 2014 and 48.2 in 2013. The contribution from gross capital formation declined to 35.7 in the first six months of 2015, down from 46.7 in 2014 and 54.2 in 2013. Chinas economic growth is likely to slow to 6.5 next year and cool further to 6.2 in 2017, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said. The OECD also noted that real borrowing costs have continued to rise amid persistent declines in factory gate prices, which is squeezing firms profits and increasing their debt burdens. Chinas consumer inflation was weaker than expected in October, while prices at the factory gate fell for a 44th straight month. The consumer price index (CPI) rose 1.3 year-on-year in the month, slowing from a 1.6 rise in September, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said. The deceleration was largely due to the slower growth of food prices, which account for about a third of the CPI basket. Food costs grew 1.9 in October, slowing from 2.7 a month earlier. Prices in the non-food sector, meanwhile, increased 0.9 in the month, down slightly from 1 in September. In the first 10 months, Chinas CPI gained 1.4, while the PPI decreased 5.1. Around 3 million extra babies will be born each year after China abolishes its one child policy to allow all couples to have two children. The rule change will allow 90 million more Chinese women a second child, said Wang Peian, Vice Chairman of the National Health and Family Planning Commission. But half of them are aged between 40 and 49, he added, limiting their desire or ability to bear children. There were nearly 17 million births in China in 2014 and the policy liberalization will see around 3 million extra babies born each year over the next five years. The countrys population, which stood at 1.36 billion last year, would hit a high of 1.45 billion in 2029 China has scant chance of leading the development of next-generation industrial robots as the gap in technological innovation between Chinese makers and their overseas peers is widening, according to industry experts. China has been the worlds biggest market for industrial robots since 2013, but none of the 500 or so domestic manufacturers has any distinct competitive advantage when it comes to their core technology, according to Luo Jun, CEO of the International Robotics and Intelligent Equipment Industry Alliance. Consumer inflation in China fell to 1.3 year-on-year in October, the lowest since May and down from 1.6 in September. The producer price index (PPI), which measures the cost of goods at the factory gate, fell 5.9 year-on-year in October, matching the figures for September and August, which represented a six-year low. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) plans to collect suggestions from foreigners until the end of January on the next Five Year Plan. Foreigners will be encouraged to write columns in various media, and seminars with foreign chambers of commerce will also be organized. Mergers amp acquisitions Anbang Insurance Group has agreed to buy U. S. annuities and life insurer Fidelity amp Guaranty Life for about USD1.57 billion as Chinese insurers seek to expand into the United States. Financial holding company HRG Group, Fidelity amp Guaranty Lifes majority stockholder, has approved the deal, which would make Anbang one of the largest insurers by market share in fixed-indexed annuity products in the U. S. The deal is expected to conclude in the second quarter of 2016. Guangdong Qunxing Toys Joint-Stock Co, one of China8217s largest electronic and battery-operated toymakers, is to take full control of Sichuan Sanzhou SCMP Nuclear Equipment Manufacturing, which is a supplier to the nuclear power, military and petrochemicals industries. Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2011, Qunxing Toys operates across a range of industries, including internet entertainment, culture, education and finance. China8217s housing market grew by a slightly slower pace in the first 10 months of this year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). From January to October, sales of new homes, excluding government-subsidized affordable housing, rose 18 year-on-year to CNY5.47 trillion, slightly slower from the 18.2 growth in the first three quarters. The area of homes sold climbed 7.9 from the same period a year ago to 837 million square meters, easing from an 8.2 gain in the January-September period. The mean selling price of new houses in 100 cities monitored by the China Index Academy rose 0.3 month-on-month to CNY10,849 per sq m in October. Singapore-based urbanization and infrastructure consultancy Surbana Jurong said that it has taken a 20 stake in Chinas CITICC (Africa) Holding, which would see it potentially developing 30,000 affordable homes in Africa in the next five years. CITICC is a USD300 million investment platform set up between International Financing Co (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, and Chinese multinational construction and engineering company, CITIC Construction Co. Sun Hung Kai Properties, Hong Kongs largest developer in terms of market capitalization, expects Hong Kong s home prices to remain stable next year. Even if interest rates rise next year, there wont be a big increase, said Managing Director Victor Lui. Investment bank Jefferies has said home prices will fall 30 next year, taking them back to 2012 levels. Chinese Estates, controlled by fugitive tycoon Joseph Lau, sold the Mass Mutual Tower, a 26-story Grade A office building in Hong Kongs Wan Chai district for HKD12.5 billion, making it the most expensive office building ever sold in Hong Kong. With a gross floor area of about 345,000 square feet, the sale price per sq ft is about HKD36,200. An executive meeting of the Chinese government, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang, decided to issue a package of policies to shore up consumption, including opening more duty-free stores at ports of entry across the country and to import more popular consumer goods. More than 100 million Chinese traveled overseas last year and spent more than CNY1 trillion during their trips, according to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). Strong demand from Chinese parents for Australian baby formula prompted shopping agents in Sydney to strip shelves bare ahead of Singles Day. The agents, usually Chinese nationals living overseas, typically stockpile the products and sell them at a profit to buyers in China. Shares of China International Capital Corp (CICC) surged 7.39 on their Hong Kong debut as the decision to lift a ban on initial public offerings (IPOs) is likely to improve business prospects for investment banks. Investment banking accounts for 27 of CICCs total revenue. CICC, Chinas first joint-venture investment bank, raised USD810 million last month after it priced its IPO at the top of its indicative price range. The mother of Xu Xiang, Chinas high-flying hedge fund manager now in detention on suspicion of insider trading, has had her shares worth CNY4.3 billion in the retail firm Wenfeng Great World Chain Development and Daheng New Epoch Technology frozen for two years. Xu, 37, the Founder and General Manager of Zexi Investment, was arrested by police on a highway on November 1 on charges including insider trading and stock market manipulation. Global index complier MSCI8217s decision to include some of the United States-listed Chinese stocks in its emerging market index will boost prospects for Chinese technology companies and pave the way for the eventual inclusion of A shares. About 14 Chinese stocks listed in the U. S. including Alibaba Group Holding and Baidu, will be added to the MSCI Emerging Market Index. MSCI will be the first global index provider to include U. S.-listed Chinese companies in its benchmark indexes. The Shanghai Stock Exchange is modifying the rules and requirements for the strategic emerging industries board, a new trading platform targeting high-growth and innovative companies. The market rout in June has delayed an immediate launch of the board. Instead the bourse is planning to roll it out along with the registration-based mechanism for initial public offerings (IPOs). Yao Gang, Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), is under investigation for serious violations of discipline, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) of the Communist Party of China announced in a statement. Yao, 53, is by far the highest-ranked securities official under investigation as Beijing extends its anti-corruption campaign into the financial industry. The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges raised deposit requirements for margin trading to 100 from the current 50 effective on November 23, as part of China8217s efforts to curb market volatility. The new rules mean that investors can leverage CNY1 million in their accounts to borrow another CNY1 million from securities brokerages for share purchases. The existing requirement allows them to borrow up to CNY2 million. As of November 12, the total outstanding value of margin loans reached CNY1.16 trillion, up by more than 26 from the recent low of CNY904.1 billion on September 30. Guangzhou has been conducting a trial run of its government-backed Uber-like car-hailing app Ruyue for over three months and is now set to launch it commercially in February. During the testing period, the ride-booking service has been connecting users with an official fleet of about 300 licensed Toyota and Nissan vehicles. Chinese train maker CRRC Corp will put high-speed trains into operation by the end of the year that can run in adverse weather conditions and extremely low temperatures. CRRC said it has received approval from the National Railway Administration for the CRH2G high-speed train, which can operate in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius and also in sandstorms and strong winds. In addition, it can be used at altitudes as high as 3,600 meters. The trains will be used on the Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway line by the end of the year. China is willing to cooperate with the United States to make joint contributions to deal with climate change and promote global stability and development, Premier Li Keqiang told a visiting delegation led by U. S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who also made a rare visit to Tibet. China and Laos signed an intergovernmental railway cooperation agreement, planning to introduce a modern rail line in Laos in 2020. Xu Shaoshi, Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), signed the document with Somsavat Lengsavad, Deputy Prime Minister of Laos, at a ceremony at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. The 418-km line will connect Kunming, capital of Yunnan province, with the Lao capital of Vientiane. The railway8217s average speed is set at 160 kph and 60 of the line will be bridges and tunnels. China will be responsible for 70 of the CNY40 billion investment. China and Mongolia vowed to strengthen efforts on the blueprint for an economic corridor linking the two countries and Russia, following a meeting in Beijing of Chinese President Xi Jinping and visiting Mongolian counterpart Tsakhia Elbegdorj. Cooperation agreements covering infrastructure, energy and financing were signed. Big projects, including the Tavan Tolgoi coal mine, gas and power stations were also discussed. China moreover decided to increase imports of beef and mutton from Mongolia. Short news. Weekly Zhu Fushou, former General Manager of Dongfeng Motor Corp, has been put under investigation for serious violations of discipline. He is alleged to have accepted bribes, infringed on state interests in property deals and taken a larger bonus than Communist Party rules allow. China will soon grant production licenses to new manufacturers of electric cars. Over 10 firms have submitted their applications for the exclusive permit to make new-energy cars, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei said in Beijing. For the first time companies without a carmaking background can now apply for car production licenses that had been tightly controlled since 2009. Chinese automaker BYD officially branded its two-year trial run of electric taxis in Hong Kong as a failure. In 2013, BYD Chairman Wang Chuanfu said he expected the company to launch dozens of e6 electric taxis in Hong Kong by the end of that year. He predicted the number would grow to 1,000 by 2014 and 3,000 this year. But BYD has only launched 45 e6 cabs and three charging stations in Hong Kong enough to cover 150 electric cabs. BYD has also made slow progress in pressing ahead with electric buses in Hong Kong, having received only 14 orders so far. The renminbi should play a proper role in the world financial system in tandem with China8217s importance in driving global growth and international trade, senior policy advisers said, as they backed the currency8217s inclusion in the International Monetary Fund8217s Special Drawing Rights basket at the 2nd Understanding China Conference in Beijing. In his keynote speech to the conference, State Councilor Yang Jiechi voiced his appreciation for the countries that have supported the renminbi8217s inclusion in the basket. China raised the daily reference rate of the yuan by the largest margin in a decade, three months after a surprise devaluation. The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) adjusted the central rate upward by 0.54 against the U. S. dollar. The increase was the largest since 2005 when Beijing unpegged the yuan from the dollar. The yuan rose mainly because the market is responding to an increasing chance for it to be included in the SDR, said Liao Qun, Chief Economist of Citic Bank International. China now allows the yuan to trade up or down 2 from the centrally set daily rate on the domestic foreign exchange market. China8217s local government debt could continue to surge if the government sets an economic growth target above 6.5 in the next five years, Standard amp Poor8217s Ratings Services warned, adding that it is most likely to cut ratings by up to two notches for China8217s building materials, real estate developers, metal and mining and transport industries. It is also likely to cut ratings by one notch for the nation8217s oil and gas, engineering and construction, and capital goods sectors. Zhang Yun, President of the Agricultural Bank of China, is being investigated for corruption. He has been with the bank for more than 30 years and was appointed Vice Chairman, President and Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party Committee at the bank in 2009. By the end of September, the Agricultural Banks outstanding NPLs amounted to CNY179.16 billion, a 43 surge from the end of last year. Its NPL ratio also went up 48 basis points to 2.02. The recent Plenum of the Chinese Communist Partys Central Committee agreed to make the yuan a freely tradable and freely usable currency by the end of the next five year development plan in 2020. British Consul General to Hong Kong Caroline Wilson and Macaos Secretary for Administration and Justice, Sonia Chan signed an agreement allowing MOP 350 million (Macao patacas) in illegal earnings from disgraced former Macao Public Works Secretary Ao Man-long to be transferred from Britain to the Macao government. It is the first time Britain has repatriated proceeds of crime under the UN Convention against Corruption, ratified by Britain in 2006. Ao, who is serving 29 years in jail for corruption and money laundering, had bank accounts in Macao, Hong Kong and Britain. Chinese commercial banks saw a 1.59 rise in the overall bad loan ratio at the end of the third quarter, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said. The 16 listed lenders had accumulated CNY908 billion in non-performing loans (NPLs) by September, according to their earnings reports filed to the stock exchanges. The NPL amount surged 33 from the end of 2014. But Liao Yuanyuan, Deputy Director of the Policy Studies Bureau at CBRC, said that the overall risk of the banking industry is still under control. China has applied to become a member of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the banks board is expected this week to recommend approval of Chinas bid to the banks shareholders. A decision is expected in mid-December. China8217s Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said that it is worth discussing whether the fiscal deficit ratio should be fixed below the ceiling of 3, indicating the possibility of a more proactive fiscal policy in 2016. A rigid ratio requirement will not benefit reforms or growth, Zhu said. Nuclear plant operator China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) said it was considering taking a minority stake in French nuclear group Areva. CNNC said it has already inked an agreement with Areva that will cover the entire cycle of nuclear fuel activities, including uranium mining, front end, recycling, logistics, decommissioning and dismantling. Nicaragua has given the green light to HKND Group, a privately held Chinese company, to start work on an ambitious USD50 billion inter-ocean canal project. Major work on the 276-kilometer canal, which will connect the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean through the Central American country, is expected to start next year. China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corp (COFCO), the country8217s largest food trader, is planning to import 3.5 million metric tons of grains every year through a tie-up with China Shipping (Group) Co. It plans to launch five new shipping services before the end of this year between China and South America. The new lines are expected to be used to transport more soybean, corn, beef and other agricultural products to China. China Shipping is keen to deploy more environmentally friendly Panamax bulk carriers and form an international fleet to work with COFCO. The expansion of the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone (FTZ) has brought growing demand for judicial protection, in which civil and commercial cases involving intellectual property are commonly seen, according to a white paper by the Shanghai Pudong New Area People8217s Court. From November 2014 to October, the court handled 6,423 cases involving the FTZ, including 4,947 civil and commercial cases, a more than six-fold increase year-on-year. The sharp rise of commercial cases reflects the increasing demand for judicial protection with the expansion of the FTZ, said Court President Zhang Bin. Buyers at the Canton Trade Fair, which ended last week, saw contract values fall 7.4 from the last fair with attendance also declining. Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly said that the Chinese economy should grow at least 6.5 yearly for the next five years in order to double both Chinas aggregate GDP and per capita income by 2020 compared with 2010 levels. Justin Lin, Economics Professor at Peking University, said that means that China8217s per capita GDP would reach USD12,000 from the current USD7,000. China8217s ambitious national emissions trading scheme is a game changer in the long term but current power prices and high equipment costs will make it hard for the renewable energy sector to benefit from it in the foreseeable future, analysts said. The new scheme would cover key industry sectors such as iron and steel, power generation, chemicals, building materials, paper-making, and non-ferrous metals. Experimental programs have been introduced to seven provinces since 2012. All provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China will issue plans for the reform of the household registration (hukou) system before the end of this year in a move to promote a reasonable flow of the country8217s rural population to urban areas and allow them to enjoy equal rights with city dwellers, Xu Shaoshi, Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced. Allowing more migrant workers to become urban residents is a core target for urbanization, he said. The Chinese government has published guidelines to adapt the management of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). It plans to establish investment firms to manage state-owned capital, separating ownership from management. China will also cut outdated and excessive capacity of SOEs and dispose of inefficient assets. State capital will be removed from some SOEs, while others will be restructured or upgraded. Mergers amp acquisitions China Life Insurance (Group) Co has helped financing the all-cash USD4.55 billion acquisition by Singapore-listed Global Logistics Properties (GLP) of a controlling 66 stake in Industrial Income Trust, a Denver-based industrial real estate trust. More than 40 of goods sold online in China last year were either counterfeits or of bad quality, according to a report submitted to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress (NPC). The report called for accelerated legislation in e-commerce, improved supervision and clarification of consumers rights and sellers responsibilities. Online shopping company Alibaba has rejected government suggestions that it is not doing enough to stop fakes being sold on its platforms. Customer complaints about online orders hit 77,800 last year, a steep jump of 356.6 on 2013. Science amp technology Chinese scientists have moved a step closer to being able to run a nuclear reactor without generating a chain reaction, a development that could remove the risk of a meltdown while also getting rid of nuclear waste in a faster and safer way. The Chinese team experimented with a new approach to resolve both issues by working on proton beams that could potentially be used in a sub-critical reactor. China plans to build a series of world-class universities and disciplines in five years time. The new policy is expected to tackle problems such as redundant construction and lack of competition that were brought about by the current 985 and 211 higher education programs. The 211 project, launched in 1993, aims to build 100 universities for the 21st century. Project 985 was named when then-president Jiang Zemin gave a speech in May 1998, and called for China to build a number of key universities in China. Xu Xiang, General Manager of the Shanghai-based private equity firm Zexi Investment, has been detained and is being investigated by the police on suspicion of insider trading and market manipulation. Analysts said that the case could herald a fresh round of crackdowns on financial crimes. Xu, 37, was considered a legendary investment figure on the Chinese stock market, since his firm managed to repeatedly outperform the market with investment returns exceeding 300. Police arrested several executives of Yishidun International Trade Co, registered in Jiangsu province, and Shenzhen-based futures brokerage China Fortune Futures. They are suspected of manipulating the stock index futures market by using a high-frequency trading strategy and reaping illegal profits of more than CNY2 billion. Europe8217s biggest bank HSBC Holdings has agreed to establish a 51-owned securities joint venture in China with Shenzhen Qianhai Financial Holdings Co. HSBC has an advantage over other foreign banks as it owns a Hong Kong-based banking subsidiary, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ownership of securities JVs for other foreign banks is capped at 49 and they are restricted to underwriting stock offerings. If approved, it would be the first majority foreign-owned securities company in China, allowed to engage in the full spectrum of securities business. China will resume initial public offerings (IPOs) and end a four-month freeze. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) plans to restart IPOs before the year end, Spokesman Deng Ge told a media briefing. Ten of the 28 companies which had gained listing approval before the suspension went into effect would be the first to list, Deng said, adding that these companies have two weeks to prepare for the IPOs. The remaining 18 will go public by the end of the year. More than 600 companies are still waiting to list shares on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. A report that the Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect would be launched this year despite widespread market expectations it would be delayed to 2016 caused a brief upsurge in the Chinese and Hong Kong stock markets. The remark was attributed to Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC), but it was later reported that he made the remarks on May 27, before the stock market slump. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) was still working on the scheme and was not prepared to issue a timetable for rolling it out. China started the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect in November 2014. Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao Football Club, a five-time Chinese Super League winner, has become the first club both in China and Asia to go public on the stock market. The club issued 375 million shares on the New Third Board. Launched in late 2012, the board has so far attracted about 2,500 firms, with 77 of them in technology and innovative businesses. China Southern Airlines Chairman Si Xianmin is being investigated for serious discipline violations, the Communist Partys Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said on its website. The news has shaken Chinas aviation circles. But many industry insiders said they were not surprised as Si is said to have been under watch over allegations of bribery since an inspection late last year. Global hotel chain Marriott International has unveiled an aggressive expansion plan in China that includes entering more than 20 second and third-tier cities in four years. Marriott already has hotels in 26 Chinese cities. It joins other global hotel groups expanding in China. InterContinental Hotels Group recently said it would double the number of its hotels over the next five years while Carlson Rezidor Hotel said it planned to triple its hotels to 50 by 2019. Chinese President Xi Jinping met former U. S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Beijing. Briefing Kissinger on the 13th Five Year Plan (2016-20), Xi said China will adopt innovation, coordination, green policies and an open and sharing approach to the plan, which will provide more opportunities for Sino-U. S. cooperation. Kissinger also launched the Chinese version of his latest book, World Order, in Beijing. In a meeting with visiting Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Xi said China looks forward to deepening cooperation with Liberia in key areas such as infrastructure, marine transportation, agriculture, fisheries, production capacity and manufacturing. China will also help to improve public health and epidemic prevention systems in Liberia and increase government scholarships for the African nation. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang received a delegation of 220 business leaders from 65 Japanese companies led by Shoji Muneoka, Chairman of the Japan-China Economic Association. Li told the delegation that entrepreneurs should play an important role in improving ties, and he hoped that the business leaders would push the China-Japan relationship in the right direction. Short news. Weekly Shanghais Pudong New Area has slashed the cash subsidy offered to buyers of new energy cars in half to CNY10,000. The change in policy is in line with the national policy. Electric car buyers will still receive a free car plate. During the first six months this year, a total of 14,547 new energy vehicles were sold, up by 888 compared with the same period last year. About one third were purchased from the Pudong New Area. The new policy will apply for vehicles purchased by private users between July 1 and December 31, 2015. At Octobers car plate auction for petrol cars, a total of 170,995 people bid for 7,763 plates with the average winning price around CNY85,424. The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) is not using quantitative easing (QE) to boost the economy but will instead adjust interest rates and the bank reserve requirement ratio (RRR) to fight deflationary pressure and capital outflow, it said in a statement. The most recent cuts of interest rates and bank reserve requirement ratio are reasonable and necessary monetary policies. These are not a kind of non-conventional QE measures, the PBOC said. As of the end of September, onshore assets of Chinas banking institutions, including commercial banks, policy banks and rural credit cooperatives, rose 15 from a year earlier to CNY188 trillion, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said. Total liabilities of these institutions were CNY174 trillion at the end of last month, up 14.2 over the same period of last year. The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) has further freed the interest rate market by scrapping the ceiling on deposit rates. A draft report by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reached a favorable conclusion on including the yuan in the lenders benchmark currency basket, which already includes the U. S. dollar, yen, euro and pound sterling. Everything is on course technically and there is no obvious political obstacle. The report leans clearly towards including the RMB in the basket but leaves the decision for the board, one of the officials said. The IMF Board is scheduled to make a decision this month. The change would take effect in October 2016. The Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress (NPC) has begun deliberating the ratification of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) agreement, which will lay the legal framework for the bank. The 60-article agreement outlines the financial share of each founding member as well as rules on policy-making, governance structure and business and operational systems. All 57 members of the bank must ratify the agreement by December 31, 2016, to become founding members. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and the Bank of Communications (BoCom) both saw their earnings in the first nine months of this year slow from the same period a year ago. ICBC said its net profit grew 0.59 year-on-year to CNY221.8 billion in first three quarters, compared with a 7.3 increase a year earlier. The banks bad loan ratio rose to 1.44 by September from 1.4 by June. BoComs net profit edged up just 1 to CNY52 billion in the nine-month period, slowing from a 5.8 rise in the same period a year ago. The non-performing loan (NPL) ratio at the countrys fifth-biggest bank rose to 1.42 at the end of September. Chen Yulu, President of Renmin University, has been appointed Vice Governor of the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC). The other three current Vice Governors have all worked in commercial banks or have previous experience with the central bank. Chen is also tipped to replace Zhu Min as deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund when Zhus tenure expires in July next year. Shanghai will continue to be a pioneer in policy and other reforms as it seeks to become a hub of innovation with global influence, Mayor Yang Xiong said at the closure of the 27th forum of the International Business Leaders Advisory Council (IBLAC). Financial reform, which is part of our efforts to support innovation, will be accelerated in the pilot free trade zone in the city, Yang told the forum. Coretronic Corp, a Taiwan-based company that manufactures panels for Apple, is halting production at one of its Chinese factories due to dwindling iPad sales. The plant, located in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, has stopped operations and filed applications to liquidate its assets. It has more than 1,500 employees, and churned out 1 million units a month at its peak. Coretronic is one of the top three panel manufacturers in the world, specialized in making LCD backlight modules and optical devices. It still has six other production bases in China. Chinas biggest shipping company COSCO intends to launch regular freight services through the Arctic Ocean to Europe. The company has only twice sent a vessel through the Northeast Passage, once in 2013 and again when the Yong Sheng merchant ship completed a 55-day round-trip voyage between China and Europe using the Northeast Passage last month. Sailing via the Arctic rather than the Indian Ocean would cut shipping times by as much as nine days. China Zhongwang, the worlds second largest industrial aluminum extrusion manufacturer, rejected accusations by the U. S. Aluminum Extruders Council of violating and evading U. S. import duties. In a filing to the Hong Kong Exchange, China Zhongwang said it has always conducted its export business in accordance with product classification and other relevant rules set by Washington. China Zhongwang said their main export products are not covered by the anti-dumping and countervailing policy on certain U. S. imports of aluminum extrusion products from China set by the U. S. Commerce Department in May 2011. Rising investment in rail links between China and Europe could boost Chinese imports of fresh foods like meat and dairy products, predicts a report from Dutch bank Rabobank. Railway lines built in recent years connecting southern Chinese cities to Europe significantly reduce transport times compared with ocean freight, but they are mainly used to ship industrial and IT products to Western markets, while many wagons return to China empty. 20 of China8217s food imports come from Europe. China currently imports USD6-7 billion of perishable food from Europe each year, mainly pork, dairy, fruit and seafood. Chinese customs have arrested four suspected smugglers and confiscated more than 520,000 bottles of French cognac worth CNY400 million that are believed to have been illegally imported. The suspects were reportedly working for a Shenzhen-based trade company importing Louis Royer X. O Cognac. Japan, China and South Korea held their first ministerial-level meeting on trade in 3 years. The meeting in Seoul brought together Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Motoo Hayashi, China International Trade Representative Zhong Shan and South Koreas Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Yoon Sang Jick. The three countries account for about 20 of the world economy. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) recently finished a draft version of guidelines against monopolies that result from the misuse of intellectual property rights (IPRs). The final version is expected to be released in June next year. The Chairman of Dalian Wanda group, Wang Jianlin, topped a list of Chinas richest people compiled by business magazine Forbes. Wangs estimated personal wealth has more than doubled over the past year to USD30 billion. The total wealth of the Chinas 100 wealthiest people increased by 20 over the past 12 months. Six people in the top 10 list are from internet-related industries, Forbes said. Wang was also named Chinas richest person in another ranking published by the Hurun Report in August. In the first nine months of the year, profits in the manufacturing sector fell 1.7 year-on-year to CNY4.3 trillion. The rate of decline was slower than the 1.9 dip recorded for the first eight months. In September, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) combined profits fell 24.4 year-on-year to CNY833.9 billion. Among the 41 sectors that comprise the manufacturing industry, profits rose in 30 and fell in 11. Food processing, textile, refinery and chemical firms were Septembers star performers. Chinas official urban unemployment rate was 4.05 at the end of the third quarter, slightly higher than the 4.04 at the end of the previous three-month period. The government aims to create at least 10 million new jobs this year and keep the urban jobless rate below 4.5. China will enforce a strict limit on total coal consumption and continue to cut production, Li Haofeng, Deputy Director of the Coal Office under the National Energy Administration (NEA), said. China will reduce the ratio of coal in its primary energy consumption from 66 this year to around 50 by 2050, said the National Coal Association. Two controversial hydro-electric power stations on the Jinsha River are to be approved and start construction this year. When completed, the 10.2 GW Wudongde and 16 GW Baihetan hydropower projects in Yunnan and Sichuan, together with the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu hydro-electric power stations which began generating last year, will produce twice as much power as the Three Gorges Dam. When finished, Baihetan will be the second largest and Wudongde the fourth largest power station in China. Non-local entrepreneurs and venture capitalists will be granted hukous, or permanent residence permits, much earlier than before under a special privilege program starting next month, the Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said. The entrepreneurs have to meet certain standards and should have lived in the city for two to five years. Under the new policy, a startup entrepreneur who owns over 10 of shares in his or her company, which is registered in Shanghai, can apply for permanent residency immediately. Taiwans gross domestic product (GDP) dropped by 1.01 in the July-September period year-on-year, the first contraction in six years, prompting the government to announce a NTD4.08 billion stimulus package to boost domestic consumption. Chinas manufacturing activity shrank for the third straight month in October but the contraction was flat from September. The official Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), stood at 49.8 last month, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) said. Mergers amp acquisitions Chinese online travel company Ctrip International announced a tie-up with rival Qunar and its backer Baidu through a share swap. Under the deal, Ctrip will own roughly 45 of Qunar, and Baidu will take a 25 stake. Ctrip has a market valuation of USD10.6 billion, while the smaller Qunar is valued at USD5.2 billion. Such mergers are becoming increasingly common in Chinas tech sector as a way of dealing with fierce competition between rival companies. Australias fourth-largest meat processor Bindaree Beef Group has sold a 45 stake in its business to Chinese company Shan Dong Delisi Food Co. The deal is worth upward of USD105 million. Bindarees decision to sell nearly half its stake in the business to its Chinese-based rival would open up greater opportunities for Chinas middle class to access Australian beef. Jin Jiang has acquired 81 of Keystone Lodging Holdings for more than CNY8.26 billion. Keystone Lodging is well-known for its budget hotel chain 7 Days. With this acquisition, Jin Jiang became China8217s biggest hotelier and moved into the global top five. Earlier this year, Jin Jiang acquired Europe8217s second-largest hotel group Groupe Du Louvre for up to 1.21 billion. The China Mergers amp Acquisitions Association and the German Federal MampA Association said they plan to establish a fund with an initial capital of 1 billion to better serve merger and acquisition activity between the two nations. Cooperation offices will also be opened in Beijing and Munich, which are expected to provide companies with services including risk evaluation, identifying potential business partners, financing and legal assistance. The fund will focus on supporting MampA deals particularly in the intelligent equipment, consumer products, medical care and financial services sectors. Tsinghua Unigroup is buying 25 of Powertech Technology for USD600 million, becoming the largest shareholder in the Taiwan chip packaging and testing company. Powertech said the move will help grow its global market share as a chip assembler and tester, and allow it to vertically integrate with the semiconductor business of Tsinghua Unigroup. The deal still needs to be approved by Powertech shareholders and regulatory authorities. Ping An Insurance (Group) Co, the country8217s second-largest insurer, has formed a USD600 million fund with Blumberg Investment Partners to make real estate investments in the United States. The two companies plan to invest in long-term, high-quality U. S. leasing assets. Most of these investments will be in New York City, the metropolitan New York area, central area of the Atlantic coast, northwest of the Pacific coast, Florida, Atlanta, and Colorado. Science amp technology In a groundbreaking experiment, Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences led by Professor Jing Naihe have used human embryonic stem cells to nurse back to health mice afflicted with Alzheimers disease. A team in Shanghai found that by transplanting neurons derived from the cells they could reverse their cognitive degeneration. Alzheimers causes a general decline in brain activity, characterized by memory loss and difficulty in speaking, due to neuron damage in the brain. China International Capital Corp (CICC), the countrys first joint-venture investment bank, has launched its initial public offering (IPO) in Hong Kong, seeking to raise up to HKD6.28 billion. The IPO will list on the Hong Kong stock exchange on November 9. CICC plans to use almost half of the proceeds to develop equity sales and trading, fixed income, currencies and commodities businesses. The bank will spend 20 of the proceeds on wealth management and another 20 to raise its global influence. CICC, set up by Morgan Stanley and China Construction Bank in 1995, has already secured orders from 10 cornerstone investors. Fang Xinghai has been appointed Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), replacing Liu Xinhua, who is set to retire. He will be responsible for international business at the CSRC. Fang was the major driver behind Shanghais ambition to become a global financial center when he served as Director of the Shanghai Financial Service Office between 2007 and 2013. Shanghai Pudong International Airport has been banned from adding new flights and routes after its flight punctuality fell behind that of other major Chinese airports. The Shanghai airport had an on-time departure rate of just 51 in August. It ranked alongside Hangzhou and Tianjin as the three worst-performing airports among 48 surveyed. About 64 of flights at Beijing Capital International Airport left on time. Three Chinese companies are planning bids for Starwood Hotels amp Resorts Worldwide, which operates the Sheraton, Westin and W hotel chains, in what could be the biggest-ever Chinese take-over of a United States company. Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels (Group) Co, HNA Group and sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp (CIC) are competing for the deal. A company associated with Air China has emerged as the 8th largest shareholder of China Southern Airlines, pointing to a possible merger of China8217s two largest state-owned airlines. China National Aviation Corporation (Group), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Air China8217s parent, China National Aviation Holding, appeared on the list of the 10 largest shareholders of China Southern holding 49 million shares when the latter reported third-quarter results. That stake represents 0.5 of China Southern8217s total shares. Air China and China Southern issued statements saying they were not aware of the plan. Chinese Premier Li Keqing attended a summit with leaders from Japan and South Korea in Seoul on November 1. Discussions on a long-awaited free trade agreement and strategies for deeper economic integration were on the agenda. It was the first such summit in three years after such meetings were halted due to disputes over wartime history and territorial issues. Li also paid a three-day official visit to South Korea. China and South Korea signed 13 agreements prior to the summit meeting. leaders of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan said that cooperation between the three countries had been completely restored. President Xi Jinping plans to visit Vietnam this week amid heightened tension in the South China Sea that has weighed on bilateral ties. Xi will also visit Singapore on November 6-7.Flipit indicator forex yang Flipit indicator forex yang Indicztor Calendar for Outlook v. Forex Volatility Hypertrend indicator is developed to work during flupit these trading sessions. Thanks a lot PBF for sharing your knowledge and your great ideas with this indicator. Fee for gbpusd robot bestndige software for all traders. 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