Thursday 3 August 2017

Forex observatory

Observatório dos Mercados Financeiros Laboratório 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Algumas notas / gráficos sobre o indicador US Gov. Bond 30y vs Gold spot: a pirâmide gráfica foi concluída. Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há algumas notas sobre a relação (em dois formatos de gráfico) entre os preços dos EUA Gov. Bond 30y vs mancha de ouro, a fim de obter informações sobre o tipo de tendência do ouro a partir do topo de 2011, De acordo com dados preliminares publicados em (1) amp (2). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Os principais elementos gráficos são os seguintes (ver gráficos anexos). 10004 A relação-curva mostra duas tendências impressionantes a partir de 1980, com uma estrutura de pirâmide concluída: a.) 21 anos, de 1980 a 2001 (Gold Sell 661822674618226660 Off amplitude de preços de estagnação) b) 11 anos (cerca de 50 de anterior Relação preço-ação), de 2011 a 2011 (Gold Sky 6553365533 Rocket). 10004 Os elementos-chave da parada da ação otimista da relação durante a fase 1980-2001, são os seguintes: a.) Longo prazo bearish ema-nó em set-up com o nível de retorno dentro do canal azul ascendente (círculo amarelo ) B.) Abaixo do canal ascendente branco (2003) c.) Abaixo do canal ascendente azul (2003-2004). 10004 Dois copos bullish gráficos interessantes são marcados no formato ema básico: -) copo cinzento (1986-1992) com um re-teste perfeito de seu nível 50 (veja o alvo) -) copo azul (1993-1997 veja o teste De seu pescoço-linha após o alvo em 1998). 10004 O urso de razão 2001-2011 é muito rápido ampère duro (veja a linha fina amarela ou vermelha descendente), com curva dentro de um canal vermelho descendente em negrito e com uma nova área baixa em linha com os baixos de 1980 10004 Uma estrutura de pico interessante é a grande taça de baixa (1999-2003), com currente curva-curva bem abaixo do alvo (baixo de 2006 amp alto de 2008). 10004 Um primeiro evento de reversão da curva há em 2012 (curva acima da linha descendente fina). 10004 Um segundo evento de reversão reversa da curva existe em 2013 (bullish ema-nó no círculo amarelo). 10004 Uma tentativa de reversão avançada no formato de ema de longo prazo e uma iminente tentativa de inversão no formato de ema basal, ocorre com o teste de quebra do canal vermelho descendente em negrito. 10004 Os eventos de reversão são reconhecíveis também em curvas de TRIX de amp MACD. Notas. 9746 A pirâmide gráfica da curva de proporção é completada. Para um fenômeno de longo prazo sobre a relação versus benchmarks de equidade, ver referência (3). O lado bearish mostra uma inclinação 2 X rapidamente contra o lado bullish de acordo com este fenômeno, o funcionamento histórico prévio do ponto do ouro era 11y (4). Há uma alta probabilidade de novas quedas de ouro nos próximos meses. Os níveis atuais de ouro estão em perfeito teste com o 65533655333333ononator publicado (1): 1179-1144. Abaixo deste nível, existem os seguintes clusters de preços (1): 1089-1029 924 893-878.5-861 695-691. De acordo com EUA / Gov. Bond30y vs rácio de ouro mancha, é possível o início em 2011 de um novo duas décadas de evolução do lado de baixa do ouro. Ou é possível uma grande correção de ouro abaixo do Gráfico 6553365533393etonator. E com os EUA / Gov. Bond30y vs Gold rácio de mancha para a zona escura-vermelho (baixo de 2006 amp top de 2008). Neste último caso (de acordo com o estudo de preços na referência 1), há um teste possível da área 1089 (projeção 50 Fib) e 924 (alvo triplo atual). Se o Gold-spot não vai abaixo do Gráfico 6553365533393etonator. Haverá um movimento de retorno em direção à zona de triplos-baixos atuais (veja a referência 1 para o cluster de preço superior). Segue estes níveis de alerta / eventos: 10004 Graphical 6553365533393etonator e próximos clusters de preços. 10004 Suíça8236 referendo sobre Ouro em SNB (5). 10004 A possível relação US / Gov. Bond30y vs. Gold spot bem acima do canal vermelho descendente em negrito (em direção à zona 2006-low / 2008-top). Referências. 1.-researchgate. net/publication/266402749FinancialMarketsObservatoryLab. SomenoteschartsaboutthegraphicalstructuresofGoldAu 2.-researchgate. net/publication/267327026FinancialMarketsObservatoryLab. SomenoteschartsaboutsomeindicatorsofGoldMinersIndex 3.-researchgate. net/publication/260121930FinancialMarketsObservatoryLab. Somenoteschartsabouttheverylong-termAuvs. DowJones30Index 4.-researchgate. net/publication/260284924FinancialMarketsObservatoryLab. ShortupdateofGoldAuanalysis 5.-facebook / SalVi. SalvatoreVicidomini / posts / 855899071108424 Fontes de gráfico. 10070 StockCharts. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 965896589829960895539612947494749474960895538480848295539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda 8364MPR8364 10083. 10083 Imagens anexas (clique para ampliar) Inscrito em maio de 2010 Status: gt SaVi World Wide lt 1.330 Mensagens 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre algumas curvas de avaliação do f inancial G old. Objetivo do post. 9746 A avaliação do preço financeiro do ouro é o principal objetivo deste post, a fim de obter informações adicionais sobre a tendência financeira do ouro (1, 2, 3). Esta avaliação foi realizada com as seguintes curvas: A curva do Índice de Ouro Kitco (4, 6) é o preço do Ouro medido não em termos dos EUA, mas em termos da mesma cesta ponderada de moedas que determinam o Índice Americano (7) . O método CPI do amplificador T-note (5) é o spread entre o rendimento 10y US / TBond versus CPI, usado como avaliador contrariano de Au. A curva de Dabchick (4) é calculada pelo preço do Ouro no Índice de Taxa de Câmbio Efectiva do Banco de Inglaterra (ou ERI) dividido por uma constante obtida a partir dos valores anteriores de Janeiro de 1982. Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Os principais elementos gráficos são os seguintes (ver gráficos anexos). 10004 A curva de Kitco mostra uma ação de preço bearish como para o ouro em EU, mas mais conservador na fase dos pontos baixos triplos recentes. Isso é consistente com a fraqueza geral do ouro, mas exacerbada pela força dos EUA contra outras moedas. 10004 O método CPI do amplificador T-note exibe uma inversão importante recente da curva com uma ruptura crítica da última linha descendente (sinal de venda do círculo verde no ouro no outono de 2012). Além disso, a curva está dentro de uma zona de instalação múltipla, muito importante para a próxima evolução deste indicador contrariano (ver). 10004 Dabchick curva também mostra uma ação de baixa mais conservadora vs ouro em EU na fase dos últimos baixos triplos. Um nível importante é o alvo de taça cinzenta, um pouco abaixo do atual Dabchick baixo. Estes gráficos mostram que a atual fraqueza do ouro, é exacerbada pela força dos EUA contra outras moedas. Fontes de gráfico. 10070 Kitco St. LouisFED. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagens Anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre G antigo e inverso do US Index. Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há dois formatos de comparação entre o Ouro eo Índice Americano (4), para obter informações adicionais sobre a tendência financeira do ouro (1, 2, 3). O Índice US é invertido (1 / US). O primeiro gráfico está em formato linear, o segundo está em log natural. formato. Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 O Ouro exibe um comportamento antecipatório interessante em alguns pontos-chave da curva (6/9). Fontes de gráfico. 10070 St. LouisFED. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagens Anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre o G vs outras moedas, vs. Platina e Silver, e em formato CPI-ajustado. Objetivo do post. 9746 Para obter informações adicionais sobre a tendência financeira do ouro ou Au (1, 2, 3), neste post há algumas notas sobre a comparação gráfica (como proporção) entre os preços do ouro versus moedas que não o US-Index (4 , 5 veja post anterior em 6). Além disso, há também gráficos comparativos (como proporção) vs. Platina (Pt: postagens anteriores 7, 8, 9), Prata (Ag: postagem anterior 10) e Óleo (WTI Light Bruto Brent Bruto). Na parte final há também uma curva completa de ouro CPI-ajustado (veja post anterior 11). Os gráficos comparativos estão em relação simples, escala linear e longo prazo ema-formato. Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Os principais elementos gráficos são os seguintes (ver gráficos anexos). Para a comparação vs. currais existem dois níveis-chave marcados com zonas cinza escuro: -) 2008-nível superior -) a segunda baixa chave dos últimos triplos baixos (Dec.2013-Jan.2014 em ouro em EUA). Além disso, há também alguns círculos marcando o longo prazo bullish / bearish ema-nós. 10004 Au vs. mostra uma estrutura recente de mínimos triplos (TL) ascendente e não descendente como em Au / US. A relação entre duas zonas de cinza é de 1,54 X (para Au nos EUA, a proporção é de 1,35 X), o ema-knot exibe uma importante estrutura de baixa, mas com perda local de momentum (TL). 10004 Au vs. GBP mostra um TL descendente como em Au / US. A proporção de zonas de cinza é de 1,68 x ema-nó exibe importante estrutura de baixa. 10004 Au vs. (12) mostra uma TL ascendente e não descendente como em Au / US. A proporção de zonas de cinza é de 1,31 x ema-knot não exibe um amplificador definitivo concluído a longo prazo estrutura de baixa (ver S. A. Rand). 10004 Au vs. Cd mostra um TL ascendente e não descendente como em Au / US. A relação de zonas de cinza é de 1,43 x ema-nó exibe importante estrutura de baixa, mas com perda local de momentum (TL). 10004 Au vs. Au mostra um TL descendente, como em Au / US. A proporção de zonas de cinza é de 1,38 x ema-nó exibe importante estrutura de baixa. 10004 Au versus S. AfricanRand mostra uma TL ascendente e não descendente como em Au / US. A proporção de zonas de cinza é de 1,79 X ema-knot não exibe um amplificador definitivo concluído estrutura de longo prazo de baixa. 10004 Au vs. SwFranc mostra um TL ascendente e não descendente como em Au / US. A relação de zonas de cinza é de 1,16 x ema-nó exibe importante estrutura de baixa, mas com perda local de momentum (TL). 10004 Au vs. SwKrone mostra um TL ascendente e não descendente como em Au / US. A relação de zonas de cinza é de 1,43 x ema-nó exibe importante estrutura de baixa, mas com perda local de momentum (TL). A proporção de GBP e Au mostra a mesma estrutura TL dos EUA. Por esta razão, o curto prazo bearish de Au mostra uma dinâmica momentum-perda dependente do longo prazo bearish não é confirmada para e S. A.Rand. A comparação entre Au versus Pt amp Ag mostra alguns elementos bullish interessantes de relação-curvas, como segue. 10004 A evolução bearish dos pontos baixos múltiplos de Au contra o Pt (no azul) 1986-1999, foi realizada perfeitamente nos dobros dobro de 2001-2008, de acordo com o alvo obtido (veja a coluna violeta). 10004 A evolução alcista de duplos baixos de Au contra Pt (vermelho) 2001-2008, foi perfeitamente realizada durante o mega-touro de proporção em 2008/2009. A curva de razão de Au versus Pt agora está dentro do quarto superior de um retângulo lateral gigante marcado com faixas amarelas, com Ema-nó em um sinal de compra forte novo preliminar (III evento desde o início do mega-touro atual). Além disso, a curva de relação está bem acima das duas linhas de tendência descendentes. Ratio curva novamente abaixo do 50 do retângulo lado amarelo será um forte sinal de Au 8206weakness vs Pt. A curva de razão acima da banda amarela superior será um forte sinal de força Au vs. Pt (e de Au vs. economia global). O status atual de Au versus Pt é otimista, com alguns sinais preliminares de aumento de força de Ouro. 10004 Au vs Ag curva é bem acima do canal branco descendente, mas no teste de ascensão completa do canal cinza (não concluída reversão no status bullish da relação). 10004 A partir de 1994 até agora, a curva Au vs. Ag mostra um impressionante azul (retângulo horizontal) tops múltiplos (1995-1996-2003-2008-2009) versus mínimos múltiplos (1998-1999-2007), com uma importante ) Em 2011. O nível atual da relação é bem acima dos 50 deste retângulo azul gigante. 10004 Ema-nó está no status bullish a longo prazo de 2011. Um continuation-bull de Au contra Ag acima do nível 50 do retângulo azul gigante aumenta a probabilidade de uma pera bullish importante para os topos 40y, com um objetivo final da relação numérica final 106.5 (/ -2 em formato de ema), um sinal de grande força de Au contra Ag (e de Au contra economia global.). Apenas um retorno abaixo do nível 50 é um sinal de grande fragilidade. A comparação entre Au versus OIL mostra alguns elementos bullish interessantes da relação-curva, como segue. 10004 Curva está acima do nível 50 da perna bullish 2008-2009 da razão 10004 Curva está em longo prazo preliminar bullish ema-nó 10004 Curva exibe um comportamento de inversão durante o teste descendente da zona-chave 12/14 pts (na escuridão Cinza) 10004 Uma primeira linha de tendência descendente principal agora está bem abaixo da curva curva está em teste de subida total da segunda linha descendente principal da tendência. Uma continuação-touro da curva acima da zona cinzenta é um sinal importante do Au de Au contra o óleo (e de Au contra a economia global.). O IPC-Adj. Curva de Ouro exibe os seguintes elementos gráficos. 10004 Existem dois canais principais: horizontal grosseiro. O canal bearish exibe somente uma ruptura (monstre lows dos anos 1780/1790), mas a horizontal exibe duas rupturas bearish (anos 20 amp 70), com uns dobros históricos dobro. 10004 Depois das quebras duplas do canal horizontal, houve um primeiro Sky 128640 Rocket de Ouro para o topo de 1980, uma fase de MeltDown com re-teste da base do canal horizontal (baixos de 1780/1790), e um segundo Sky 128640 Rocket (Atual evolução de preços a partir de 2001). 10004 As duas fases Sky Rocket 128640 resultou na formação de um retângulo ascendente, agora em evolução, com um teste de maravilha superior no topo atual do Ouro em 2011. 10004 O canal de baixa foi quebrado em anos 1970, em direção ao topo histérico de 1980, E com o grande retracement dentro do canal bearish, mas no primeiro 1 / 3-1 / 2 de sua área (teste em baixas de 1780/1790). 10004 O comportamento bullish de CPI-adj. O ouro nas estruturas gigantes (dois canais e as duplas duplas históricas) causou a reversão da tendência urinária secular desta curva, com o início de uma nova tendência (ver canal ascendente). Por esta razão, e de acordo com o nível atual, Gold CPI-adj. Está em situação de alta estrutural. 10004 Ensaios descendentes do bordo superior do canal horizontal, são perfeitamente compatíveis com o mega-touro atual. Apenas um retorno dentro do canal de baixa, quebrará a estrutura consolidada consolidada multi-decenial atual. Igualmente importante é a estrutura histórica do GOLD-antigo CPI-Adj (13), a partir do qual se pode ver a desagregação de todos os níveis principais, ea tentativa atual de alcançar o mais alto jamais. 10004 Não é a primeira vez, na história, que o ouro tem tomado uma tendência ascendente significativa, mas em eventos passados ​​(Século 1800) o fator tempo foi predominantemente sobre o fator de preço, com uma inclinação ascendente muito ligeiramente. Referências. 1.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.4744.5760 2.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.2521.1844 3.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.4477.9529 4.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp7876930post7876930 5.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp7859306post7859306 6.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6451007post6451007 7.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6450313post6450313 8.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp4899060post4899060 9.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp5717699post5717699 10.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp4298833post4298833 11. - finanzaonline / forum / 29011478-post301.html 12.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6335438post6335438 13.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp4601278post4601278 Gráfico de fontes. 10070 StockCharts ShareLynx. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagens Anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre o desempenho de redes sociais e dispositivos de smartphone como ETF (3 anos). Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há alguns gráficos sobre os performarces de ETF baseado em smartphones (FONE 2) amp redes sociais (SOCL ver: 1, 3), em comparação com alguns principais benchmarks EU como QQQ, OEF e ITOT. Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Consulte os gráficos em anexo. Referências. 1.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp7076116post7076116 2.-ftportfolios / Varejo / etf / etfsummary. aspxTickerFONE 3.-finanzaonline / forum / 30557291-post387.html Fontes de gráfico. 10070 BigCharts StockCharts. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ampères correto setup-em-tempo real. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagens Anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Objetivo do cargo. 9746 Neste post há o gráfico de longo prazo do Euro Cruz Forex vs Dólar Canadiano (1), com algumas estruturas gráficas principais. O objetivo deste post e os seguidores em cruzamentos, é atualizar uma hipótese de trabalho anterior de Japanização monetária de (2). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Veja a tabela anexa. Fontes de gráfico. 10070 BNetDania. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagem unificada (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre Euro vs Dólar Australiano amp Dólar da Nova Zelândia (Forex: / Au / Nz). Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há os gráficos de muito longo prazo dos cruzamentos de Forex de Euro contra Dólar australiano (1) amp Dólar de Nova Zelândia (2), com algumas estruturas gráficas principais. O objetivo deste post e os seguidores em cruzamentos, é atualizar uma hipótese de trabalho anterior de monetária-Japanização de (3). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Consulte os gráficos em anexo. Referências. 1.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6145977post614597 7 2.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6142156post6142156 3.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.5192.4169 Gráfico de fontes. 10070 BNetDania. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagens Anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre o euro vs coroa dinamarquesa, coroa norueguesa, coroa sueca (Forex: 8364 / DKK 8364 / NOK 8364 / SEK). Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há os gráficos de muito longo prazo dos cruzamentos Forex de Euro contra Coroa Dinamarquesa, Coroa Norueguesa, Coroa Sueca. O objetivo deste post (e do amplificador anterior segue em 8364 cruzamentos), é atualizar uma hipótese de trabalho anterior de monetária-Japanization de 8364 (1). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Consulte os gráficos em anexo. M / 10 ou Multiple 10mo. A média é uma combinação da seguinte curva (linhas verdes): sma, ema, fwma. Vwma. AL-ma. Triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema. Fontes de gráfico. 10070 NetDania. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 965896589829960895539612947494749474960895538480848295539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda 8364MPR8364 10083. 10083 Imagens anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre Euro vs UK libra amp Franco suíço (Forex: / GBP / ChF). Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há os gráficos de muito longo prazo dos cruzamentos Forex de Euro vs. Libra Esterlina (2) e Franco Suíço, com algumas estruturas gráficas principais. O objetivo deste post (e o anterior amp segue em cruzamentos), é atualizar uma hipótese de trabalho anterior de monetária-Japanização de (1). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Consulte os gráficos em anexo. M / 10 ou Multiple 10mo. Média é uma combinação da seguinte curva (linhas verdes): sma, ema, fwma. Vwma. AL-ma. Triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema. Referências. 1.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.5192.4169 2.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6446308post6446308 3.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp6146588post6146588 Fontes de gráfico. 10070 NetDania. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagens Anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre Euro vs algumas moedas menores. Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há os gráficos de muito longo prazo dos cruzamentos Forex do Euro vs. algumas moedas menores. O objetivo deste post (e o anterior amp segue em cruzamentos), é atualizar uma hipótese de trabalho anterior de monetária-Japanização de (1). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Consulte os gráficos em anexo. Fontes de gráfico. 10070 XEcom. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagem unificada (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre o Euro vs Iene Japonês (Forex: /). Objetivo do post. 9746 Neste post há o gráfico de longo prazo do cruzamento Forex do Euro vs. Iene Japonês (2), com algumas estruturas gráficas principais. O objetivo deste post (e o anterior amp segue em cruzamentos), é atualizar uma hipótese de trabalho anterior de monetária-Japanização de (1). Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Consulte os gráficos em anexo. M / 10 ou Multiple 10mo. Média é uma combinação da seguinte curva (linhas verdes): sma, ema, fwma. Vwma. AL-ma. Triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema. Fontes de gráfico. 10070 NetDania. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Imagem unificada (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre uma hipótese de trabalho de monetária-Japanisation da moeda Euro (Forex: 8364 / US). Objetivo do post. 9746 Este post é a atualização de um estudo anterior (1 primeira edição em 2) sobre uma hipótese de trabalho (realizada em Dec.2012 sobre) de monetária-Japanisation de 8364: uma evolução de 8364 como nas duas últimas décadas ( A partir de 1990). Esta hipótese especulativa de trabalho baseia-se numa hipotética passagem da tocha, do iene japonês para o euro, como uma moeda forte no mundo. Esse fenômeno acompanharia - prevê uma transformação socioeconômica semelhante à do Japão da zona do euro a partir de 2009/2011. A cruz desta postagem é 8364 / US, em formato de velas mensais de ampères lineares. M / 10 ou Multiple 10mo. Média, é uma combinação da seguinte curva (linhas verdes): sma, ema, fwma. Vwma. AL-ma. Triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema. Além disso, há também um gráfico CoT líquido do Índice 8364 (8364 futuro), para completar os dados. Principais elementos gráficos. 9746 Se este modelo está correto, então devemos observar alguns fenômenos monetários no futuro: 10004 8364 / na curva de alta tendência está em longo prazo e avançado (confirmado) revesal-tentativa. (3). 10004 8364 / GBP em alta tendência (4). 10004 8364 / US em up-tendência (veja as notas abaixo gráfico amp anexado). 10004 GBP / US em down-tendência a longo prazo confirmada (6). 10004 EUA / em curva de alta tendência está em longo prazo amp avançado reversão-tentativa (8). 10004 Parada da tendência de urso em 8364 / SwF em 2012, o banco central suíço tem efetivamente tentou congelar a cruz. (4). 10004 8364-Índice em up-tendência (ver os gráficos em anexo, e também 5). 10004 - Index em down-tendência confirmada em 2014. 10004 US-Index em lado (para cima) - trend. As principais estruturas gráficas de 8364 / US, são as seguintes (dados de novembro próximo 2014). 10004 Principais fundos de distribuição ampères tops, estão subindo (status de alta estrutural). 10004 Copo vermelho gigante 1979-1992 (ano inferior: 1985 nível médio: 1.04 área: 0.83 pts upTarget 2.29 / - 2.5). Esta estrutura gráfica está confirmada em estado de alta. 10004 Grey cup cinza 1995-2004 (ano inferior: 2000 nível médio: 1.10 área: 0.545 pts upTarget 1.925 / - 2.5). Esta estrutura gráfica está confirmada em estado de alta. 10004 A curva de preços está bem acima dos 50 níveis de copos vermelhos amp grãos (veja a zona interessante set-up marcada com branco). 10004 quadrado alaranjado (evolução bearish-side recente) 2008-agora (ano inferior: 2010 mid-level: 1.39 / 1.40 área: 0.423 pts upTarget 2.033 amp downTarget 0.767 / - 2.5). Esta estrutura exibe uma interessante evolução lado-baixista, com tops decrescentes e em linha 4-baixos preços atuais estão no teste n.4 de sua base (break-tentativas de baixa). 10004 M / 10 é bem acima do nível de preços atual (bearish status de médio prazo). 10004 O gráfico de CoT líquido de 8364-Índice mostra uma propagação de baixa, Commercials (ou Hedgers) vs Finanças (ou Grandes Traders ou Trend Followers) sobre em linha / um pouco abaixo, para o topo anterior deste spread. Um novo alargamento da propagação Commercials-Financials, impactará fortemente de baixa no Índice 8364. Mas uma continuação-perda de impulso no topo desta propagação, com um fechamento da propagação em direção a zero-line, terá impacto bullish em 8364-Index, com uma tentativa de re-start da principal tendência ascendente. 9746 De acordo com as estruturas gráficas principais acima, existem os seguintes clusters de preços. 9650 2.29 - upTarget do copo vermelho. 9650 1.925-2.033 - upTargets de copos cinza amp laranja. 9650 1.615 - topo do quadrado laranja. 9650 1.370-1.455 - topo da copa vermelha topo da copa cinza 50 de quadrado laranja (violeta). 10148 novembro de 2014 close-price. 9660 1.205 / 1.185 - base de laranja-quadrado. 9660 1.10-1.00 - 50 níveis de copos cinzentos vermelhos e cinzentos e nível da linha ascendente principal (amarelo) que liga 1985 a 2000 fundos (branco). 9660 0.820-0.767 - base do copo cinzento downTarget do quadrado alaranjado. 9660 0,620 - base do copo vermelho. 9746 Notas. A estrutura global de 8364 / US é otimista em quadro de muito longo prazo, de acordo com os preços bem acima do branco, e de acordo com o comportamento do preço de tops principal fundo amp (ascendente). Além disso a ação descendente dos preços dentro do quadrado laranja, exibe um comportamento não-impulsivo (corretivo). Todos os dados mostrados estão em acordo preliminar (estrutura de 8364 / US e outros cruzamentos de forex) com a hipótese de trabalho de 8364-Japanisation. Uma primeira e importante parada para a atual ação de alta de longo prazo, haverá com preços bem abaixo do quadrado laranja, com rápido alvo dentro do branco set-up. Apenas bem abaixo do branco haverá a invalidação completa da inflação monetária de 8364. Um re-início estrutural da principal tendência de alta de 8364 / US, haverá apenas com os preços acima do violeta. A evolução do spread Commercials-Financials, necessariamente deve ser seguido nesta fase-chave de 8364. Os mercados financeiros precisam de uma nova moeda para fazer carry trade, como feito nos últimos anos com a moeda japonesa. 1.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.5192.4169 2.-finanzaonline / forum / 35416491-post312.html 3.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp7926366post7926366 4.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp7926061post7926061 5.-forexfactory / showthread. phpp7926212post7926212 6.-research. stlouisfed. org/fred2/series/DEXUSUK 7.-research. stlouisfed. org/fred2/series/DEXJPUS Fontes de gráficos. 10070 FinViz NetDania TimingCharts. Desculpe pelo meu mau inglês. Espero que este post seja pelo menos minimamente útil. Ajustado na tendência principal, mas segue sinais do short-médio prazo dos preços subjacentes, para um ajuste correto do amp real-time. É muito importante não antecipar a principal tendência dos instrumentos financeiros subjacentes. 9787/9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070/9612 / I. M.O. Por SaVi 965896589829960895539612947494749474960895538480848295539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda 8364MPR8364 10083. 10083 Imagens anexas (clique para ampliar) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notas e gráficos sobre os níveis-chave do petróleo WTI, em gráficos de muito longo prazo. Aim of the post. 9746 This post is a short up-date of the very long term graphical situation of WTI OIL (1, 2, 3). The format of charts used is linear, base10 semiLog. and base e or natural semiLog. (calculator: 4). This chart sequence is not an analysis, but a preliminar map of some key levels of prices on time-frame multi-decadal. M/ 10 or Multiple 10mo. average, is a combination of the following curve (yellow lines): sma, ema, fwma. vwma. AL-ma. triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema . Main graphical elements. 9746 According to chart attached, the main price-levels of WTI OIL, are as follows. 10004 CHART/01 82.28-83.09: low of Sep.2011 amp low of June.2012. 78.00 /-2: 50.0FIB 1985/2008. 74.67: top July.2006. 61.95 /-2: 38.2FIB 1985/2008. 65.80 amp 58.80: dinamic levels of the two descending red-lines at the start of 2015. 58.80 . dinamic levels of the ascending blue-line at the start of 2015. 41.80 /-2: 23.6FIB 1985/2008. 10004 CHART/02 74.95: low of 2011 yearly inside candle. 73.30: 50 loss from top of 2008. 60.00 /-2: giant Price X Volume column. 48.90 . down target of 2011 yearly inside. 35.07 . numerical down target of 2011 yearly inside. 35.35-32.70 . lows of 2008/2009. 10004 CHART/03 70.00: low of 2010. 65.00: dinamic level of the red descending line. 55.00-52.00 . top of 2004 amp low of 2007. 40.00-38.00 . top of 1990 amp low of 2008/2009. 10004 CHART/04 54.00-52.00 . dinamic level of the red descending line (see also lows of 2006). 35.35-32.70 . lows of 2008/2009. 10004 CHART/05 Same levels of the previous chart, adding the followings: 60.40 . dinamic level of the yellow ascending line at the start of 2015. 39.00-38.00 . dinamic level of the blue ascending line at the start of 2015 (see blue amp mid ascending line of the Chart/06). 10004 CHART / 06A amp 06B These are the big pictures of OIL prices from 1940 about. 9746 The downside price-clusters were obtained now we follow the curve behaviour. References. 1.- dx. doi. org/10.13140/2.1.2917.2808 2.-forexfactory/showthread. phpp5398282post5398282 3.-forexfactory/showthread. phpp5401987post5401987 4.-rapidtables/calc/math/LnCalc. htm Chart sources. 10070 EconoMagic FreeStockCharts MRCI. Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 965896589829960895539612947494749474960895538480848295539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda 8364MPR8364 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the situation of Russian stock market . Aim of the post. 9746 This post shows a short view of Russian stock market with some long-term charts. The ETF benchmarks are as follows: EZU - ishares/us/products/239644/ishares-msci-emu-etf FEU - spdrs/product/fund. seamtickerFEU FEZ - spdrs/product/fund. seamtickerFEZ ERUS - ishares/us/products/239677/ishares-msci-russia-capped-etf RSX - vaneck/funds/RSX. aspx Main graphical elements. 9746 See attached charts. Chart sources. 10070 FreeStockCharts StockCharts. Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the ForEx BlackSwan of Swiss Franc (CHF), powered by Swiss National Bank in January 15, 2015 . Aim of the post. 9746 Thi s post shows a short review of charts (frame: 15min.) of the ForEx crash, during the BlackSwan of Swiss Franc. This this event was caused by the breakage of the forced value of Euro/CHF at 1:20000. Main graphical elements. 9746 See attached charts. Chart sources. 10070 FreeStockCharts. Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge) Joined May 2010 Status: gt SaVi World Wide lt 1,330 Posts 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the ForEx BlackSwan of Swiss Franc (CHF), powered by Swiss National Bank in January 15, 2015 . based on a qualitative analysis of CoT curves. Aim of the post. 9746 The Swiss National Banks decision of Jan.15 2015 (4) to abandon the block of Euro/CHF value (minimum level: 1.20000), has caused one of the largest daily amp weekly movements in ForEx history. The main market mouvers was already informed amp prepared of the arrival of this big event This monstre news has been used in advance by the main market players, or this news was a global BlackSwan (3) In order to obtain data for these questions, in this post there is a qualitative study of the curves of the report The Commitments of Traders (CoT) by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (1, 2) of the Swiss Franc future. In this report (each Tuesday) are reported open interest, separately by Reportable and Non Reportable positions. For Reportable positions, additional data is provided for Commercial and Non Commercial holdings or Large. Non Reportable are also called Small Traders/Players. These players invest directly on the future, with small size of contracts (Non Reportable). Commercial Traders/Players are also called Hedgers, and use the futures market primarily to hedge their business activities on the underlying (in this case the CHF). The Large Traders/Players (Trenders or Financials) invest directly on the future, according to its main trend, but with important size of contracts (Reportables). Main graphical elements. 9746 The main graphical elements of CoT curves are as follows. 10004 The current spread of net CoT positions of Commercial vs. Large is important, compared to the previous dark-gray area moreover shows a typical bearish array, with Commercial in positive area and Large in negative area. 10004 The Small or Non Reportable player shows an important (historically) short net positioning on CHF future. 10004 Open Interest of CHF future is in normal zone (see 2006-2007). 10004 The curves All positions of Commercial and of Large, divided by Long amp Short, according to total net CoT positions. 9746 Notes. 10004 Total Reportable players are in a wrong position, according to their net curves vs. the mostre Sky6553365533Rocket of CHF. 10004 Non Reportable players are in a very wrong position, according to historical behaviour of its net CoT curve. 10004 All players were in wrong position, although this was the largest daily (and weekly) movement in the history of ForEx. 10004 According both to the CoT curves and the following decisions of some Central Banks in monetary policy, the decision of SNB is much more similar to a measure due to a panic-like situation. 10004 For this reason (panic-like decision, unplanned), the decision has displaced all the major players in the market. 10004 The panic in the SNB was caused by unsustainable to maintain Euro/CHF blocked to the level of 1.20000, especially in case of approval of QE by the ECB in the upcoming meeting in late January. 10004 This suggests(. ) that in the current globalized ecosystem of the capital markets, it is almost impossible the persistence of central banks of limited size, such as Switzerland within Europe, and several other EurAsian countries out of EuroZone (and out of RubleZone amp YuanRenminbiZone). References. 1.-cftc. gov/MARKETREPORTS/COMMITMENTSOFTRADERS/INDEX. HTM 2.-en. wikipedia. org/wiki/CommitmentsofTraders 3.-investopedia/terms/b/blackswan. asp 4.-forexfactory/showthread. phpp8008596post8008596 Previous Posts/Charts. Au, Cd, GBP, 8364 - forexfactory/showthread. phpp6149656post6149656 - forexfactory/showthread. phpp4813638post4813638 - finanzaonline/forum/28742255-post286.html - finanzaonline/forum/28743823-post287.html - finanzaonline/forum/25660689-post459.html US, - forexfactory/showthread. phpp4814175post4814175 - forexfactory/showpost. phpp4534039amppostcount111 NZ, ZAR - forexfactory/showthread. phpp4819018post4819018 CHF-Index - forexfactory/showthread. phpp4821375post4821375 - finanzaonline/forum/25660689-post459.html - finanzaonline/forum/24453109-post340.html - finanzaonline/forum/24452597-post3152.html Chart sources. 10070 MRCI TimingCharts. Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 965896589829960895539612947494749474960895538480848295539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda 8364MPR8364 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the short-term situation of IOO ETF (SP100 Global) . Aim of the post. 9746 In this post there are some notes about the short-term chart of IOO ETF. Main graphical elements. 9746 The main graphical elements are on the attached charts. M/ 10 or Multiple 10mo. average, is a combination of the following curve (yellow-orange lines): sma, ema, fwma. vwma. AL-ma. triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema . Chart sources. 10070 TradingView. Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Attached Image (click to enlarge) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the qualitative effects of US and Japanese Quantitative Easings on Dollar, Euro, Yen and Gold . 9746 Aim of the post. The main aim of this post is related to the effect on US Dollar by the financial ecosystem of Quantitative Easings (see also: 3, 4) powered by US FED from the 2008 with the start of Paulson Financial Rescue Plan, until now. In order to obtain a more complete set of data about the US QE effects, also Japanese Yen, Euro (see also post 5), Swiss Franc (only for a chart comparation), and Gold (2), have been used for this qualitative study. Moreover, also the Japanese QE has been considered. 9746 The main graphical elements of curves are as follows. 10004 The US Dollar Index shows a neutral trend during US QE Phase I (cup-like structure or V-shape in 2008/2009), but an incredible up-trend during the US QE Phase II amp Japan QE, with an attempt of Sky 6553365533 Rocket at the start of EU QE (1). Some graphical signs were in according to the bullish view (similarity between swings 1985/1992 vs. 2001/2008: 6) 10004 Euro future shows a global side-bearish evolution from the start of US QE phase I, with a confirmation during phase II. There is an acceleration of descending evolution of Euro from the start of Japan QE, with a monstre Sell 661822674618226660 Off during the start of EU QE. 10004 The Japanese Yen future shows an important devaluation at the start of Japan QE, with a strong increase at the start of US QE Phase II. 10004 The start of US QE phase I (and the following start of Japan QE) have impacted like a Sky 6553365533 Rocket on the Gold curve, from the bottom of 2008 to the top of 2011 about. The next evolution of Gold is similar to Euro future, with a continuous bearish behaviour (US QE phase II Japan QE), until to thr start of EU QE, with an important up monthly bar. 10004 The US amp Japan QE have devaluated a lot of currencies amp commodities except the US. But this result was unexpected Unexpected by economists and/or unexpected even by the Fed 9746 Notes. This new financial ecosystem of currecies, was caused by FED If yes, why - ) A US financial protection vs. next commodities amp inflation boom. -) A US system, to economically destabilize some critical areas in the world. The fact however, is that the US QE (and Japan QE), have strengthened the US and weakened other major currencies. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 MRCI. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 965896589829960895539612947494749474960895538480848295539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda 8364MPR8364 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the Renaissance Capitals 2014 IPO Review: Global amp US markets. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there are the reports of Renaissance Capital 1 about the IPO markets of 2015 (see previous posts 4). Main graphical elements. 9745 GLOBAL report 2. Supported by stable equity returns, global IPO issuance reached the highest levels since 2010. Annual IPO proceeds increased 48.7 to 204.8 billion. North America was the largest contributor to IPO issuance with the United States accounting for 39 of global proceeds. Europe, the Middle East and Africa also experienced jumps in IPO proceeds after facing struggles in recent years due to sovereign debt concerns and economic instability, while IPO issuance in Latin America stagnated as Brazil entered an economic recession and political unrest dampened investor sentiment. Once again, financial companies raised more IPO proceeds than any other sector while the technology sector raised its highest level of annual proceeds ever, thanks to the mega IPO of Chinas largest e-commerce firm Alibaba Group Holdings (BABA). Global IPO returns were also impressive in 2014 the average IPO generated a 15.0 return from their offer price. With issuance accelerating and returns strengthening, we expect to see global IPO markets continue to gain momentum and grow in 2015. 9745 US report 3. Over the last year, the US IPO market set a 14-year record against a mostly low-volatility backdrop. With 273 IPOs, 2014 was the most active period of issuance since 406 companies went public in 2000. It was the second year of uninterrupted IPO activity, up 23 over 2013, due to a doubling of biotech issuance. Proceeds of 85 billion, inflated by Alibabas 22 billion offering, were up 55 over 2013. While various global events, such as Russias incursion into the Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East, caused nervousness in global markets, they largely failed to disrupt the US IPO applecart. Average IPO performance of 16 for the year was close to the ten-year mean, but well below the 41 average return in 2013. Despite a handful of mostly small-capitalization IPOs that rose over 100, investors hewed to strict valuation discipline, with 40 of IPOs pricing below the range. All this sets us up for a solid 2015 IPO market, as a healthy pipeline and still-positive US economic backdrop should support another year with more than 200 IPOs. 9746 References. 1.-renaissancecapital/ 2.-renaissancecapital/news/renaissance-capitals-2014-global-ipo-annual-review-22553.html 3.-renaissancecapital/news/renaissance-capitals-2014-us-ipo-annual-review-22514.html 4.-forexfactory/showthread. phpp7595857post7595857 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RenaissanceCapital. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge) 9658 Financial Markets Observatory Lab. 9664 Notes and charts about the Gold Au reserves of the main countries (2000-2014). 9746 Aim of the post. According to the post of FuturesMag (1), in this post there are the charts of the Gold (Au) reserves of the main countries, 2000-2014. 9746 Main graphical elements. See attached charts. 9746 References. 1.-futuresmag/2015/03/02/top-20-largest-gold-reserves-country-through-2014 9746 Chart sources. 10070 TradingEconomics. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KSaddhaPhPKamp: BundaBunda MPR 10083. 10083 Attached Images (click to enlarge)Financial Markets Observatory Lab By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: analysis of trending curves of polls Clinton vs. Trump after two face to face in TV. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is an up-date of the analysis of trending curves of polls Clinton vs. Trump after the second face to face in TV, according to the graphical methods used in the first curve analysis ( 1 ). 9746 Graphical Elements. According to previous (n. 165 n. 173 n. 174 n. 177 ) posts, the structure of aggregated polls, until to september first face to face, shows a continuous decreasing spread Clinton-Trump, with Trump consensus in continuation increase (see also curve analysis: 1 ). The sample of polls of September 1-15, showed a local important increase in Trump consensus in 14 amp 15 Sept. polls. The decreasing spread Clinton vs. Trump observed until August ( 1 ) shows an important stop during the phase between two face to face. Clinton consensus trend, shows a new local top in Autumn, well above Summer top, but below the key top of April 2016. The consensus curve of Clinton now is above the main descending trend-line, and it is a very important first sign-signal (yellow circle) for a reversal structure of Clinton consensus trend. The blue-area is the consensus-level zone (set-up), that Clinton curve do not breaks in order to win this competition. Yellow circle on Clinton chart is linked to two descending tops of Trump curve Summer gt Autumn, with a local SellOff of curve in the phase of two face to face. The main ascending trend of Trump curve is intact, bat now there is a key test of the local ascending trend-line from June 2016. The pink area is the critical elements for Trump curve evolution: consensus curve well above this area is very favorable for Trump win probability consensus curve well below this pink area, is a dangerous and definitive(. ) bad signal for Trump consensus consensus curve below the violet zone, will pull the consensus until bottom area or below. The spread curve Clinton vs. Trump evolution shows a decreasing pattern until to Summer (III week of September), according to previous analysis ( 1 ). The start of Autumn shows the ascending cross of the main trend-line and a local chart-structure with a possible bullish-action (favorable to Clinton). In blue there is the critical zone linked to blue zone of Clinton consensus chart. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RealClearPolitics. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Space budgets of some OECD countries: 2015 vs. 2010 . 9746 Aim of the post. According to OECD papers. this is the histogram-map (FB source), of some OECD countries in GDP percentage in Space RampD. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 OECD. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Space RampD scientific papers production of some OECD countries: 2045 vs. 2000 . 9746 Aim of the post. According to OECD papers. this is the histogram-map (FB source), of some OECD countries in Space RampD scientific paper production (see also GDP budget ). 9746 Chart sources. 10070 OECD. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Local graphical contest opportunity in WTI (OIL) Index: a view on seasonal behaviours (20 years). 9746 Aim of the post. In a previous post (n. 155 ) there is a first characterization (both in long term view and in mid term) of a local graphical contest in OIL WTI Index: bullish (Head amp Shoulders) vs. bearish (Double Tops: Oct.2015-Jun.2016). In the second post (n. 157 ) there is a complete characterization of this graphical contest Sx-shoulder, 7 weeks, 37.75-50.92 Head, 36 weeks, 50.92-26.05-51.45, 24.87 area n umerical up-target 75.79, or percentage down target 13.33 as loss of 48.8 from head-low -- see also n. 180 . In the present study there is a short up-date of the seasonal behaviour of WTI, BRENT (20 years) and OVX (CBOE volatility of USO ETF 9 years). These posts (previous amp next) aims to publish some up-dates about the structure in progress and its probability of bullish vs. bearish activation. 9746 Graphical Elements. According to attached charts (see also WTI personal studies in 1 ) there are the following elements. -) WTI shows very negative seasonal performances in October and November (good for bullish action). -) Brent shows very negative seasonal performances in September and November-December (neutral). -) Main exporters shows an important increase 2014 vs. 2016 (bad for bullish action). -) October WTI monthly price shows an horrible() candle, with an important touch on 24 monthly exp. average (first time from July.2014 good for a key reversal of main trend). -) OIL USO ETF volatility shows a seasonal behaviour with a safe() zone in autumn-winter for WTI price (good for bullish action). Is this phase a consolidation zone pre-bullish action obove the neck-level, or is this a re-start of the main bearish trend. A key-price levels is the 50 of head and the base of sx-shoulder (WTI, 37.8-38.5 about ). 9746 Chart sources. 10070 StockCharts FreeStockCharts. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: analysis of trending curves of polls Clinton vs. Trump of last 6 months, after the new Clinton scandal. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is an up-date of the analysis of trending curves of polls Clinton vs. Trump after the recent new scandal of Clinton, according to the graphical methods used in the first curve analysis ( 1 ) see also previous posts: n. 165 n. 173 n. 174 n. 177 n. 181 ). 9746 Graphical Elements. After the new scandal of Clinton e-mails, Trump shows an important skyrocket of consensus curve, with only -2 of spread. Trump curve shows also a preliminar breaks of the link between the previous two tops of the 6 months curve t his is a possible start for an attractor of consensus inside the undecided. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RealClearPolitics. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: analysis of poll sources from September to now . 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is an analysis of the sources of polls from 01 September, in order to shows the origin of Trump wins. See also the first analysis of aggregated polls ( 1 ), and the review of my posts. 9746 Graphical Elements. From 01 September to now, RealClearPolitics (see slide ) shows 86 polls from 25 sources. Trump wins are 11 (12.8) with 3 only sources (12.0). It is very interesting to observe that poll souces of Trump wins is 9/11 from LA Times /USC Tracking . and only 1/11 both for FoxNews and CNN/ORC. Are these polls (Trump wins) credible. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RealClearPolitics. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: current situation based on 3 poll trackers . 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is an about complete up-date of Clinton vs. Trump according 3 poll-trackers. See also the first analysis of aggregated polls ( 1 ), and the review of my posts. 9746 Graphical Elements. According to RealClearPolitics, the spread Clinton-Trump shows a continuation decrease in this fort week of November, but again positive for Clinton (1.6). The trend of consensus curve from June of two candidated shows about the same values of the previous post (Nov.01: n. 185 ). The puzzle map of States shows a little advantage for Trump (confirmed by FiveThirtyEight). According to FiveThirtyEight, the spread Clinton-Trump is about 2 X of RealClearPolitics, or 3.0, but CNN reported a spread of 4. Data from States map vs. electroral amp popular votes are not aligned. Now Clinton is the probable winner, as we can see from the two types of votes (spread: 1.6-4.0) u ndecided are about 10 again. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 CNN FiveThirtyEight RealClearPolitics. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: financial underlyings and European preferences . 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there are some slides from Statista on the financial underlyings the two main candidates, and the European preferences. Data are very interesting in order to know the underlyings of the evolution of this Presidential election. See also the first analysis of aggregated polls ( 1 ), and the review of my posts. 9746 Graphical Elements. See attached slides. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 Statista . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: Silicon Valley preferences . 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is a slides from Statista on the preferences of Silicon Valley. Data are very interesting in order to know the underlyings of the evolution of this Presidential election. See also the first analysis of aggregated polls ( 1 ), and the review of my posts. 9746 Graphical Elements. See attached slides. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 Statista . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: pre-election update of spread Clinton vs. Trump. 9746 Aim of the post. there is an about complete up-date of Clinton vs. Trump spread in these two days pre-elections. See also the first analysis of aggregated polls ( 1 ), and the review of my posts. 9746 Graphical Elements. In these last hours pre-elections, the spread Clinton vs. Trump shows a little increase. According to these sources, it is very probable Clinton win, but there are an about 7-10 of undecided. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 Statista . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: a final view on consensus trend curve and spread Clinton vs. Trump. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is a final up-date of Clinton vs. Trump consensus curves and spread, according to graphical methods of first analysis of aggregated polls ( 1 ). See also the review of my previos posts (Academia LINK ). 9746 Graphical Elements. In these last hours pre-elections, the spread Clinton vs. Trump shows a new but important increase, toward 3 and more. Clinton stopped its decrease of consensus curve. Trump, after the sky rocket of e-mail gate, do not increase its position, but there is a local sell off of curve, with values well below the previous tops from July 2016. Trump consensus curve do not confirm the winning behaviour above its (dotted) line linking tops from July (see also the spread in November). Clinton stopped its decrease, with spread at 3-4. Also in November, the only source data polls positive for Trump is LA Times /USC Tracking . According to these data, it is very probable Clinton win, but there are an about 7 of undecided. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RealClearPolitics . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: a final view of poll trackers. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is an interesting slide from Statista. See also the review of my previous posts (Academia LINK ). 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RealClearPolitics - Statista . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: who lost these elections 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is the about complete data of these US presidential Election from RealClearPolitics. See also the review of my previous posts (Academia LINK ). 9746 Graphical Elements. See the attached slide96589658 9746 Chart sources. 10070 RealClearPolitics . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 US Presidentials: qualitative comparation between US Uncertainty Policy Indexes vs. US election of Nov.2016. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is a qualitative comparation between the Uncertainty Policy Index of US (two index-formats) vs. US presidential Election in 2016, according to BrExit post . See also the review of my previous posts on these US elections (Academia LINK ). 9746 Graphical Elements. Local 2015 (IV quarter) amp 2016 levels of the two formats of Uncertainty Policy US Index, shows that Trump win was not a remote probability, according to uncertainty of 2016 vs. previous chart benchmarks (see circled zone and key descending lines) from 2008. In fact Trump was considered leading to instability and political uncertainty. The long term curves shows that Trump win has about the same impact of Obama (double) win on US political stability. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 St. LouisFED . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Local graphical contest opportunity in WTI (OIL) Index: a view on US Oil Rig Counts. 9746 Aim of the post. In a previous post (n. 155 ) there is a first characterization (both in long term view and in mid term) of a local graphical contest in OIL WTI Index: bullish (Head amp Shoulders) vs. bearish (Double Tops: Oct.2015-Jun.2016). In the second post (n. 157 ) there is a complete characterization of this graphical contest Sx-shoulder, 7 weeks, 37.75-50.92 Head, 36 weeks, 50.92-26.05-51.45, 24.87 area n umerical up-target 75.79, or percentage down target 13.33 as loss of 48.8 from head-low -- see also the review . In the present study there is a short view on the US OIL Rig Count from data base of BakerHughes, compared to WTI OIL curve. These posts (previous amp next) aims to publish some up-dates about the structure in progress and its probability of bullish vs. bearish activation. 9746 Graphical Elements. According to attached charts (see also WTI personal studies in 01 . and review of the local graphical contest in 02 ) there are the following elements : -) US Rig Counts shows in 2016, the first important local reversal from the key SellOff of 2014, with a stop of decrease above the base of the previous top 2000-2008. -) WTI price curve shows an interesting inside monthly bar (August 2016). -) October WTI monthly price shows an horrible() candle, with an important touch on 24 monthly exp. average (first time from July.2014 good for a key reversal of main trend). -) November lows are according both to mid-level of the August inside and on M /10 levels Multiple 10mo. average, is a combination of the following curve (yellow-orange lines): sma, ema, fwma. vwma. AL-ma. triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema . See also the seasonality of OIL. A key-price levels is the 50 of head and the base of sx-shoulder (WTI, 37.8-38.5 about ). 9746 BIBLIOGRAPHY 0 1 SalVi Salvatore Vicidomini - Financial Markets Observatory Lab. WTI - Light Crude OIL personal studies. - linkedin/pulse/wti-light-crude-oil-personal-studies-salvi-salvatore-vicidomini 02 SalVi Salvatore Vicidomini - Financial Markets Observatory Lab. WTI - Local graphical contest opportunity in WTI (OIL) Index post review. - goo. gl/7odPE8 9746 Chart sources. 10070 BakerHughes FreeStockCharts. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Italian Referendum of December 04 2016: a short view of Uncertainty Policy Index and BTP-BUND spread. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is a qualitative comparation between the Uncertainty Policy Index of Italy and Europe, and BTP-BUND spread, in order to obtain info on the next key electoral event in Europe, according to BrExit post and US post . 9746 Graphical Elements. Uncertainty Policy Index for Italy is very strange vs. Europe curve, because of the instability elements (data close: 31/Oct./2016) are more important in the second and not in Italy. Italy shows key tops about in-line Europe key tops are ascending and also in SkyRocket in 2016. October values are in average for Italy, but Europe is about at top-ever area. According to close of October, Italy do not shows elements of uncertainty-instability is this a sign of YES . Spread BTP-BUND . shows an interesting recovery structure (gray area), with a start of a bullish action (values above top.2009, and about in-line with tops of 2010). Spread above the blue ascending line is a key element for the next target zone (gray-column amp lows of 2012 at about 276 bp.). But the spread is indicative of Italian political stability. The BTP-BUND spread includes 3 elements in this phase of European evolution: financial stress inside Italian bank assets, above and beyond the Eu/QE the stability of EuroArea post 2017 (key electoral events in Europe) the post-referendum evolution of Italian political system. For these reasons, the spread is 1/3 indicative of the referendum vote. Only with spread at target zone (or about) there is an indication of NO . The next up-date is at 03-04 December, with new close-data for the first indicator. 9746 Chart sources. 10070 St. LouisFED . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Italian Referendum of December 04 2016: data from Economic Policy Uncertainty Index and BTP-BUND spread. 9746 Aim of the post. In this post there is a qualitative comparation between the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index of Italy and Europe (triple frames), and BTP-BUND spread (weekly complete chart), in order to obtain info on the next key electoral event in Europe, according to BrExit post and US post . 9746 Graphical Elements. 9658 Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for Italy is very strange vs. Europe curve at November 30 close, because of the instability elements are more important in the second and not in Italy. Italy shows key tops about in-line Europe key tops are ascending and also in SkyRocket in 2016. Autumn values are in average for Italy, but Europe is about at top-ever area. France amp UK shows curves about in line with Europe (sky rocket amp top-ever area) Germany shows values well above the historical average. According to close of November, Italy do not shows elements of economic policy uncertainty-instability, but Europe, UK, France, and Germany (in part) shows impressive increase of these curves in 2016. The spread between these curves ITA vs. other key countries and Europe, shows monstre decreases in 2015-2016. Is this a sign of YES . Is this a sign of (incredible) stability (in economic-policy) of Italy vs. key countries of Europe. A double key of these data are: a.) Government Budget deficit curves b.) next European elections (France amp Germany). 9658 Spread BTP-BUND . shows an interesting local reversal structure (gray area), with a start of a bullish action (values above top.2009, and about in-line with tops of 2010). Spread above the blue ascending line is a key element for the next target zone (gray-column amp lows of 2012 at about 276 bp.). But the spread is indicative of Italian political stability and informative about the next referendum. The BTP-BUND spread includes 3 elements, in this phase of European evolution: financial stress inside Italian bank assets, above and beyond the Eu/QE the stability of EuroArea post 2017 (key electoral events in Europe) the post-referendum evolution of Italian political (and economic) system. For these reasons, the spread is 1/3 indicative of the referendum vote. Only with spread at target zone (or about) there is an indication of NO . Current weekly situation shows a wonder intercept of the spread on blue ascending line, with a violent mini SellOff and an important local reversal of Italian stocks. Current curve behaviour of spread (close of Dec.01) shows (qualitatively) about 2/3 of YES and 1/3 of NO . 9746 Chart sources. 10070 St. LouisFED . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Referendum Italiano 04 Dicembre 2016: dati da sondaggi e intenzioni di voto aggregate. 9746 Scopo post. In questo post si tenta di ottenere dati oggettivi sullesito del referendum costituzionale italiano del 04 dicembre 2016, analogamente a quanto effettuato nei posts sulla BrExit e sulle Presidenziali US . Nel post precedente sono state usate due curve di natura finanziaria, dalle quali si desume la plausibile vittoria di SI alla data del 30 novembre. I dati del presente post sono stati ottenuti da Wikipedia grazie alle elaborazioni in grafici messe a disposizione da Supernino (fonti originali immagini: 01 02 03 ). 9746 Dati. 9658 Nellintero 2016, il consenso varia secondo il seguente trend: SI -16.3 NO 16.2 In decisi -1.3. 9658Fase pre-BrExit: SI -13.2 NO 13.1 In 8.6. 9658Fase post BrExit: SI -3.1 NO 3.1 In -9.9. 9658Totale Intervistati SI 46.2 votanti SI oppure NO 53.8 Indecisi o Astenuti. 9746 Considerazioni Prima della fase BrExit il SI era in netta prevalenza sul NO nella fase BrExit e post BrExit invece risulta una chiara inversione di intenzioni al voto. Gli indecisi nella fase pre-BrExit non hanno comportato una riduzione dello spread SI-NO e quindi nemmeno il passaggio di segno (SI lt NO), in quanto essi esibiscono un notevole incremento in tale fase (8.6). Gli indecisi nella fase post-BrExit non spiegano totalmente il permanere dello spread negativo SI-NO, in quanto essi mostrano un decremento (9.9) mentre lo spread si attesta a -3 / -6.2. Levoluzione complessiva degli indecisi risulta quasi nulla se si considerano i punti di inizio e termine rilievi. Astenuti e Indecisi rappresentano una parte talmente cospicua che allo stato attuale non risulta possibile attribuire valore oggettivo e veritiero ai sondaggi aggregati. Gli indecisi mostrano una notevole ambiguit nello spostamento del consenso, sia nella fase pre - che post - BrExit pertanto risulta probabile che la maggior parte della evoluzione dello spread SI vs. NO sia attribuibile al semplice travaso di intenzione di voti da un settore (SI) verso laltro (NO). 9746 Bibliografia Salvatore SalVi Vicidomini, 2016 - Italian Referendum of December 04 2016: data from Economic Policy Uncertainty Index and BTP-BUND spread. - researchgate. net/publication/311309977 Salvatore SalVi Vicidomini, 2016 - Presidenziali USA: ITA.- Analisi delle curve di tendenze dei sondaggi Clinton vs. Trump e degli indicatori di Incertezza Politica. 9658ENG.- US Presidentials analysis of trending curves of polls Clinton vs. Trump and of Uncertainty Policy Indicators. - researchgate. net/publication/305641039 Salvatore SalVi Vicidomini, 2016 - BrExit vs. BRemain. Some notes about Trending Curves of Polls (Undecided vs. Leave/Remain), and Net Cot Chart of GBP. - researchgate. net/publication/304355704 9746 Chart sources. 10070 Supernino in Wikipedia . 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Image (click to enlarge) By ORCID: 0000-0001-5086-7401 Local graphical contest opportunity in WTI (OIL) Index: a review of the previous posts and the current chart situation. 9746 Aim of the post. In a previous post (n. 155 ) there is a first characterization (both in long term view and in mid term) of a local graphical contest in OIL WTI Index: bullish (Head amp Shoulders) vs. bearish (Double Tops: Oct.2015-Jun.2016). In the second post (n. 157 ) there is a complete characterization of this graphical contest Sx-shoulder, 7 weeks, 37.75-50.92 Head, 36 weeks, 50.92-26.05-51.45, 24.87 area n umerical up-target 75.79, or percentage down target 13.33 as loss of 48.8 from head-low key-price levels 50 of head amp base of sx-shoulder: 37.8-38.5 about -- see review . In the present study there is a shot up-date of the long-term frames of WTI and its current status of graphical contest. These posts (previous amp next) aims to publish some up-dates about the structure in progress and its probability of bullish vs. bearish activation. M /10 levels Multiple 10mo. average, is a combination of the following curve (yellow-orange lines): sma, ema, fwma. vwma. AL-ma. triangular-ma, Wilders-ma, Envelope-ema . 9746 Previous Graphical Elements. According to post n. 157 . the graphical contest shows the following elements (see also WTI personal studies in 1 ). -) Sx-shoulder (7 weeks 37.75-50.92) -) Head (36 weeks 50.92-26.05-51.45: 24.87 area) -) Dx-shoulder (or handle) in progress(). -) Numerical up-target is 75.79. Percentage down target is 13.33 (loss of 48.8 from head-low). -) Double tops not perfect (second a little above the first) this element is a favorable to the bullish scenario. -) Current price level in the superior half of graphical contest (about at mid-point or 75 level od the area), and in descending-array toward the mid-level (or switch-level bullish vs. bearish probability see the white directional triangles) this element is favorable to bullish view. -) MACD structures (post n. 155 ) shows some signs of bullish view: current positive values ascending tops divergences on key long term lows (2009-2016). -) Complete ema-ribbon (post n. 158 ) in monthly and weekly frames shows signs favorable to a local bullish (recovery) action of WTI. -) According to post n. 159 . OVX and OIV (CBOE volatility indicators on WTI) shows interesting Head amp Shoulders in preliminar bearish activation, associated with a monstre MACD divergence on key tops 2015-2016 these elements are favorable to a bullish action (and/or) reaction of WTI. Moreover OVX shows a giant divergence on key lows 2009 vs. 2016: descending lows vs. descending OVX tops (sign of structural reversal in bullish status, of WTI. ). -) The seasonal behaviour of WTI (post n. 160 ), shows July and August as positive months (open lt close) and this is statistically favorable to a re-start of bullish action of WTI during current summer II half. Autumn months shows a very bad stats. -) According to post n. 162 . there is a perfect time-balance between two shoulders (7 weeks). Moreover, the slope of bearish mouvement of WTI in July, the volume patterns Feb. May-2016 vs. June-July, and the current values of used oscillators, are compatible with a correction array (not impulsive action or structure). Prices X Volume columns is compatible with a Dx-shoulder building in action: 40. -) According to the post n. 163 . the neck-line level is compatible only with the 50 of break even area (or neutrality) of US Shale aggregate and Middle East Off Shore producers, and totally profitable for OPEC On Shore (see Saudi Arabia). Current level and mid-point of Graphical Contest (38.49 as in post n. 157 ) are compatible only with 3/4 (or 75) of OPEC On Shore break even area. Up target of Graphical Contest is totally profitable for OPEC On Shore, US Shale, ME Off Shore, but only for 50 about of other aggregates (see Venezuela) Arctic aggregate is KO also with this level. The bullish activation of Graphical Contest is fully compatible with the break even price-area and more, for Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Kwait, Qatar, US (shale only). It is neutral for other aggregate producers as Venezuela. A possible bullish leg of WTI 39-76 in the next quarters, is compatible with the current geopolitical structure of the main OIL players as ME-OPEC and part of US producers. -) According to post n. 164 and n. 166 . during the first August week, the shoulder areas of WTI graphical contest, shows a perfect geometrical equivalence, with a possible local reversal of the June-July bearish trend, compatible with a big reversal of WTI. -) According to post n. 168 . some moving averages (and MACD) are in bullish-array. -) WTI values now are in the key price zone outlined in post n. 169 . -) We are in a confirmed bullish evolution of two descending rectangles as in post n. 180 . -) WTI shows very negative seasonal performances in October and November (good for bullish action) B rent shows very negative seasonal performances in September and November-December (neutral) (post n. 184 ). -) Main exporters shows an important increase 2014 vs. 2016 (bad for bullish action -- post n. 184 ). -) OIL USO ETF volatility shows a seasonal behaviour with a safe() zone in autumn-winter for WTI price (good for bullish action -- post n. 184 ). -) US Rig Counts shows in 2016, the first important local reversal from the key SellOff of 2014, with a stop of decrease above the base of the previous top 2000-2008, compatible with a reversal of WTI (post n. 195 ). -) WTI shows an interesting inside monthly bar (August 2016) and an horrible October monthly candle (but with an important touch on 24 monthly exp. average) moreover November lows are according both to mid-level of the August inside and on M /10 levels (compatible with a big reversal of WTI: post n. 195 ). 9746 This study Graphical Elements. - Weekly frame shows bullish array of WTI curve according to: M /10 Ichimoku Transformed MACD vs. mid-line MACD vs. its descending line MACD vs. prices (anticipatory graphical contest: gray areas) double touches prices vs. ema-24 mo. - Monthly frame shows bullish array of WTI curve according to: M /10 Ichimoku Transformed MACD amp TRIX with important bullish reversal Coppock with key bullish reversal (see its mid-line amp descending line) current touch prices vs. ema-24 mo. - August inside (blue column) is in start bullish mode, with a first target (60 about) only above the top of the horrible October candle (see the weekly gap down at 55.5-56.5 ). Second target as the Head amp Shoulders outlined with white column. According to above data, there is a very important probability of Head amp Shoulders bullish completation, with a first graphical detonator the neck-level (WTI prices now are above), and the second the October top (about in-line). The semi-tapering of ECB will cause an acceleration of the bullish evolution ( see QE amp WTI link ). 9746 BIBLIOGRAPHY 0 1 SalVi Salvatore Vicidomini - Financial Markets Observatory Lab. WTI - Light Crude OIL personal studies. - linkedin/pulse/wti-light-crude-oil-personal-studies-salvi-salvatore-vicidomini 02 SalVi Salvatore Vicidomini - Financial Markets Observatory Lab. WTI - Local graphical contest opportunity in WTI (OIL) Index post review. - goo. gl/7odPE8 9746 Chart sources. 10070 FreeStockCharts. 9746 Sorry for my bad English. I hope that this post is at least minimally useful Contact . Tuned on main trend, but follows short-medium term signs from underlying prices, for a correct amp real-time set-up. It is very important do not anticipate the main trend of the underlying financial instruments. 9787/ 9834 10070 EARTH. pk, Alert 2.O. 10070 /9612 / I. M.O. by SaVi 96589658982996089553961294749474947496089553848095539612955396129612955396081008496649664 KeSaddhaPhaPeKampa: BundaBunda EMPIRE . Attached Images (click to enlarge)The Foreign Exchange Bar in Cape Town Make a night of it at this vibrant Observatory pub centred on global mixing and mingling Walking into The Foreign Exchange bar in Cape Townrsquos Southern Suburbs is like stepping into some sort of United Nations-style establishment for the young and fun. American and Dutch accents meld with Xhosa clicks, multilingual chatter moves back and forth over beer mugs and colourful stories of faraway countries are swapped over spirited games of backgammon. You see, this welcoming, at times wild, pub deals in the currency of different cultures. Appropriately situated in the diverse, international suburb of Observatory, Forex, as itrsquos commonly known, is both a base for expatriates looking to celebrate their national identities and an easy-going spot where those from abroad and those from Mzansi can mix, mingle and trade thoughts and customs. ldquoItrsquos a place for locals to meet foreigners and vice versa, rdquo explains Vermont-born co-owner Oliver Hagan he opened the nightlife haunt with business partner and friend Sean Walpole in June 2013. ldquoItrsquos a win-win situation for South Africans wanting to break out of the typical Cape Town scene and for visitors keen to get to know the local landscape. rdquo Hardly by coincidence, the two founders also run a Mother City-based internship programme, which, in fact, helped to plant the seed that blossomed into the Observatory bar. Overseeing hundreds of international students in Cape Town each year, the duo saw the need for a space that would give these diverse visitors a mutual gathering point, and so The Foreign Exchange was created. Their aim was also to craft an environment that would appeal not only to those eager to explore new cultures, but to those who like to play as hard as they work. ldquoForex is for people who arenrsquot afraid to roll up their sleeves and work hard to achieve things, but who also enjoy a good party, like to live in the moment and arenrsquot scared of a few tequilas, rdquo Oliver adds, smiling mischievously. And on the summery Thursday night Irsquom visiting the large second-storey joint, the space is filled to bursting point with those keen to live it up a little. Rowdy games of beer pong bounce around, strangers natter merrily with new-found friends, young business-types take shots of green liquid at the bar and everyone looks ready to settle in for the rest of the evening ndash all features of the venue that exude an enticing hostel-meets-frat house feeling. In fact, this is a big part of the allure of Forex: it is so laidback and so centred on a sense of community that it really starts to feel like home. The easy-going, lived-in atmosphere is further created by the comfy couches, fireplace, bookshelves and board games that are found in the cosy, wooden inside area, which was refurbished slightly in early 2015 to make it even more warm and snug. But, in the height of the sweltering season, it is the enclosed outside deck that draws the crowds. Peering out over a sea of rooftops and on to the distant horizon, this beach-style balcony is the ideal perch for sundowners or a moonlight tipple. And itrsquos here where I find myself sipping white wine while watching ping pong balls plonk into cups of golden ale. Apart from vino, the pub serves up almost anything necessary to keep guests well oiled: there are 13 different craft beers on tap (think Boston Lager, Lakeside American Pale Ale, Van Hunks Pumpkin Ale, Stellenbrau Ale, Woodstock Breweryrsquos Happy Pills Pilsner, German Erdinger Weissbier and many more), an artisan ale tasting board, a medley of classic cocktails, premium tequila, top rums, whiskies and liqueurs and, of course, 2L college-style pitchers of brew meant to be shared with mates. The bevvies are complemented by a selection of lip-smacking good bites served up by Sticky Fingers BBQ. As a result of the rsquoDream Teamrsquo partnership between the Obs bar and the wings-ribs-and-burger joint, Forex patrons are presented with the best of both worlds when it comes to food and drinks. Customers are invited to sit back and bask in the pubrsquos good vibes while having their food delivered to them by the Sticky Fingers waitrons. Customers can choose from an array of yummy options including chilli poppers, ribs, chicken wings and burgers, to name a few. Itrsquos this combination of good eats, great drinks, interesting company and electric vibes that make this Southern Suburbs bar a prime night-time option. And, of course, when it comes to a pub thatrsquos globally diverse and anything but cliquey, Forex gives all other Mother City watering holes a real run for their money. Tip: Forex is the place to be to commemorate any big foreign national occasion, like Halloween, Saint Patrickrsquos Day, Cinco de Mayo or Fourth of July. The bar also has events on most nights of the week: therersquos a free pub quiz on Tuesday nights and beer pong on Thursdays . The Bill: Despite its foreign focus, prices are tailored to the South African pocket. Cocktails cost from R45 to R55, draught craft beer rings in at between R25 and R100, wine is priced between R25 and R45 a glass and between R100 and R170 a bottle. During happy hour, which runs every day between 5pm and 7pm, prices are slashed further: cocktails are all R30, craft beers cost between R30 and R35, and SAB draughts go for R25. Looking for a place to stay in the multicultural suburb of Observatory Read more about African Heart Backpackers . Also, donrsquot forget to follow us on Twitter. like us on Facebook. join our Google circle and check out our Pinterest boards for updates. Not to mention, subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with whats hip and happening in our pretty city.

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