Thursday 10 August 2017

Forex iraqi dinar news

O investimento do dinar iraquiano é um investimento sábio O que significa investir no dinar iraquiano Em termos simples, é conduzido da mesma forma que qualquer investimento em moeda. Você compra x dinar iraquiano (IQD) pagando US dólares (ou sua moeda de domicílio). Tal como acontece com a compra de ações, títulos ou outra moeda, você compra dinar a um determinado preço e, em seguida, esperar o preço a subir. A questão real, porém, não é apenas você pode investir nesta moeda específica, mas sim você deve investir. (Confira Investopedias grande seleção de tutoriais forex.) Existe a possibilidade de um embuste em um esquema de investimento tais fraudes financeiras geralmente têm certas características. Se o esquema é executado e promovido por agentes individuais em vez de entidades conhecidas Se houver promoções não oficiais pesadas através de internet / e-mails / chamadas de telemarketing em vez de marketing aberto e justo Se as transações ocorrem principalmente através de revendedores de rua. Altas variações nas taxas disponíveis e elevadas taxas de margem ainda promessas de retornos excessivamente exagerados. No caso do esquema de investimento do dinar iraquiano, pode haver mais bandeiras vermelhas: Bancos de renome (por exemplo, Wells Fargo) se abster de oferecer negociação de forex em dinares iraquianos Estados como Utah emitindo avisos contra tais investimentos. Discutido abaixo), justificando o dinar iraquiano como um esquema de investimento de retorno altamente seguro e seguro. Todos estes fatores dão origem a mais dúvidas (ver Investopedias tutorial sobre Investimento Scams.). O básico da forex Primeiro, heres uma explicação muito rudimentar do que significa investir em uma moeda. Por exemplo, digamos que a taxa de juros do dinar iraquiano é de 1 US 1160 IQD (como é o caso, aproximadamente, em agosto de 2014). Se você investir US1000 em dinares iraquianos com essa taxa, você terá IQD 1,16 milhões. Após este investimento, você vai esperar e assistir, esperando o IQD subir contra os EUA. Se suas expectativas se tornam realidade, ea taxa de câmbio melhora a um valor hipotético - digamos 1 USD 1 IQD, então seu investimento agora vale US1.16 milhões. Sob esta hipótese, o investidor se tornaria um milionário ao investir US1000, que cresceu para US1.16 milhões. Mas o que acontece se o dinar toma a direção oposta Dizer que se deteriora para 1 US 2000 IQD. Agora sua participação investida de IQD1.16 milhão vale somente US580. Efetivamente, você perdeu 420 em seu investimento. Em primeiro lugar, vamos começar com os aspectos positivos: Embora pensamentos especulativos sobre dinar iraquiano Investimentos têm sido em torno de um longo tempo, houve desenvolvimentos com base em relatórios que levaram Para pico na especulação no comércio IQD-EUA (como a declaração emitida pelo FMI em meados de 2007, na era pós-Saddam Hussein). Mencionou o Pacto Internacional com o Iraque, que foi interpretado de várias maneiras e levou a mais especulação no comércio de moeda do dinar iraquiano. (Autoridades iraquianas) tomaram algumas medidas corajosas, incluindo o aumento gradual dos preços dos combustíveis domésticos e, a partir de 2007, a eliminação de todos os subsídios orçamentais directos aos combustíveis, com excepção do querosene. O Iraque também iniciou um ambicioso programa de reformas estruturais, a fim de fazer a transição para uma economia mais baseada no mercado. O artigo afirma ainda: Para combater a inflação, foram iniciadas acções em três frentes. Primeiro, o Banco Central do Iraque levantou suas taxas de juros de política fortemente e permitiu uma valorização gradual do dinar. Essas medidas visavam desdolarizar a economia, a fim de aumentar o controle dos bancos centrais sobre as condições monetárias e também de reduzir a inflação importada. Pouco antes disso, a taxa de câmbio IQD-USD era de cerca de 1270 (abril de 2007) e em agosto de 2014 é de cerca de 1160 um retorno positivo de cerca de 8,5. Desde então, não foram observados grandes movimentos significativos de preços, considerando a longa duração. As tendências mais abaixo na linha dependerão da evolução atual e futura na região. A Situação Actual e as Perspectivas Futuras do Iraque: A guerra civil, as lutas regionais e os países ocidentais que permanecem longe são as principais preocupações do atual Iraque, com a possibilidade extrema de o país se dividir em três regiões distintas. Se isso acontecer, o dia de pagamento pode muito bem nunca vir para investidores segurando dinar iraquiano e à espera de apreciação do valor. Apoiado pelas reservas de petróleo. O Iraque tem o potencial de ressurgir e estabelecer-se como uma economia estável. Conseguiu fazê-lo após a guerra de oito anos no Irã-Iraque. Mas isso necessitará de uma atmosfera de negócios pacífica e promissora para estabelecer a confiança dos investidores, o que, por sua vez, ajudará a reavivar sua economia e trazer de volta a taxa de câmbio da IQD para níveis realistas. Agora, para o outro lado da moeda: Há razões apontando para dinar iraquiano investimentos sendo um golpe fraudado, fator mais importante sendo IQD literalmente negociação no mercado negro forex em vez de bancos regulares e mesas de negociação. Além disso, as seguintes declarações incorretas são fortemente divulgadas pelos propagadores do dinar iraquiano Esquemas de investimento: o IQD está muito subvalorizado no momento e aumentará significativamente em relação ao USD em médio e longo prazo devido a uma reavaliação pendente que deverá acontecer em breve Os apoiantes do dinar iraquiano Investimento são relatados para ser confuso os dois termos econômicos - Reavaliação vs Redenominação. Reavaliação é o ajuste calculado real feito à taxa de câmbio oficial de um país em relação a uma linha de base escolhida (ouro ou USD). A reavaliação resulta em que a moeda se torne cara à moeda base pelo fator de ajuste e, portanto, altera o poder de compra dessa moeda. Redenominação é feita no caso de níveis de alta inflação por antigas notas de alto valor sendo feitas iguais a novas notas de pequeno valor (1000 dinares antigos 1 dinar novo). Ele simplesmente cai fora dos zeros mantendo o poder de compra o mesmo que antes. Há notícias confirmadas de que o Iraque planeja redenominar sua moeda, mas não reavaliar. Na ausência de qualquer reavaliação, não haverá mudança na taxa de câmbio do dinar iraquiano IQD (com ou sem redenominação). Os economistas também apontam que não seria benéfico para a economia iraquiana permitir tal apreciação de valor pelas autoridades (mesmo por meio de reavaliação). Fazer isso levará a vários problemas para o Iraque: A incapacidade de pagar as dívidas nacionais devido a avaliações revistas Literalmente colocando barricadas para empresas estrangeiras para entrar no Iraque para as empresas Globalmente restringido crescimento na era pós-guerra, devido aos efeitos de ondulação de acima de 2. Reavaliação similar do dinar kuwaitiano é uma prova histórica Alguns tentam encorajar o investimento no dinar iraquiano com base no caso de sucesso da reavaliação do dinar kuwaitiano (KWD), que hoje é uma moeda de grande valor. No entanto, isso é enganoso. Enquanto o site oficial do governo do Kuwait menciona uma nova versão de notas após a invasão do Iraque, não houve qualquer reavaliação. A nova versão foi para evitar o uso de dinares kuwaitianos roubados e saqueados. No exemplo do Kuwait, as taxas de câmbio do pré-guerra foram mantidas, simplesmente mudando as notas de banco. Também é impraticável - e economicamente impossível - reavaliar uma moeda de tal forma que seu valor se multiplique, sem que haja uma real adição às reservas. 3. O desenvolvimento pós-guerra pode levar tempo, mas sempre dá bons resultados. Exemplos de países europeus como Holanda, Reino Unido, etc. são citados neste caso na tentativa de justificar um investimento do dólar iraquiano. Estes outros países conseguiram fazer um retorno rápido dos efeitos da Segunda Guerra Mundial, e são hoje considerados entre os países desenvolvidos. Um fato importante faltado aqui é que estes países puderam progredir mais rapidamente porque a situação da guerra era completamente diferente da guerra de Iraque. Foi então um caso de guerra mundial, onde os países europeus em questão estavam no lado vencedor e obteve o máximo apoio nas consequências do pós-guerra. O caso do Iraque, ao contrário, é mais uma guerra civil, onde existe a possibilidade de o país ser dividido em múltiplos fragmentos. Mesmo se permanecer como uma nação, ainda vai demorar muito tempo para a economia recuperar. 4. Ordem Executiva 13303 dá aos americanos direitos legais especiais para manter ou investir em dinares iraquianos Ordem 13303 é para a protecção do Fundo de Desenvolvimento para o Iraque, produtos petrolíferos iraquianos e interesses, incluindo a posse por pessoas dos EUA de quaisquer anexos legais ou ônus. Não menciona direitos ou proteção para investimentos em dinar iraquiano, em tudo, por qualquer um. 5. O dinar iraquiano ainda é uma boa compra, mesmo sem uma reavaliação Isso é baseado na forte crença de alguns investidores de que as reservas de petróleo do Iraque eo potencial de desenvolvimento tornam o dinar uma boa compra. Alguns investidores argumentam que o mercado poderia impulsionar uma forte valorização do dinar iraquiano na era pós-guerra, simplesmente porque as enormes reservas de petróleo acabarão por torná-la uma moeda forte. Semelhante ao dinar iraquiano, rumores semelhantes são relatados para dong vietnamita e, mais recentemente, a libra egípcia. Pode um comerciante de alta freqüência de curto prazo beneficiar de comércio de divisas IQD-USD Possivelmente Sim, mas praticamente Não. A razão é que o mercado de negociação forex iQD-EUA é praticamente inexistente. Nenhum banco oferece dinares iraquianos. Se você tem que comprar dinares iraquianos, você pode comprá-los apenas em trocadores de dinheiro selecionado, que podem ou não estar legalmente registrados. Em segundo lugar, eles cobram uma taxa de marcação robusto, até a melodia de até 20, para essas transações. Isso vai corroer o potencial de lucro, mesmo para negociação a curto prazo. Isso pode ser uma boa aposta para um investimento de longo prazo Forex trading em geral vem com alguns desafios: Sobrevalorizado potencial de lucro com base em equívocos dos investidores. As práticas enganosas dos negociantes de câmbio como forex é principalmente um mercado de balcão. Outras complicações e imperícia existem na negociação de tais classes de ativos ilíquidos e não regulamentados. A ignorância básica dos investidores sobre as avaliações de forex internacionais Os investidores de aversão a perdas segurando ativos de perda tornando-se ainda mais deteriorando as avaliações de seus investimentos Como o Iraque, sua economia e, portanto, a taxa de câmbio desenvolver a longo prazo, vai ser uma aposta incerta a longo prazo. The Bottom Line: Negociar moedas forex é sempre arriscado, como fatores externos em níveis internacionais são difíceis de controlar ou prever. A menos que você está negociando em mercados regulamentados ou através de agentes regulamentados, os comerciantes e os investidores devem usar extrema cautela para a negociação de tais moedas. Dinar Iraqi Taxa de Câmbio Países usando o código de moeda ISO 4217 IQD: Transferência de dinheiro para o Iraque. Se você está indo em férias e depois de taxas de dinheiro de viagem ou olhando para realizar troca de Dinar iraquiano. Vale a pena manter-se informado. As taxas de câmbio flutuam constantemente e esta página permite-lhe não só verificar as taxas de câmbio mais recentes Dinar iraquiano hoje, mas também a história da taxa de câmbio Dinar iraquiano em mais detalhes. O código em moeda corrente para Iraqi Dinar é IQD. Dinar Iraquiano Taxa de Câmbio Tabela Completa (IQD): Actualizado: 09/10/16 23:27 Actualizado: 09/10/16 23:27 Actualizado: 09/10/16 23:27 Actualizado: 09/10/16 23:27 Atualizado em: 09/10/16 23:27 Últimas Notícias IQD das Taxas de Câmbio BlogDinar Gurus Lista Oficial Oficial de Possíveis Principais Dos Dos: Movido para Artigo VIII HCL passou / imp. Temp 11/2014 concordou em espírito 12-2014 Erbil Acordo Impl. Lei Eleitoral (DONE 12/2013) Capítulo 7 (Feito em. (Dedicado 10/2014) Dividido (Dado 10/2014) Dinar GOI Assentado (Feito 10/2014) DIREITO PAGAR (parcial) CBI amp. Taxa de mercado Dentro de 2-90 dias Dinar Gurus que sentem o Dinar vai FLUTUAR lentamente para cima em vez de RV. Acho que seus e-mails para ser fascinante eles estão cheios de vida e energia. Basta lê-los me dá um impulso. Paz e Bênçãos - E Dinar Guru Membro Está você na lista oficial de RV ALERT O dinar está se aquecendo. Não seja pego no exterior olhando para dentro. Clique no botão azul abaixo para entrar na lista de alertas oficiais do Dinar RV. Seu LIVRE e você começa alertas oficiais de RV, as últimas atualizações de quebra, vídeos especiais ampères outras coisas divertidas de mim também 10-9-2016 Newshound Guru mike Artigo: Hnachel: Quem vai parar os dólares do banco central para roubar Parar os leilões .. o Dinar vai cair e comércio vai parar. Eles têm que passar para o Artigo VIII primeiro e depois parar os leilões. Existem outras opções disponíveis, como a CBI liderando a acusação contra a corrupção e processando aqueles que estão saqueando o dinheiro do Iraque. Mas, é muito claro, theyre não está pronto para isso ainda. Vai ser mais do mesmo por algum tempo, estou com medo. O Iraque está cheio de corrupção, o atual governador da CBI é um procurador e ainda estamos aqui, dois anos depois de Maliki ter sido substituído, ele ainda está no cargo de governador. 10-9-2016 Convidado Guru EHankins Aparentemente aparenta que o fluxo de lava tenha diminuído um pouquinho. NÃO NÃO PARADO POR SEM MEIOS. MEU GUT DIZ-ME ESTA RÁPIDA BEAST MOVING está prestes a obter um suprimento adicionado de MAGMA SUPER aquecido vindo de uma fonte que está escondido à direita sob NOSES. IMO. 10-9-2016 Newshound Guru Mike Parece que eles sabem o que precisam fazer, mas enquanto isso: Citação: O especialista econômico em nome de Jamil Antoine, disse no dia 9 de maio, o sistema bancário no Iraque colocou um miserável. Tudo o que precisamos é de vontade política para a mudança, os economistas e especialistas sabem o que precisa ser feito e como fazê-lo, eles só precisam do GOI para acordar. 10-9-2016 Newshound Guru hutch guru novo O bilhete de loteria pessoas aqui precisam obter as suas cabeças para fora da calha. Vamos dizer o seu 3.86 amanhã de manhã. O que todo mundo está perdendo é, o que sobre ele ser negociado internacionalmente E quanto às leis bancárias necessárias para que ele sobreviva. Lembre-se, vamos precisar de tempo antes de os bancos em os EUA rampas para cima e está pronto para fazer trocas. Coisas a ponderar. É realmente uma boa coisa para nós entendermos TODOS os funcionamentos internos do que está acontecendo, para que possamos nos beneficiar de todo o seu árduo trabalho de reconstruir um país. 10-9-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL. Você acha que a implantação está se movendo ao longo do bem através do nosso sistema bancário neste momento eu acredito que já está a ser através do sistema bancário. MAIS DE UMA VEZ. EU SOU DA OPINIÃO QUE SE FOSSE AOS BANCOS ESTA TERIA FEITO AGORA. Fique preso nas atualizações das últimas noites abaixo e se você não é uma lista de alerta dinarguru ainda agora é um grande momento para fazê-lo. Sua livre como sempre e só leva um segundo segundo. Se você investiu no dinar e passar o tempo no site que você não quer perder algo muito importante porque você não está na lista. Clique aqui para entrar na lista agora. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Citação do artigo: Disse MP da coalizão da lei estadual. Jassim Mohammed Jaafar, disse sábado que o primeiro-ministro Haidar al-Abbadi, adiou a submissão dos candidatos aos ministérios após o décimo feriado de Muharram, notando que al-Abadi disse aos curdos que eles têm candidatos para o cargo de ministro das Finanças. Abadi adiar a apresentação de candidatos para os ministérios. E os curdos divulgam os nomes dos candidatos ao Ministério das Finanças. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211. Progressos em curso com conversas e acordos produtivos entre Abadi e Barzani. Os planos de batalha para Mosul e os acordos de pós-libertação foram feitos. Kirkuk petróleo campo acordo foi feito no mês passado. Abadi afirmou que a lei do petróleo e do gás está sendo elaborada. O anúncio dos curdos concordando em contratar a Deloitte para conduzir a supervisão das vendas de petróleo é muito positivo. Esperamos que o acordo dos curdos incluísse sua cooperação para conseguir que os novos ministros votassem e a aprovação rápida das leis necessárias. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru mike Artigo O déficit orçamentário e as políticas de empréstimo Eu sei que soar como um recorde quebrado, mas a crescente corrupção é paralisante do Iraque. Os EUA iriam garantir um empréstimo de 2 bilhões de dólares que teria enviado um sinal a outros credores de que o Iraque era uma aposta segura porque os EUA estavam por trás deles. Agora que os EUA se retiraram desse acordo, o seu envio de um sinal completamente diferente para os investidores. Quaisquer sonhos que o Iraque tivesse de garantir os necessários 12 bilhões de dólares acabaram de morrer, suas esperanças de emprestar dinheiro até que o preço do petróleo subisse, morreu com ele. Acorde, Iraque, você não será capaz de emprestar o seu caminho para fora do problema que você criou com o seu estado rentier. Definição de economia rentier: Na teoria das ciências políticas e das relações internacionais, um estado rentier é um estado que deriva a totalidade ou uma parte substancial de suas receitas nacionais da renda de recursos indígenas a clientes externos. 10-8-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL NINGUÉM PRECISA SER DEPRIMIDO. CONTINUAMOS A SER BONS. HOJE É SÁBADO. ESPERO O FINAL DE SEMANA PARA SER ATIVO COM NOTÍCIAS SOBRE MUITAS COISAS MAS INACTIVO COM UM RV. OLHE MAIS AO MEIO OU AO FIM DA SEMANA PRÓXIMA. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 GUERRA NA CORRUPÇÃO: Há muitas mudanças acontecendo dentro do Iraque para parar a corrupção. Abadi trouxe ajuda internacional para ajudar com transparência e responsabilidade. O Curdistão contratou a Deloitte para monitorar suas vendas de petróleo. Um artigo declarou que o Iraque foi retirado da Lista Cinzenta e está na Lista Branca para normas de divulgação de impostos internacionais. ONU trouxe para ajudar com a corrupção. Abadi está pronto para apresentar seus novos ministros tecnocratas. Isso será muito importante para ver se ele pode finalmente obter o GOI para aprovar suas picaretas. Eliminar o ISIS em Mosul, substituir os ministros corruptos por profissionais não-políticos, trazendo especialistas profissionais dos Estados Unidos e da ONU para parar a corrupção do dinheiro e estabelecer a verdadeira transparência está acontecendo agora. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Citação do artigo: No Iraque, todas as peças estão agora no lugar para levar Mosul de volta do Estado islâmico. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru Breitling Perguntas Tenho ouvido que haverá um empurrão final de dólares dos EUA antes do RV e uma liberação de denominações mais altas e mais baixas. Em sua opinião você acha que isso é verdade Parte do direito itrsquos. Um empurrão para o dólar dos EU significa que estão indo fazer exame de dólares de ESTADOS UNIDOS fora do mercado de Iraq mas têm feito aquele de qualquer maneira. Sim, pode haver um grande empurrão. Thatrsquos what theyrsquore doinghellipgetting livrar do dólar dos EUA. Itrsquos todos mensuráveis. Sabemos como eles reduziram o valor da moeda. Sabemos por que eles reduziram o valor da moeda. Nós sabemos os passos que eles tomaram para fazê-lo. E nós sabemos os passos que eles têm que tomar para aumentar o valor da moeda. Itrsquos fácil. Itrsquos não um debatehellip Então sim, parte disso é verdade, mas itrsquos não apenas apenas antes do RV, na verdade eles têm vindo a fazê-lo por um tempo. Eles têm vindo a fazê-lo por um whilehelliptheyrsquove sido se livrar do dólar dos EUA e diminuir a contagem de notas. Itrsquos não apenas antes do RV. 10-8-2016 Newshound Guru mike Artigo: Presidente do parlamento vai realizar uma reunião com os chefes dos blocos sábado e Jubouri dirigiu os comitês para continuar seu trabalho Citação: al-Jubouri, o rosto de comissões parlamentares para continuar seu trabalho durante O recesso que vai durar dez dias por ocasião da Ashura ..outras férias de 10 dias para os povos trabalhando duro na política iraquiana. Sim, Jabouri está dizendo que eles vão trabalhar durante o intervalo, mas agora sabemos que nada de valor vai acontecer. Uma e outra vez demonstram uma falta da urgência e da vontade política para fazer as mudanças necessárias em uma maneira oportuna. 10-7-2016 Convidado Guru Daz Havia, e ainda é, um plano para dar RENASCIMENTO E REVITALIZAR QUE ECONOMIA, INFLUENCIAR ESSA CULTURA E, EVENTUALMENTE EMBRACEM IRAQUE, SUAS PESSOAS E SUA RIQUEZA E COMÉRCIO PARA O FOLD ECONÔMICO GLOBAL. E, QUANDO UMA CONDIÇÃO SATISFATÓRIA E A ALINHAMENTO DE TODOS OS INTERESSES DIVERSOS E ESTRUTURAS DE POTÊNCIA ENVOLVIDAS ALCANÇARAM UM PONTO DE SATISFAÇÃO RAZOÁVEL QUE SEJAM SEUS INTERESSES E OBJECTIVOS. ELES SERÃO SIMPLESMENTE SIMPLES. LdquoTURN O DINHEIRO DE VOLTA ONrdquo. TODOS VIRAM JUNTOS COM UMA LIBERTAÇÃO PÚBLICA E PERMISSÃO PARA TODOS DE NÓS A INTERCÂMBIO. PENDURAR LÁ. WErsquoRE PRONTO QUANDO ESTÁ PRONTO. Post 2 of 2 10-7-2016 Convidado Guru Daz IRAQUE SEMPRE FOI UMA CULTURA RICA, RICA COM UMA PATRIA FORTE E HISTÓRIA SIGNIFICATIVA. O Iraque sempre teve recursos amplos e uma economia forte. NO SEU DIREITO. SEU DINHEIRO SEMPRE TINHA VALOR, HISTÓRICO E CONSISTENTE. DEVIDO A PRESSÕES PARA REALIZAR UMA LIBERTAÇÃO DO IRAQUE E AFECTAR UMA MUDANÇA DO REGIME. A COALIÇÃO DAS NAÇÕES DECLARA O DINHEIRO COMO PARTE DE UM ESFORÇO DE GUERRA E ASSALTO ESTRATÉGICO PARA BAIXAR AS FINANÇAS DE REVOLTA, RESISTÊNCIA E INSURGÊNCIA CONTRA ESSA MUDANÇA EM 2004. post 1 of 2. Fique atento 10-7-2016 Intel Guru SteveI Artigo: Parlamento advertindo sobre o colapso da economia iraquiana Se esta não é a escrita na parede, do que eu não tenho idéia quando eles vão buscá-la. Pessoalmente, acho este artigo muito positivo e uma imagem muito verdadeira da posição que eles estão dentro Parece que é fazê-lo ou quebrar o tempo para o Iraque. Eu acredito que a primeira parte é o que eles estão depois. 10-7-2016 Intel / Newshound Guru Backdoc. IRAQUE ESTÁ CERTO NA PROGRAMAÇÃO SEGUINTE DA SUA CARTA DE INTENÇÃO COM O FMI. Mencionei apenas antes do fim de setembro que eles tiveram que acionar as suas tarifas e começar a grande fiscalidade que podemos confirmar agora. ARTIGOS. TODOS APARECE À DIREITA NA TRILHA COMO EU A VEJO TAMBÉM, OS ACORDOS DE EMPRÉSTIMO CONTINUADOS COM O FMI ESTARAM CONDICIONAIS SOBRE O IRAQUE TERMINANDO SUAS RESPONSABILIDADES. LEMBRE-SE QUE MUITAS COISAS ESTÃO CONCLUÍDAS NO 7º MÊS E LANÇAM-SE NO 8º QUANDO VIVEMOS VEZES MUITO OU MAIS. 10-7-2016 Intel Guru Bruce Disclaimer sobre taxas ou datas, mas muito, muito perto de nossa vez. Wersquore não chamá-lo, e não dizer exatamente quando. Taxas: são muito altas. Esta bênção / RV está atualmente SOB MANEIRA. Algo que tenha começado, que acreditamos que não deve ser interrompido até itrsquos em sua conclusão legítima. Com. Ratificação do Acordo de Paris, e anunciado por Obama ontem à tarde, estamos prontos para ir. Eu sei theyrsquove comemorando no Iraque desde terça-feira. Theyrsquove tem seus cartões inteligentes hidratados. Mosul foi levado de volta, olhando para fora para um anúncio positivo sobre isso. As coisas estão se movendo muito bem e não deve ser muito tempo para a nossa vez. 10-7-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Bagdá, Basrah, Mosul, Erbil, Sulaimaniyah. Estas 5 cidades são onde estão os cinco bancos centrais do Iraque. Temos 4 de 5. garantidos. Tudo o que falta é Mosul. Em outras palavras. A corrupção catastrófica (acho que GOI / CBI) entre os bancos (acho que leilões) e as empresas na venda do dólar americano está chegando a um fim. rdquo Então, eles estão seguindo as instruções IMFrsquos. Inventário de seu produto (moeda). IMO hellip Eu acredito que nós vamos ver um orçamento. Pela terceira semana deste mês. E ver uma mudança em sua política monetária e uma mudança em sua moeda. ESTE ANO Irsquom não lhe dando uma data. Mas antes do final deste ano. Vamos ver uma mudança. 10-7-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 ARTIGO: ldquo A corrupção catastrófica entre os bancos e as empresas na venda do dólar americano está chegando ao fim. Rdquo NOVE EXEMPLOS de que a CORRUPÇÃO no IRAQUE está sendo assassinada: 1 - O policiamento dos grupos das Nações Unidas, novas leis, novos sistemas bancários sendo implementados. 2 - Os leilões de moeda estão sendo monitorados. Esse era o buraco no fundo do navio. 3 ndash Não mais nomes falsos / pessoas mortas / falsas empresas, etc 4 ndash O USD precisa parar de ser usado (MCP) ndash que tem sido usado nas fronteiras 5 ndash Não mais faturas falsas / POrsquos. 6 ndash Sem contas falsas. 7 ndash Não mais difusão de pagamentos a áreas falsas (construção de parques falsos, etc). 8 ndash Os antigos sistemas bancários tiveram que parar 9 ndash Não mais passaportes falsos para transportar IQD fora do país. Abadi disse que o acordo de petróleo e gás vai levar algumas reuniões para obter tudo funcionou. O anúncio de hoje é o resultado de um aspecto da reunião que começ trabalhou para fora à vantagem dos everyones. Será que o RV nunca vai acontecer sem um sistema justo no lugar que as empresas de petróleo poderiam confiar No. Dois acordos petrolíferos muito importantes foram feitos entre Bagdá e Erbil. Primeiro foi o acordo para dividir o campo de petróleo em disputa. Em seguida, um acordo presumido não revelado para o pós-ISIS Mosul. Agora um auditor independente para o óleo curdos. Isso parece muito, muito bom para um acordo de petróleo concluído com os curdos. Post 2 of 2 10-6-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Eu queria destacar a notícia de hoje que o Curdistão contratou DeLoitte para ser sua supervisão de sua produção de petróleo. Isto vem depois das reuniões de Barzani e de Abadis, e diretamente é relacionado a um acordo da lei do óleo e do gás. Bagdá tem que ter fé na contabilidade do petróleo dos curdos. Não mais sob a produção de relatórios de petróleo. Não mais venda ilegal de petróleo pelos curdos. A corrupção tem que parar. A participação dos cidadãos no petróleo tem de ser justa e correctamente explicada. Trazendo Deloitte é enorme posto 1 de 2. fique atento 10-6-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Em sua opinião, o Acordo de Paris tem nada a ver com o dinar ou dong aumentando em valor, NÃO, NENHUMA QUALQUER. Mas, óleo topping 50 hoje, faz .. Big Time. 10-6-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL EU TENHO SIDO INFORMADO POR UMA FONTE QUE NÃO FOI EXCITADA UMA ÚLTIMA SEMANA. Quem é agora. PORQUE PORQUE ESTA FONTE, E 10 DOS ASSOCIADOS DE FONTES TÊM SIDO NOTIFICADOS POR UM EMAIL OFICIAL PARA ESTAR POR POR TELEFONE COMUNICAÇÃO PARA INSTALAR A NOMEAÇÃO. NOSSA VOLTA NÃO ESTÁ AQUI AINDA. SEJA PACIENTE. VEJA COMO ISSO AGITA. ESTOU ABSORVENDO OS DETALHES E COLOCANDO UM CRONOGRAMA JUNTO QUE TOMA EM CONSIDERAÇÃO A TOTAL INFO DUMP DAS 24 HORAS. POR TODAS AS CONTAS, DEVEMOS SER FEITOS APÓS O 15º. O ACORDO DE PARIS PARECE SER CATALIZADOR. 10-6-2016 Guru Newshound Adam Montana Todo mundo parece estar esperando para o Iraque para RV. Com a China agora com DSE, a ênfase internacional parece estar na Ásia. Quais são as chances de que o Vietnã ou algum outro país asiático RV em primeiro lugar. China é realmente algo para assistir, eu tenho prestado atenção a como isso pode afetar as coisas. Tão longe. Nada grande. E eu particularmente não acho que temos de se preocupar com qualquer outro país fazendo algo com sua moeda em primeiro lugar - I raq é muito singular em sua situação e capacidade de manter uma taxa mais forte com base em seus ativos físicos, incluindo localização geográfica e recursos naturais. 10-6-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 ARTIGO: ldquo Iraque tem enorme potencial econômico rdquo. A corrupção que sufocou as reformas monetárias é. Sendo erradicada. . O Tesouro dos EUA colocou as mãos em leilões CBI. Eles estão assistindo cada centavo. Não mais lixo de transferência fictício Não mais pagando falsos / pessoas mortas. Não mais bad comércios com vendedores de rua. Isso deve fazer você e eu muito feliz. O dinheiro roubado agora será devolvido. Muito dinheiro foi roubado. E IMO. Eles não receberão mais empréstimos até que levantem o valor de sua moeda. Dezenas de clientes do Dar Al Salam Bank estão se manifestando no centro de Bagdá para exigir quebrar o fundo de depósito. Todas as boas notícias foram ouvir sobre os bancos é inútil até que esses tipos de manifestações parar. O Iraque é grande em lançar declarações de imprensa brilhantes, mas onde a borracha encontra a estrada, é a mesma velha história que ouvimos há anos. Se alguém deposita seu dinheiro em seu banco você é obrigado a devolvê-lo quando eles pedem para ele, não deve haver nenhuma necessidade de manifestações e acusações contra a CBI para conluio. Este tipo de falha sistêmica dos bancos no Iraque levará anos se não uma geração a superar sem mudanças sérias e incentivos para o povo do Iraque para retornar e depositar seu dinheiro. E agora deixe-me terminar tudo isso com um pouco de doçura. Citação do artigo:. Gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro disse que a questão da participação das regiões do Curdistão no orçamento para o ano fiscal de 2017 será resolvido nos próximos dias. Para mim, isso diz. BOOOOOOM Estamos a 3 meses do final do ano. Como eu mencionei mais cedo, eles provavelmente sentiram um pouco de um revés do preço do petróleo, que não se estabilizou onde eles planejaram a liquidação. No entanto, eles estão agora falando sobre o próximo orçamento, com prazos concretos (ish) para marcos específicos (e importantes). Já estamos vendo sinais de que o Gabinete cheio será listado e possivelmente no lugar - você pode apostar que eles estão muito mais atrás de portas fechadas do que eles estão deixando sobre - mas estamos vendo que este progresso poderia acontecer assim que este fim de semana, em torno 8 de outubro. veremos. Estou ouvindo coisas boas do meu povo. Post 3 of 3 10-6-2016 Guru de Newshound Adam Montana Abadis Novo Governo. Isso também poderia ter um grande impacto sobre o progresso (ou falta de) que vimos durante o verão, e até mesmo no mês passado. . Abadi fez um ENORME mudança. mas. Algumas das pessoas que ele queria jogar fora ou mover para o lado têm cavado seus calcanhares em muito bom, e esta é ainda outra razão principal, eu acho que vimos as coisas lento para um rastreamento nos últimos meses. Boas notícias: Na sessão de amanhã ou sábado, Abadi está programado para dar a lista final da nova equipe. Este é um grande passo para nós. O governo do Iraque, sob a liderança Abadis novo, provou ser imensamente mais estável do que qualquer momento durante a década anterior. Estabilidade do Dinar do Iraque. Como relatado por várias fontes. O preço de troca no Dinar manteve a estabilidade de encontro ao USD a dentro de um par pontos de porcentagem. Na verdade, pode-se argumentar que talvez seja uma das moedas mais fortes em qualquer mercado. O IQD tem vindo uma distância incrível e extraordinária em face de muitos desafios. Nós não acho que eles são feitos pessoas surpreendentes. Post 2 of 3. Fique atento 10-6-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Eu não tinha esperado muito durante setembro, mas ainda há um vislumbre distinto de esperança que vamos ver alguma ação este mês. Isso significa que RV Ninguém pode fazer essa promessa, mas vamos falar sobre o que sabemos. Como nós entramos em outubro: Durante o verão. Vimos um DIP muito decepcionante no PPB (Preço por barril) em torno de agosto. Bad news: O PPB não está na marca de 65 que o Iraque estabeleceu seu orçamento. Boas notícias: O petróleo veio um longo caminho na direção certa para eles, de 35 para os atuais 50. um aumento no preço do petróleo - ou mesmo uma expectativa razoável de que - é um bom incentivo para as potências iraquianas que são para virar A tampa fora do botão e prepare-se para empurrá-lo post 1 de 3. fique atento 10-6-2016 Intel Guru Bluwolf Eu gostaria de dizer tudo o que tem acontecido em todos os aspectos das situações atuais no mundo de quinta-feira 9- 29-2016 2:45 pm est. E que o que cada um de nós estava esperando para ocorrer é agora um dado. Meus pensamentos sobre este último assunto (NÓS ESTAMOS LÁ). 10-6-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL OUVIDO. Que uma obstrução ainda estava para ser trabalhada. KICKOFF AGORA ESPERADO PARA SER COMPLETADO EM OU ANTES DO 15o. 10-5-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 A China está trazendo a força que o IQD precisa. Ou é o IQD trazendo a força para uma cesta que é preenchido com outras moedas que o chinês Yuan acaba de se juntar IMD ndash Eu acredito que o IQD não será colocado na cesta, ele será usado para apoiar a cesta. Isso é o quão poderoso é o IQD. Hoje, o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) anunciou o lançamento da nova cesta de avaliação de Direitos de Saque Especiais (SDR), incluindo o renminbi chinês (RMB), e Novos montantes em moeda que determinarão o valor do DSE durante o novo período de avaliação. O NOVO SDR ESTÁ AQUI 10-5-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 A RESPONSABILIDADE ea LEI DA JUSTIÇA, eo DIA NACIONAL DE RECONCILAÇÃO. Tem tudo a ver com a reforma monetária do IQD O FMI deu-lhes ANTES DE NOVEMBRO. Se eles queriam os empréstimos. E agora os BONDS. Nós NÃO estamos nos desviando do que o Congresso dos EUA NÃO irá apoiá-los até que eles elevem o valor de sua moeda. O Iraque está seguindo o FMI ndash, independentemente de quanto tempo leva. Na minha opinião, o Governo da Índia tem menos de 18 coisas que devem cumprir. O CBI só tem uma coisa a fazer. Aumentar o valor da sua moeda. Dentro. Na minha opinião. Será de 1 a 1 com o USD. Mas isso é um evento neutro DENTRO DO IRAQUE. Na minha opinião, os denoms inferiores estão em posição, esperando o valor para dar-lhes vida. Pós 2 de 2 10-5-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Eu passei por um Dia de Reconciliação Nacional. Que foi ENORME. Você sabe o que é Thatrsquos como nosso 4º de julho ndash naquele dia, eles disseram os cidadãos que eles têm planos. Abadi recebeu o plano completo para a libertação de Mosul. Mosul é eminente. O Dia Nacional da Reconciliação representa a unidade, e naquele dia houve muito acordo dentro do GI eo que eles disseram aos cidadãos. Que eles colocaram uma frente que o IRAQUE ESTÁ UNIFICADO. A lei de responsabilidade e justiça é secundária às leis de anistia. Você está prestes a vê-los, e eles são importantes porque traz o Iraque juntos. Acredito que amanhã, Abadirsquos discurso vai falar sobre isso. Meu entendimento de minhas fontes é o Acordo de Paris foi ratificado. Ainda não foi anunciado. É bom ir e pronto para o que estamos ouvindo. Não é algo que estamos esperando. Nós donrsquot fazer taxas ou datas. Poderia estar aqui a qualquer momento agora. Poderia acontecer em qualquer dia agora. Apenas canrsquot nome, canrsquot dizer que é hoje à noite, amanhã, ou quinta-feira. Fizemos ouvir as novas taxas talvez no XE já. Eu não posso confirmar isso ainda. Gosto de saber se é esse o caso. Se assim for, poderíamos estar lá. Acho que onde estamos estamos muito próximos de acordo com o que ouvimos. Tudo o que posso dizer é se não é o próximo dia ou assim, ele deve estar aqui esta semana. 10-5-2016 Intel / Newshound Guru Backdoc Artigo: Masum ratifica passagens fronteiriças Direito da Comissão Citação: A lei garante o bom fluxo de trabalho ea realização da entrada de pessoas e bens e para elevar o nível de serviço e pontos de passagem de fronteira mostram A forma adequada como interface do Iraque, sublinhando que a lei enviada para publicação no Diário Oficial. COMO LHE LHE RECORDANDO TODA A CARTA DE INTENÇÃO OS NECESSITOU PARA FAZER ESTE AGORA CLARAMENTE ESTÃO SEGUINDO O PLAYBOOK 10-5-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL EU RECEBI INFLUENCIAR INFORMAÇÕES ESTA MANHÃ QUE EU TRAGAREI A SUA ATENÇÃO. O PRIMEIRO BIT É DE UMA FONTE RESPECTIVA QUE RECLAMA QUE OS BANCOS RECLAMAM QUE ESTÃO PRONTOS CADA UM E CADA SEMANA E NADA ACONTECE. Isso é verdade, claro, mas não significa que não acontecerá. E PROBABILMENTE ALGO QUE FORNECE O PUSH A IR PELA PREVISÃO, É A APLICAÇÃO REPORTADA DO ORÇAMENTO IRAQUE 2017. PROCURANDO UMA GRANDE SEMANA PARA DINARLAND. VEJA SE OS MESTREES DE PUPPET DEIXEM QUE OS BANCOS PROCEDEREM COMO FAZEM. ELES PRECISAM QUE ACONTECE. NÓS TAMBÉM. 10-5-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie ABADI ANUNCIADO LONGE DA CHAIRING COM REUNIÃO ORDINÁRIA A REDUÇÃO DO DÉFICE NO ORÇAMENTO DE 2017 APÓS A MODIFICAÇÃO DE 15 TRILHÕES DE IQD DE 32 TRILHÕES DE IQD. E ENTREGA 1ª EDIÇÃO RADIO ADMINISTRAÇÃO A MOSUL CITIZENRY ANUNCIANDO BANDEIRAS IRAQUÊS VOARÁ SOBRE A SUA CIDADE EM BREVE APENAS COMO ÁREAS ANTERIORES. ABADI ANUNCIA OS PROBLEMAS ENTRE BAGDAD E ERBIL ERRIL NÃO SERÃO TODOS RESOLVIDOS EM 1 OU 2 REUNIÕES. 10-4-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 BONDS. Na minha opinião, parece que os EUA não apoiarão os BONOS que o Governo da Índia quer vender. Lembre-se, em dezembro, o FMI disse ao governo indiano que eles iriam ajudá-los ndash se eles aumentaram o valor de sua moeda. Bem, aqui estamos nós. Sobre os prepuces da reforma monetária. E Abadi dizendo que fizeram tudo. bem. E SE. Você fez tudo. Eles obtêm donrsquot de empréstimos que eu não vi o site CBI me mostrar uma nova taxa para o IQD. Eles não mudaram isso oficialmente. Eles querem os empréstimos. O empréstimo de 640 milhões de dólares. Eles vão ter que quando eles aumentam o valor da sua moeda. E se eles donrsquot. Eles wonrsquot obter os BONDS. Isso não é uma má notícia. Esta é notícia fantástica 10-4-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Therersquos um Terremoto Financeiro, ocorrendo em todo o mundo em outubro, como nós falamos. Sacudindo todas as formas de segurança, como nós / eles sabem disso. A lista, muito tempo para se relacionar. Você viu um indicador neste fim de semana, quando os Estados Unidos adiaram os laços com o Iraque, até o primeiro trimestre de 2017. Rússia, China, Alemanha, U. K. Venezuela, Afeganistão, Síria, Arábia Saudita, Coreia do Norte ameaças, colapso do Deutsche Bank, Wells Fargo fusão roubo, Itália, Japão, carga da dívida dos EUA. Poderíamos continuar, e acrescentar as condições corruptas de ampère Insecure que existem, não apenas no Iraque, mas nos maiores sistemas financeiros do mundo. No entanto, isso poderia agora de repente mover direito no lugar em qualquer momento. O Anúncio, uma nova taxa substancialmente aumentada no Iraque, oficial Artigo 8 status internacional. E Vietnã - taxa substancialmente aumentada. E alguns outros em breve. O Comitê, tem a palavra final. Você vê todos os indicadores. Esta semana não acabou. Therersquos mais. ITrsquoS DIREITO AQUI. AGORA. LdquoANY MOMENT, QUALQUER DAYrdquohelliphellipthatrsquos onde wersquore em Friends, Right Now, a partir de 4 de outubro de 2016. post 2 of 2 10-4-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke Estávamos 100 ERRADO sobre 3 de outubro. Todo o ego verificou na porta da frente. Porque não há explicações ou desculpas. Pelo menos nenhuma que valha a pena relacionar, de qualquer direção. Agora, herersquos o que sabemos amp pode compartilhar. Wersquore Oficialmente em ldquoAny Moment, Any Dayrdquo temporada. Esta ainda é a 1 ª SEMANA de outubro, ldquoWithin o Planrdquo. Esta semana importante não acabou. Eo Ira do Iraque dos EU quer uma moeda oficial internacionalmente negociada O MAIS CEDO POSSÍVEL. A ONU amp FMI quer um pouco mais de Segurança, o que trouxe a questão de mais tempo, na equação. Assim este 1 de dezembro dateline, nós mencionamos antes. Não que ele tenha que esperar tanto tempo, mas só mencioná-lo, porque itrsquos uma parte forte da discussão, thatrsquos sido considerado, e agora você sabe sobre ele. O dólar caiu uma reserva natural e nós temos bastante para importar por muito tempo Citações do artigo: Contando o banco central iraquiano em terça-feira reduziu suas reservas de O dólar, um fenômeno natural devido a preços de venda mais baixos, e salientou que esta diminuição foi vã e alcançou fins econômicos muito importantes, social, e como salientou que as reservas atuais são suficientes para cobrir as exportações de moeda e as importações por um longo tempo. ESTE ARTIGO DE AÇÃO É MUITO DIZER TODO O SUDDEN QUE TÊM A NECESSIDADE DE DE-DOLLARIZE, HEE HEE. AHH MAS AQUELES DÓLARES PARECEU SERVIR SEUS OBJETIVOS NÃO DIZERAM QUE COM ALGUM TIPO DE AÇÃO TOMADA LÁ PARECE QUE NÃO SEJA NENHUMA RAZÃO PARA PASSAR PARA EXCESSAR DÓLARES QUE ESTÃO ABANDONANDO EM VALOR CERTO HEE HEE. PARECE QUE TÊM BASTANTE POR UM LONGO TEMPO AGORA AMADO ESTE ARTIGO AÇÕES SIGNIFICA COISAS IMO. 10-4-2016 Intel Guru Frank26. WF Wells Fargo gastou milhões de dólares este ano para colocar algumas telas em seu lobby. E quando você entra em WF, você sabe o que você vê Essas grandes telas de TV hellip e você sabe o que está sobre eles Taxas de Moeda Estrangeira. Por que WF ainda se preocupar em gastar milhões de dólares para que você saiba qual é a taxa de moedas estrangeiras O que, eles estão se preparando para algo É a reforma monetária chegando ao fim. Este é um indicador. Como rapidamente e como distante as coisas estão indo longitudinalmente. 10-4-2016 Newshound Guru mike Artigo: Iraque começa transmissão de rádio para Mosul antes da ofensiva. Parece que eles finalmente vão atrás de Mosul. 10-4-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Artigo: Inspetor financeiro declara re 31 bilhões de dinares para o tesouro do Estado Citação:. O Gabinete do Inspetor-Geral do Ministério das Finanças conseguiu um montante de 31 mil milhões de dinares, o tesouro público do Estado em benefício do impacto das investigações, inspecções e investigações rotativas estabelecidas pela Mesa durante a primeira metade do ano atual . SO 31 BILHÕES IQD DEVOLVIDO ÀS CONTAS DE ESTADO EM 1ST 6 MESES DE 2016.. 10-4-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 A ação policial que entrou no Iraque da ONU descobriu que mais de 300 empresas estão envolvidas no roubo do Banco Central do Iraque. Isnrsquot o FMI que vai balístico por causa desta informação. Oh sim Nós estamos limpando tudo fora ndash como um canal de raiz. Trilhões foram rastreados / roubados. Se eles trazem os dinares de volta. Wow De acordo com artigos recentes ndash os cidadãos estão agora confiando os bancos no Iraque. Essa é uma parte importante da reforma monetária, pois eles os levaram de uma lista negra para uma lista cinzenta para uma lista branca. Você sabe o que significa uma lista branca Isso significa que sua estrutura bancária não tem restrições sobre eles. Post 2 of 2 10-4-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Todas as Providences estão se preparando para lidar com o mundo INTERNACIONAL. Itrsquos não mais sobre terrorismo. O Iraque quer desesperadamente juntar-se ao mundo internacional mas a corrupção está em toda parte. Whorsquos por trás da corrupção. Os ministros que têm roubado do parlamento ou do CBI através dos leilões. Lembre-se, os leilões costumavam ser entre 3 a 4 milhões por dia Agora, esses leilões são muito, muito menor. Membros da família do governo indiano e bancos de outros países estiveram envolvidos no roubo de dinheiro. A ONU está estudando tudo para ajudar o Iraque a entrar em um mercado internacional. O mundo internacional está olhando para dentro do Iraque. Para ajudá-los a se tornarem internacionais. A ONU está lá para fornecer disciplina e parar a corrupção. Equipes de segurança com a ONU estão lá. O Congresso dos EUA se recusa a garantir metade do valor dos títulos iraquianos Citação: O Iraque planeja levantar dois bilhões de dólares dos mercados de dívida global esta semana para preencher o orçamento causado por Menor vazão de preços do petróleo após o Congresso dos EUA se recusou a garantir metade do valor dos títulos. Não mais empréstimos para os políticos corruptos, uma maré crescente deve levantar todos os barcos, até agora, só a elite está fazendo bem. Passar as leis e abrir os mercados, theyve desperdiçado tempo suficiente tentando manter o status quo que mesmo eles não podem pagar sem mendigar e empréstimos do resto do mundo. 10-3-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL APENAS INFORMADO POR FONTE INTERNACIONAL QUE O PEG FINAL REQUERIDO PARA FUND RV FOI REALIZADO. NÃO OLHANDO PARA TRÁS. ESTA SEMANA QUE OLHA MESMA MELHOR DO QUE UMA HORA AGO. QUARTA-FEIRA QUINTA-FEIRA. 10-3-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni. Há alguma parte de você que sente que o dinar nunca reavaliará Eu sou certo que o dinar levantará como um resultado de abrir a economia de mercado. Eu tenho medo de um atraso. Enquanto Maliki pode interferir atrasos podem e provavelmente vai acontecer. 10-3-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie FYI. VENDAS DE LEILÕES INFERIORES NÃO CORRELADAS COM NOTA DE REDUÇÃO. Fazer os números mais baixos durante a última semana ou assim nos dizer qualquer coisa SIM. QUE O UST PÕR SEU PIMP MÃO PARA BAIXO NO CBI. BLACKLISTED 300 ATORES DO LEILÃO HOJE. 10-3-2016 Newshound Guru mike Eu não vejo qualquer tipo de reconciliação com os curdos. Abadi não pode fazê-lo e Barzani, até agora, não quer fazê-lo. Apenas dois dias atrás. Maliki pediu que Barzani e sua comitiva fossem presos quando chegassem a Bagdá. Isso soa como um GOI que quer abraçá-lo com os curdos. Abadi. Não pode fazê-lo sozinho, ele precisa Parlamento por trás dele. Além disso, Abadi está agindo exatamente como Maliki, Iraque atualmente não tem Interior, Defesa, Ministério das Relações Exteriores ou das Finanças. O Iraque precisava de um político forte, independente e honesto que pudesse unificar o país e acabar com o sectarismo desenfreado e a corrupção que está mantendo o Iraque em seus calcanhares. Isso não aconteceu. Os curdos estão tão alienados como sempre e os sunitas desconfiam dos xiitas que supostamente os estão libertando da ISIL. É a mesma velha canção até agora, Im esperando algo mudanças em breve. 10-3-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL ESTA SEMANA OLHA PROMESSA. Muitos apontam para uma conclusão. OS BANCOS ESTÃO PRONTOS E PRECISAM A MOEDA SEGURADA DO ATIVO PARA ESTIMULAR A LINHA INFERIOR. 10-3-2016 Newshound / Intel Guru BGG O QUE SHABIBI DISSE FOI MAIS IMPORTANTE DETERMINANTE PARA A REFORMA MONETÁRIA. 1) inflação 2) corrupção Citação do artigo: Índice de inflação anual no Iraque diminuiu ligeiramente em 0,2. Durante o período de agosto / agosto de 2015 e até o mesmo mês de 2016, enquanto o índice de inflação mensal subiu em agosto. Então, se, como o Dr. Shabbibi disse - a sua inflação e corrupção - essas coisas estão sendo tratadas diretamente. Parece que estão a fazer progressos directos e rápidos de acordo com os seus acordos, directivas e supervisão do FMI a partir do Verão e antes. Há 5 ministros soberanos para o GI, 2 estão cheios. Quais são as perspectivas de completar todos os 5 com a inclusão dos ministros acima O preenchimento dessas posições é inevitável. Quando - pode ser outra história. However, given their recent progress - I doubt there are any long term hold-ups. I just dont see it. 10-2-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL THIS LOOKS TO BE A VERY GOOD WEEK. THE CHINESE CONTINUE TO PUSH THIS TO CONCLUSION WHILE THE USA CONTINUES TO STALL IMO . THE STALLING CANNOT BE CONTINUED MUCH LONGER AS MOST BANKS AND ECONOMIES ARE ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE. WITH THE RV/GCR MANY THINGS WILL CHANGE THAT WILL NEGATIVELY EFFECT THE VALUE OF UNITED STATES DOLLAR WHILE AT THE SAME TIME INCREASE THE VALUE OF OTHERS. THE STALL WILL NOT CONTINUE. I AM LOOKING FOR GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN VERY SOON. WE KNOW THE BANKS ARE READY IN THE USA AND ELSEWHERE. 10-2-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie . IRAQ STRUCK DEAL IN JULY TO COMPLETE MONETARY REFORMS INCLUDED IN 2017 BUDGET. WHICH THEY DID. AND US HAS NOT HELD ITS END OF THE BARGAIN AS FAR AS GUARANTEEING HALF OF THE BONDS. WHICH WERE IN THE 2016 BUDGET AS WELL AS THE PENDING 2017 BUDGET. THEY ARE SAYING THEY ARE GOING TO DELAY THE BONDS THAT WERE SCHEDULED TO BE LAUNCHED BEFORE END OF 2016. TO EARLY 2017 BECAUSE US CONGRESS FAILING TO APPROVE . THAT WILL BECOME ANOTHER AMENDMENT TO 2016 BUDGET LAW THAT WILL HAVE TO BE ADDRESSED. THE LOAN AFFECTS BUDGET EXECUTION. NOT CURRENCY REFORM . BOND DELAY AFFECTS THERE ABILITY TO EXECUTE THE BUDGET AND ADDRESS THE DEFICIT THRESHOLDS SET BY THE IMF. 10-2-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Iraqi attempts to issue international bonds to ensure the failure of US The fallout from sacking Zebari is costing Iraq dearly. It looks like Zebari was trusted by the US and now that hes gone, were not going to guarantee any more loans. The corruption is killing Iraq at every turn, and now that the Reform Front is gutting Abadis cabinet, its getting worse. The funds Iraq was looking for at the end of this year and for 2017 are disappearing, I dont know how theyre going to make up the shortfall. 10-2-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 I BELIEVE WE SAW ARTICLES THAT STATED IRAQ HAD NO MORE THAN 3 DAYS TO SHOW IT TO THE WORLD ONCE THEY ACTIVATED THE RATE . Sim. Tb. In country they can make an announcement and not post a rate. Up to 3 days. 10-1-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Dr. Shabibi is no longer in Iraq. hersquos not in Baghdad. hersquos not in the Green Zone. hersquos not in the CBI. Dr. Shabibi lives in Europe . and he is actually no longer with the CBI. and hersquos not coming back. it is possible he might make a speech from somewhere else. but he does work with the IMF . but hersquos not coming back. hersquos finishing up his work . 10-1-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Mosul HAS NOT been liberated. . th ough it is likely a foregone conclusion - some time ago, astute analysts have been saying the politics would be harder than the actual battle itself. and it looks like they are getting very close to broad-based agreement on the subject . 10-1-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL IT APPEARS WE ARE ON THE DOWNHILL SLIDE ON THIS RIDE IF EVERYTHING WE ARE HEARING AND SEEING IS TO BE BELIEVED. I PRAY IT IS SO. MUCH HAS HAPPENED AND MUCH CONTINUES TO HAPPEN. . d o you think what is going on with the Deutsche Bank is effecting the RV YES. 10-1-2016 Newshound Guru mike When I first got into this the official rate was 1170-1 and then dropped to 1166-1 . Last year the dinar took a small hit and the value went to 1182-1, which I never thought Id see, weve been expecting a raise in the rate, not a decrease. As of yesterday, the street, or market rate for the dinar is 1291-1, roughly 9. The MCP cannot exceed 2 so were far from IMF MCP compliance. post 3 of 3 10-1-2016 Newshound Guru mike I know were all counting on the beginning of 2017, but I remember when they said Iraq would join the world in the middle of 2016 and that never materialised. Heres hoping they can make good on their claim for 2017, its clear that what theyre doing now is moving the country backward, not forward. who would have thought wed be sitting here in 2016 at 1182. Iraq needs a non-sectarian, transparent government wIth the political will to improve the quality of life for the citizens and advance the country. Your move, Abadi. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 10-1-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Financial problem in Mesopotamia (the crisis generated crises) when dealing with (economic crisis) in Iraq The causes and solutions Why occupy Iraq is full of opportunities and resources armies of the unemployed Quote: what we thought previously a good price (1500 dinars per US dollars) is no longer enough now. This guy is opposed to the idea of lowering the rate of the dinar to 1500-1, he states very clearly that a stronger dinar would be better for the citizens. Maintaining the status quo will continue to drain the reserves, if they dont make a move soon, the options available will be limited. Hes also firmly against the trend Iraq has taken regarding trying to borrow their way out of the pickle theyre in, its not a long term solution, theyre putting a band-aid on a bullet hole . post 1 of 3. stay tuned 10-1-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: The Peshmerga under the command of al-Abadi and increase the budget of the Kurdistan it appears this recent visit in Baghdad by the Kurds (which hasnt happened in a long time). went VERY well. ( almost as a side note it appears they are hammering out a new Oil deal . I would more expect it to be along the lines of the last, for expediencies sakes - codified in the next budget. ) rather than a legit HCL. (which is fine). it all works 10-1-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL . RV/GCR WILL NEED TO GO PRIOR TO OR AT THE SAME TIME AS HBs HISTORICAL BONDS. BEHIND THE SCENES ACTIVITY SPIKING INTERNATIONALLY. 9-30-20216 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Friday is upon us once again. But will this Friday be different This is the last Friday of the month, of the quarter and of the fiscal year. My sources continue to say we will see this on or before the 10th with a high probability of Monday. All we can do is keep watching and listening and pray they are correct. 9-30-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke . based on the events of the past 72-hours, are you still confident for Calling This RV for Monday, October 03rd 2016 We are completely prepared to be Tortured, Ridiculed, Slain, Burned at the stake, Blamed, Caballed, Deviled, Evil-ed, Disavowed, Discredited, Favor-less, and completely Obliterated by all of Dinarland. if it doesnt. With a Smile on our Face. SIM. 9-30-2016 Intel Guru SteveI Article: A government official: There is a shortage in the domestic market Dinars Quote: the fiscal policy of the Iraqi government in general is facing a shortage of Iraqi dinars in the local market . This problem is about to change in the very near future. Aguente aí. 9-30-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie any news on parliament voting TUESDAY. JAAFARI QUESTIONING 9TH. ABADIS MINISTERS INCLUDING FINANCE, DEFENSE AND INTERIOR NEXT WEEK. 9-30-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Sources: al-Jaafari anticipates dismissal submit his resignation to Ebadi And another one bites the dust and brings the total to four ministers from Abadis cabinet who will be gone. Maliki and the Reform Front are gutting Abadis cabinet. Iraq now has no Interior, Defense, Finance and Foreign ministers to represent Abadi, wonder whos going to be next The thing were waiting on is the necessary legislation to create an open market economy to allow the dinar to appreciate, and without a cabinet or a functioning government, its going to be very difficult. 9-30-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 I think the barrel of oil is going to go to somewhere around 120. for about three months and then come back down to 60. they would be out of trouble at the blink of an eye. this will fuel the budget hellipAnd with ISIS not controlling oil any longer anywhere in the ME. and with the auctions now being controlled by the UN police. the days of ISIS are numbered. ISIS cannot sell any oil on the black market anymore. is this a coincidence. that the price is now going up when they are no longer in control of any oil. well would it be a coincidence if the Iraqi dinar were to go up when they are no longer in control of what they stole. Iraq set its oil ceiling and will prop up oil prices for the international market. you know why. so they can be in line with OPEC. post 2 of 2 9-30-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 The price of oil was adjusted. e. amended into the budget and that helped tremendously. there was an adjustment of 90.22 trillion IQD. that is the 77 billion that was reduced . you should pay attention to these numbers that I am reading to you. you can go to the CBI website and look. they are expressing them in IQDrsquos. that is huge . that makes the IMF really happy. I also want to share with you is that OPEC has agreed to freeze their oil production. and just because they did that. it caused the barrel of oil to go up by 2.35 . and it is going to continue and continue. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-29-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 . these UN groups. are watching the GOI bad guys. and the CBI bad guys. they are watching how things are being paid. they are really eyeballing every movement. every step. of the CBI auctions. because that is the main way that money has been stolen from Iraq . The word is that things are moving along fast . even the budget was reduced. that was a huge factor that was talked about over in DC/NYC. it was reduced by 77 billion. . in the next two or three weeks letrsquos see what happens to Abadi and the GOI and the CBI governorship and the new technocrats that will come in and what the UN report will be when they are done with what they are doing in Iraq ..there is a lot of stuff that is going to come out in the next two weeks . post 2 of 2 9-29-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 . we have been proposing the idea that in Iraq it is not so much terrorism that is so much of an urgency. it is more now focused on the corruption . we told you once Mosul was given to you the Monetary Reform would be talked about a lot. since Abadi has been back. it has been article after article about their Monetary Reform. about floating. about the exchange rate. about changing it . . when Abadi left to go to DC. and deal with Obama and go to the United Nations in New York City to deal with the corruption of his country. he asked for many things. he got them. he got many things. e. one of the things he got was more security to deal with the corruption . in fact when he left. the corruption in the GOI lifted its feet up again. he brought the UN. that is HUGE. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Consultant Abadi: Barzani looking new agreement in Baghdad to export oil region This is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to the HCL. Barzani wants a province centric HCL which is transparent and allows more input from those who are actually pumping it. Heres hoping Abadi can get something fair pushed through. 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie BARZANI IN BAGHDAD FOR 1ST TIME IN 5 YEARS TO MEET WITH ABADI AND BLOCS . GOING TO BE HUGE WEEK.. 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana . with Maliki in our face, almost daily: Please comment on the possible reactions that may occur from his actions. I still dont put much stock in Malikis presence. 9-29-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL THE INFORMATION FROM LAST NIGHT AND THIS MORNING REMAINS GOOD. SOME IS IN AGREEMENT WITH GURU DR. CLARKES POST FROM YESTERDAY. SOURCES TEND TO BELIEVE THAT THE RV HAS HAPPENED WITH A CONTINUATION OF A SLOW ROLL OUT IN PLACE. MOST AGREE THAT INTERNET GROUPS WILL BE PARTICIPATING ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 1OTH. reference Guru Dr. Clarke posts 1, 2, amp 3. 9-28-2016 9-29-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 After Mosul we would see more on the Monetary Reform. I believe Mosul is coming to a close now because different parts of the Economic Reform came out before they even told you about Fallujah. Irsquom seeing the Monetary Reforms in the last few days come out in great strides . Try to stop an avalanche. it is coming down like a lava flow. you canrsquot stop this Monetary Reform. 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Do you think oil with stay low amp cause the RV to delay or come out lower I think oil will start to go back up OR Iraq will adjust, but it will not be a permanent delay. Do you still think we can / will see an Oct RV or simply things getting better . Both . I am under the impression Mosul will be retaken by the joint forces within a few weeks. Does that make any more reason for them to finally roll out there new rate Its not the reason, but its definitely forward progress and a positive thing. 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Iraq: 634 receive Advisor Abadi million dollars from the IMF and the budget deficit shrinking Quote: . the size of the budget deficit in 2017 shrank from 34 trillion to 12 trillion dinars, indicating that the next instalment of an IMF loan for Iraq amounted to 643 million . AND THERE IT IS. DEFICIT TRIMMED FROM 34 TRILLION TO 12. those numbers are amazing . WITH IMF ASSISTANCE AND GUIDANCE JUST LIKE 2016 BUDGET THEY CO AUTHORED. NEVER. EVER. EVER HAPPENED IN THEIR HISTORY. NEVER . THEY FINALLY RIPPED THE BAND AID OFF. READY TO PLAY IN THE BIG BOY SAND BOX. post 2 of 2 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Cabinet approves 2017 budget amendment SO 2017 BUDGET AMENDMENTS APPROVED BY CABINET . JUST AS LAST YEAR WITH THE IMF CO-AUTHORING BUDGET AND MANDATING THE CRITERIA THAT WOULD QUALIFY THEM FOR THE SMP AND THEN SBA LOANS. THIS YEAR EXACTLY THE SAME. THEY GOT THEIR 2ND INSTALLMENT OF SBA MONEY BECAUSE THEY MADE THE NECESSARY AMENDMENTS TO IMPAct deficit and reforms that were then inspected and approved by imf before relaesing loan money . Will the OPEC decision today hinder those output numbers NO. THE OPEC NEWS IS GREAT BECAUSE IT WILL POSITIVELY IMPACT BUDGET REVENUES. AS OIL WAS ADJUSTED TO 42 . DEFICIT ATTACKED ON BOTH ENDS. I MF SMILES AND CUTS NEW CHECK. SIMPLE . post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-29-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Trade protectionism stimulate national industry Quote . resort states to various means in order to encourage and support enterprise productivity to achieve economic growth . Weve known this for years, so do the Iraqis, whats missing is the political will to implement the much overdo changes to the open market economy. On a positive note, at least they know what they need to do. Now they just need to do it. 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana . on par with the neighbor s --- Ive heard this one for years and there is absolutely no reason one country can value its currency at a higher rate just because another country close by is at a higher value relative to the dolla r. thats like me saying well bob down the road who is a CEO of his own company just got a new mustang. I should have one too, even though I work part time in pizza hut. with todays crazy lending policies I probably could get the loan for it in this scenario but long-term it will destroy me just like if Iraq jumped the gun and set a rate too high based on a false belief in their ability to maintain that rate or deserve it. As mentioned above the factors that affect the value of a currency cannot be overlooked or dismissed just because one might want to keep up with the joness (or Muhammads in this case) its just an ego thing. I do think some day it will be on par, now whether thats because the IQD increases in value or all out chaos engulfs the middle east and everyone else drops to Iraqs current value I dont know but time will tell. post 2 of 2 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana via The Machine Oil prices are relatively stable, the price of gold is staying above 1300/oz and most likely going up. Iraq has plenty of both. With all that has gone on with Iraq this year: CBI talk, banking, more oil, more gold, security, government, IMF and UN aid, etc. things are actually looking promising. I know about your 10 cent stance, and. I was just curious if youve heard anything about a possible rate of 13-26 cents, like a few other middle east countries are currently valued at as well. Just so Iraq can be on par with some of their neighbors, and take advantage of the resources they possess or have yet to tap into . oil prices stable ish --- yes. gold price staying above 1,300/Oz and heading higher --- I sure hope so. Iraq has plenty of both --- well we know for sure they have a lot of oil, how much gold they actually have at the moment is anyones guess. as for the rate --- 1c. 10c. 50c, 50 per dinar or even the current rate, it really doesnt matter to Iraq what the rate is life continues as normal, there are 120 factors that determine the value of a currency, everything from political stability to standard of healthcare, structure of the economy and population educational levels then the usual things like reserves, natural resources, workforce participation, interest rates, banking structure and policies, inflation rates and the volume of cash in the economy etc . post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article quote: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) signed an agreement today in Erbil with the Ministry of Planning of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to establish a new Funding Facility for Economic Reform (FFER) . Notice how the UN and its various departments seem to all of a sudden be falling all over Iraq in attempts to help them. what pray tell might be coming from all this new found assistance. 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru firefly Law No. (27) for the year 2016 general amnesty Arabic Original Document 26 Sep 2016 From the Iraq Local Law and Governance Library folks In Print now. It is now Law . 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke There just isnt a 100 complete indication, from any direction, on this Oct. 3date right now, but it is a very high probability, much more, than implementing the December 1 scenario. The reason, is that they realize, the more time taken, the more problems that will inevitably surface. They, (meaning primarily the U. S. amp Iraq), want to move on this NOW, but the UN amp the IMF are leaning toward a little more time, to suffice the global picture. there are a couple countries right now, seriously threatening, as we speak. These are purely our Beliefs amp Opinions, as to the status of things, at this point. As of Right Now, OCT. 3rd is it. . Time Will Tell . the VN Dong - we have no status change, at all - still. at any moment. post 3 of 3 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke The consideration, is that this would give them some extra time, to fully integrate the affairs within the country, managing the changeover sufficiently within all aspects of their banking and regulation systems - lower denoms, auctions, pricing, etc. finalize some political shuffling of key positions, finish a handful more laws, and secure a little more ISIS details - all before becoming a Full International partner, and the onslaught of changes that come with that - ALL while these other things play out, after the Oct. 1 date . post 2 of 3. stay tuned 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke As it stands RIGHT NOW, it looks like well have an Official International Rate increase and exchangeable Iraq Dinar currency, on Monday, October 3, 2016. The next few days will fully determine this outcome, based primarily on events OUTSIDE Iraq, believe it or not, for this date. it has to do with the full integration of several other key political powers, and their current positioning politically. There are moves being made, as we speak, that are of serious concern. Thats all we can say about that, at this time. Because of this, at this point, there is strong consideration, to FIRST substantially increase the IN-COUNTRY rate by Oct. 3, countrywide only, without granting an International status, until the Approximate time period of December 1, 2016, at which time, Iraq would Officially become an Internationally Tradable and exchanged currency, outside the country. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Float the Iraqi dinar economic phenomenon that will support the national currency hopefully the plan will be put in place soon so Iraq can start to create a private sector. The dinar is key to that success. 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana If youre watching the news stories, youll already know that my prediction to start seeing things moving around now is taking shape. weve actually got news Which is a GREAT thing, considering the lull that we were in for the last few months I think its clear that things are picking up pace. And that is exactly whats happening now. I am liking the current situation. 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Bluwolf The 170 hours ends sometime tomorrow. What it transpire is not known by me. For see this is on a timer (It has a day and specific time agreed on by all countries). The rates are admirable and high and the banks are all ready. Know that the US is in the original basket and it also is revaluation. Vietnam, Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, Brazil, Mejico (Mexico for you), South Korea, to name a few are in that original basket of twenty. the timer is about to expire and all GCR related happenings will become the worlds new reality. 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Bruce Where are with Iraq They have revalued in country, they are using Qi cards, back pay all the way back to January. Decent rates on cards. Iraq did all they were asked to do. The G20 meeting was positive, the treaties, Paris Treaty, all agreed upon. It was just announced, the Paris agreement yesterday in the UN general assembly. It was a very big deal when that went down. We are in excellent position to receive this blessing in very short order. Donrsquot know next day or so, but believe this is our week. That is the sort of the timing we are looking at right now. We are pretty close. get ready and prepare for your new lives that should start here pretty soon. 9-28-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Central bank: Iraq will emerge from the gray list to the white early next year Quote: . the highest international group to monitor the money moving internationally to remove Iraq from the gray list to the white early next year, 2017 . This is one of those articles that is so matter of fact. There can be no confusion what the CBI is saying here. No misunderstanding. Here is what the IMF said in the SBA. The authorities will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP) (MEFP, 14). Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMFrsquos Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investor community that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of restrictions and MCPs for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate . We can clearly see that early 2017 the CBI plans to enter Article VIII. This will facilitate international investment, confidence and international transactions using the dinar. This also, IMO will be when the dinar begins to float. As already stated, the CBI plans to introduce a new 50, 100, and 200 at the same time so we can expect the dinar to improve significantly in 2017. 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Abadi is trying to take his country into the future. into the international world and to do business with it. not with the program rate . the UN applauded and said bravo to Abadi. and he met with many nations. and those nations promised many things to him. why would they do that at a program rate . Article quotes: We Will Raise the Value of the Iraqi Dinar and it will be to Reduce Corruption by Hitting One of the Main Sources of Currency Auctions rdquo To Restore Confidence in Iraq Currency Retreating . IMO I think. that Mosul is so very close to us. because of that I believe now they want to talk to you about the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar . and that is good. There was another article. dealing with the Monetary Reforms and they said. we the Finance Committee, suggested that the best thing for us to do is to create a float. our exchange rate . . once again another example within 48 hours of Abadi coming back from NYC and DC you see a lot of talk about the Monetary Reform. post 2 of 2 9-28-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 . we were. looking at the fact that Abadi was in Washington, DC. he left early. he actually left Thursday. and he was in Iraq Friday morning and. that to us was very significant. I think the most important reason is why did he come back. because the cockroaches were once again trying to mess with the GOI. the biggest issue IMO was to deal with Maliki. and Malikirsquos son . But he has been caught with all the millions that he stolehellipthis evidence is being piled up against Maliki and his son that is dealing with corruption. United Nations also says to Abadi. we are going to come with you too. why did they come to Iraq with Abadi. I guess it is because they are dealing with corruption not terrorism. That is huge. all of the bad people we see over there are being dealt with right is the root of corruption that the UN is now over there dealing with. and Abadi is right there dealing with them . . Abadi is not targeting Malikihellipthat would be politically dangerous. but Abadi is allowing the UN to come and do the corruption clean up. in fact the US Treasury is there too. porque. because the UST and the UN are both there now monitoring the CBI auctions . post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-27-2016 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: Float the Iraqi dinar economic phenomenon that will support the national currency Quote: Economist banks Rahim al-Adli suggested to the Central Bank of Iraq and the government unrestricted flotation Adoption in the auction currency instead of limiting factor that determines a fixed exchange rate to the dollar price . This is the plan, but they must create the conditions first by passing laws, etc. so investment comes in and the dinar appreciates. If they do it now, the dinar may devalue..which we do not want. 9-27-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Jubouri ahead of us a historical responsibility to prosecute the corrupt and detection HISTORICAL RESPONSIBILITY TO DETECT AND PROSECUTE THE CORRUPT. AND THE NEED TO SHIFT FROM A CRISIS SITUATION TO A STATE OF POLITICAL AND EXECUTIVE STABILITY . WOW. NUFF SAID. 9-27-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL NO NEWS OTHER THAN WE ARE EXPECTING COMPLETION ON OR BEFORE THE 30TH OF SEPTEMBER . WILL WE SEE IT MAYBE. COULD IT BE AFTER OCTOBER 1ST. SOME SAY IT COULD. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. 9-27-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Parliamentary Finance: Financial Management Law will reveal flaws in the states economy . 61456 THAT IS PROBABLY THE BIGGEST AND MOST IMPACTFUL LAW WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. ASSIM. WILL BE DISCUSSED IN THE NEXT HoR SESSION. which is next week right YES. TUESDAY. THE FLAWS THAT IT WILL REVEAL IN THE IRAQI ECONOMY. IS THE VERY REASON THE IMF HAS PUT SUCH WEIGHT ON ITS ADDRESSMENT. . 9-27-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: Urgent parliament obliging the government 10 days the progress of modifying the 2016 budget law why do the need to modify the 2016 budget I suspect they have some house keeping to get in order at the behest of the IMF . I know they have some missing line item things in the 2017 budget they have to get fixed as well. (about 12 billion worth of oil expense - from the sounds of it - IMF no likey. ). 9-27-2016 Newshound Guru mike By all appearances, Maliki and the Reform Front can get just about any legislation pushed through now in Parliament, just look at the messed up Amnesty Law that was just passed. If Maliki can get his version of the HCL pushed through, he can criminalize the actions of the Kurds when they sell oil outside of the SOMO network. Barzani wont wait for that to happen. Again, this is just an opinion. post 2 of 2 9-27-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Parliamentary Power: 4 points of contention hinder voting on oil and gas law In my opinion, the HCL will be the law that pushes the Kurds to hold a referendum and try to separate from Iraq. There have always been two HCLs, one was a centralized, socialist type law that empowered Baghdad to make all the decisions regarding oil, they would sign deals with the oil companies, determine where drilling would take place and collect 100 of the moneys involved. The Kurds and a couple of other provinces, arent for that. They want more control and input over the process and want to limit the centralized approach that got Iraq into the oil mess theyre in now. Iraq has delayed the provinces desire for their own laws and authorities, this will only further subjugate the provinces to the out of touch MPs in Baghdad. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-26-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG The Investment Law. is a pretty direct law, any idea what tweaks need to be done I am not exactly positive about what they are doing with it - but i t appears they will make adjustments to an existing law to satisfy international pressures. and by all indications - it will happen soon. Probably one of the final pieces to the puzzle . 9-26-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL ACCORDING TO ALL SOURCES THIS SHOULD BE A GREAT WEEK . TIME WILL TELL. 9-26-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 . is the big event that is supposed to happen by November 1 something that we will be a part of. or will it only be for Iraq, as when they went international in July, but was only for them Have said many time IMO RI is now with RV in 2017. How can one complain on that opinion Have also given..two reasons why these seem to have been put ahead of its schedule. 9-26-2016 Newshound Guru Enorrste Article: Iraq to the whitelist financially it is clear to me that this is all do to the workings of the IMF in the background. I am actually beginning to think that the IMF may accomplish its goal which is to bring Iraq into the world market by early next year. This is something that Iraq alone could not do but we are seeing small pieces of the puzzle coming together on a more and more regular basis ever since the IMF made its promise. 9-26-2016 Newshound Guru Stryker Article of the Day. Iraq expects to move to the white list financially early 2017 9-26-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article quote: . he said Hafiz said the deal is going on in economic circles on the text submitted an analysis of the budget in 2017 to be taken into account fundamental issues in dispute. particularly the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar . they are in the middle of making some final re-workings on the 2017 budget. one of them sounds like some different exchange rate . which is weird. how can they decide what the price of oil will be - or their exchange rate. unless they already know. 9-26-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Rise in the market value of companies in the stock market Quote: Mustafa al - Hashimi headed Iraq Stock Exchange to contract with one of the Arab corporate systems and programming for increased activation of the trading process through Alanturnt. ozkr weekly report of the Stock Exchange, seen by the laquomorningraquo he hoped the signing of the Convention in October next month and that the service is launching in quarter the first of the year 2017 . THE ONLINE TRADING PLATFORM. THE SERVICE WILL BE LAUNCHED IN 1ST QUARTER 2017. AND THE ISX IS ALREADY REACTING IN ANTICIPATION. 9-26-2016 Intel Guru SteveI . sit back, relax and let this darn frustrating investment come to you. Follow the money and you will see that Iraq is going to be one heck of a powerhouse in the global market. 9-26-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: Rise in the market value of companies in the stock market t hey are working towards opening an online version of the ISX . does any of this look like they are delaying ANYTHING. and just a quick note. several years ago - a BILLIONAIRE friend of mine told me directly - the ISX will produce more new millionaires than the currency does. when they open that up - its ON Sisi let the cat out of the bag the other day. Egypt is going through much of the same stuff with the IMF. he plainly said they would revalue their currency before the end of 2016. Iraq is way ahead of them. reference Guru mike post 9-25-2016 9-25-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL Y OU MIGHT BE ASKING YOURSELF TODAY. WILL IT EVER END . THE ANSWER IS YES. WE ARE SEEING A SLOW ROLL OUT THAT ACCOMMODATES THE NEEDS OF THE BANKERS AT THIS POINT IN TIME . IN MY OPINION, WHICH IS SHARED BY OTHERS, THE MECHANICS OF THE RV PROCESS WERE COMPLETED A WEEK OR MORE AGO. . LETS GET THIS DONE BEFORE MONTHS END. 9-25-2016 Intel Dr. Clarke Zebari removed. and IEX 1st Qtr. info released. ALL while Abadi out of the country. World Bank today also. Right on Schedule, Right on Time, Right Now, moving according to Plan. Very Positive Momentum right now. Friends, its only going to get MUCH BETTER, from here on out. Therell probably be a small downer thrown in over the next few days - but IGNORE IT. will pass right by amp thru. As we indicated last time, this upcoming SUNDAY 25th amp MONDAY 26th, are VERY VERY important. Its time to Start Smiling, and KEEP Smiling. this time. 9-25-2016 Newshound Guru mike . in my opinion, its not the value of the dinar thats keeping investors out of Iraq. Its the lack of banking and investment laws coupled with the crippling corruption that is Iraq . Look at it this way, the total market capitalization for the ISX is roughly 9 billion dollars. There are a bunch of folks that could literally buy every stock available on the ISX, in the big picture, 9 billion isnt a prohibitive number. So, why hasnt anyone done that, heck, they could own every business on the ISX for that amount. The answer is security, stability, laws, infrastructure and politics. When Iraq can make the environment more conducive to fair and open market policies, the investors will come, even if the dinar is still at 1182. . historically the CBI has only talked about raising the value. However, I can remember when the dinar was 1166 to the dollar and now its 1182, theyve already reversed course on what theyve previously stated. Moving from 1182 to 1400/1500-1 isnt so farfetched to me, especially with the price of oil at 40 something a barrel. 9-25-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Iraq Stock Exchange launches instructions online trading system for investors Quote: . ..he emphasized that the service will be launched in the first quarter of 2017.. . I s anyone else able to hear the can being kicked down the street another time I hear it loud and clear. Heres the thing, for years now anyone, who wanted, could buy Iraqi stock. The thing is, who wants to Until the investment and banking laws are in the books and the banks are functioning like theyre supposed to, no one is going in and buying up shares of Baghdad Bottling, its just not worth the risk . There are tons of other penny stocks to buy in countries that are much more stable than Iraq, the reward just isnt enough. 9-24-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL THE NEWS CONTINUES TO BE POSITIVE BUT NO ACTION AS YET. FRUSTRATION IS GROWING WITH BANKERS AND OTHERS. THE NEED FOR THIS EVENT GROWS. WE WAIT FOR THE RELEASE. IT IS MY OPINION, BASED UPON THE NUMEROUS PIECES OF INFORMATION COMING IN, THAT THE RV WAS COMPLETED, THE FUNDING IS IN THE BANKS AND WE ARE SIMPLY WAITING FOR THE GREEN LIGHT FOR OUR TURN. ALL POINTS TO BEFORE THE 1ST BUT THAT IS STILL A BIG QUESTION MARK. 9-24-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Nassif Abadi demanding reforms in the Central Bank . the IMF and WB are NOT in control in Iraq. For some reason folks thought their involvement would be the panacea for Iraqs financial woes and this reminds us they alone arent the solution, they need the political will of Iraq to accomplish the overall goals. Whacking Zebari demonstrated whos in control of Iraq and it isnt the US Treasury, IMF or WB. Its the Iraqis themselves. 9-24-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG . VND, ZIM, Rial and all the other HOAXES out there. what makes Iraq (and their situation) different from all these others . how many of these countries have met with ALL THE OTHER WORLD LEADERS in the last 48 hours. how many of them had some kind of top billing at the recent IMF summit how many of them met with the President of the United States how many of them have this kind of economic future how many of these other countries are like Iraq NONE. Not one. VASTLY different scenarios. BTW - all of the stuff I mention about Iraq VS any other country devaluing has happened in the last 48 hrs. Meetings, thats just the last couple of days - so what makes Iraq different . EVERYTHING. 9-24-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: UNDP announces send anti - corruption investigators to Iraq next week THE UN INVESTIGATORS TO FIGHT CORRUPTION ARRIVE IN IRAQ NEXT WEEK. JUST AS THE IMF ORDERED. CAN YOU SAY STABILITY. 9-24-2016 Intel Guru TD Comments from my Kurdish friend ( treat all as rumor and please do your own sound diligence ). I posted months ago to watch out for the battle of Mosul. Get ready to rumble Its about to happen in any coming week. The Iraqi army is trained just enough and there are strategic elements of American forces quietly re entering the theatre. The Kurds are also armed and poised for the fight while Turkey will also be providing cooperation and help. As far as any news on currency reform - nothing has changed. Nothing will happen till consolidation of the country is achieved. Look maybe for news next spring for continued news of the deletion of the zeros program and then the LOP program will be initiated. 9-24-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG it appears attacking the corrupt was one of the VITAL items on a short list that the IMF has been insisting on. It appears to me. the GOI is responding to the IMF, WB and UN - though they arent entirely happy about it. however, if they want international acceptance, they have little choice. They must respond. Iraq has been under some version of an IMPOSED RATE since when 2003. its not even an accurate value - Grossly undervalued is the term used by learned economists. SO - it stands to reason they are going to have to appease those who IMPOSED this rate to start with. and THAT, my friends, is what we are seeing play out before our very eyes. those same actors that imposed can unimpose - it appears they have made this point very clear. Iraq is about IRAQ. Nothing else - AND it is the hottest topic in world finance right now. Período. With VERY GOOD REASON . Abadis PM brand is HUGE right now. hes moving Iraq forward mightily. they are moving with great speed. I think the future looks very bright for Iraq. 9-23-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Parliament determines the sixth of October as the date for the interrogation of al - Jaafari Quote: MP Haitham al-Jubouri, Thursday, all documents and evidence to prove the involvement of a large part of the leaders of the Ministry of Finance Bmufat marred by corruption . MARK YOUR CALENDARS. INSERT ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST SONG HERE.. 9-23-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Echoes of New York: World leaders praise the achievements of the Government of Abadi A Abadi is Reporting and asking for Economic Reform help. As the calendar of Iraq was Moved Up to accommodate an Article 8 position with the IMF . 9-23-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Legal: withdraw confidence from Zebari does not cancel the charges against him Zebari better get whatever documents he has to the IMF and WB, it looks like theyre going to move quickly against Zebari with corruption charges . 9-23-2016 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: Echoes of New York: World leaders praise the achievements of the Government of Abadi . things are being stepped up with Iraq now. what I want to see is the action that transpires upon Abadis return from the US . hopefully before the weekend. he has the fortitude and the necessary ability to put the best spin on things for Iraq and the world. watch for Abadi . IMO. 9-23-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Abadi adviser: IMF expressed its readiness to open up in front of his locker Iraq Quote: The recent meetings in Washington DC between a number of countries and the Iraqi delegation headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, there was a very positive and promises from a number of countries and agencies for the reconstruction of Iraq . . FURTHER SUPPORT COMMITMENTS FROM IMF OVER AND ABOVE RECENT WB STATEMENT OF THE SAME. AND ADDITIONAL PLEDGES FROM OTHER COUNTRIES AWAY FROM UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY. THE WORLD IS IN THEIR CORNER . 9-23-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: Abadi discussed with the International Monetary director of the implementation of economic reforms and diversification of resources This is the next meeting with Iraq and IMF. In the first week of October. BTW this 22nd until the 30th of October. They will have two more meetings . This is the first. IOO when A returns. Much will be said of much that has been done. 9-23-2016 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Article: Echoes of New York: World leaders praise the achievements of the Government of Abadi . I believe. Abadi would be reaching out to the IMF. the US. and the World Bank for support of their Economic Reforms. they would be sitting down with the international world asking for their support as well. Indeed this is what we see rolling out of this trek to the US. these exact things . Lets be extra watchful for what happens upon Abadis return to his homeland of Iraq. IMO. it could be very exciting and good. maybe even gooder for all who have a stake in this blessing . no date. no rate here of course. 9-23-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies . I WANT TO ADDRESS SOME MORE CONFUSION THAT IS OUT THERE. PLEASE EVERYONE STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS STOCK EXCHANGE IN THE WRONG CONTEXT. THIS IEX IS NOTHING MORE THAN ANOTHER SEC APPROVED STOCK EXCHANGE. THEY ARE ONLY LICENSED TO TRADE UNITED STATES SECURITIES NOT CURRENCIES . ASK THEM IF THEY TRADE CURRENCIES OR WILL EVER LIST CURRENCIES OR FOREIGN SECURITIES. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO NO NO. THEY ARE NOT LICENSED FOR SUCH A THING AND THE FOREX TRADES 4-5 TRILLION DOLLARS IN CURRENCIES A DAY SO WHY ON EARTH WOULD A RETAIL DEALER WANT TO TRADE CURRENCIES ON ANOTHER PLATFORM THEY WOULD NOT WANT TO. 9-23-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL The news from yesterday was positive to be sure. The majority of us expect to see an end on or before September 30th . 9-23-2016 Intel Guru Bruce . remember the G20 meeting couple of weeks ago Many signed on, 30 different treaties. The Paris agreement. The climate change, RV and GCR were in that agreement and all signed off on it. Iraq. They were told to go ahead and revalue their dinar immediately. They were given full sovereignty all sanctions lifted, and told to revalue their dinar. bring their dinar as an International currency rate up. We also heard after Abadi went home, they did a small press conference yesterday. Iraq is ready to go from all the information we have from their perspective. In the large scheme of things this is a worldwide event. All these countries will be changed with the first basket. Rates are ready, redemption centers are ready to go, and banks are ready. We are ready to go. Rates are quite good. I think things are still moving along at a good pace. I can see this coming to an end. 9-22-2016 Intel Guru SteveI You get Mosul completely done, move the army to the border, and then finally great times ahead for all. 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie . SAW PARLIAMENTS AGENDA FOR TOMORROW THURSDAY. 1ST ITEM ON AGENDA. 1ST READING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LAW. RIGHT FROM THE IMF LETTER OF INTENT/MEFP/TMU. BOULYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru firefly Nobody seems to be talking about the UN meeting. With Abadi and Iraq. Big is putting it mildly. All I will say is it coincides with the previous G20 meeting in China. Tb. Zebari is going NOWHERE 9-22-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke lots amp lots happening, friends. and quickly. and its closed today (ISX Thursday). Our eyes are particularly focused on this Sunday - Monday and through to next Saturday. Crunch time . ALL meetings have gone well. so far. 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: House of Representatives withdraw confidence from the Minister of Finance and vote on bills Im a little surprised this passed through Parliament, the Kurds are not going to be happy having Zebari removed. In the middle of an offensive against Mosul, they let go of the Defense Minister, now while theyre preparing the budget for 2017, they let go of the Finance Minister. To round it up, Iraq doesnt have an Interior, Defense or Finance Minister in the GOI, whos next, Abadi 9-21-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article quote: Hussain urged the government to sign more agreements air with other countries, especially that Iraq is on the verge of commercial traffic and open its market to foreign capita l. IRAQ ON VERGE OF COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC AND OPEN ITS MARKET TO FOREIGN CAPITAL . BOULYAAAAAAAAAAAH. 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru Shredd So, in summary, the paying for your exchange is passed on and the only entity that would ultimately lose money out of pocket per se would be the investor who was holding the dinar at the time if it would crash in value. This general rule applies in all levels of investment -- buying low and selling high. We just get the benefit of the biggest jump in the difference of the two To that point, I personally plan on initially exchanging a certain percentage of my dinar and holding on to the remaining with the hopes of an even greater gain further down the road. post 3 of 3 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru Shredd As far as who pays for the increase, we cant look at currency exchange as a finite transaction, a one-and-done if you will. Rather, its an ongoing transaction . 1. You bought the dinar at a low rate (this is the part of investment where the investor makes their money. on the low buy) 2. The value grows (this is driven by the market and no transaction happens in this step) 3. You sell your dinar (you get the gain and the exchanging bank deposits the USD in your account after verifying) 4. The exchanging bank exchanges the dinar with the dealer (thus balancing their paying for the initial exchange) 82035. The dealer resells the dinar at the current rate (thus balancing their paying for the exchange banks exchange) 6. The new buyer of the dinar ultimately paid for your initial exchange but they also hold the dinar at the new value and can exchange it again as the rate increases. Once they do, they balance what they paid for their purchase plus gained a bit since they chose to trade. and on and on it goes from here. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru Shredd Who pays for the delta/increase between the current rate and the increased rate we hope to receive When you exchange your dinar for USD, the bank will verify the authenticity of the currency (either internally or with a vendor) and once the transaction is complete, the bank DOES NOT hold onto it but rather will exchange it again to USD with a foreign exchange dealer in what is referred to as the interbank market. The bank will set the rate based on the market and demand and will of course take their cut (spread) . The foreign exchange market works through financial institutions, and it operates on several levels with few insurance companies and other kinds of financial firms are involved. Trades between foreign exchange dealers can be very large, involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Because of the sovereignty issue when involving two currencies, forex has little (if any) supervisory entity regulating its actions. If you sell your dinar back to the broker you purchased it from, they will exchange with a large bank and the above process takes place the same. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies UNDERSTAND THAT IRAQ IS DOING NOTHING SPECIAL, IT IS NOT A WHITE ELEPHANT OR YELLOW UNICORN IT IS SIMPLY JUST ANOTHER EMERGING MARKET AND AS SUCH IT WILL NEED TO REACT AS ALL OTHER MARKETS DO AND THAT WILL BE TO TRADE INTERNATIONALLY. I CAN NOT SPEAK TO RATE AND NO ONE CANhellipAND JUST BY READING HOW ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES DROPPED THEIR ZEROS AND DEALT WITH REVALUATIONS IrsquoM SURE IRAQ WILL FOLLOW SUIT. . SIT TIGHT. THE LONG WAIT IS ALMOST OVER AND FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES THE CLOCK TO THE NEW SYSTEM STARTED IN DECEMBER OF 2015 WHEN THE CODE OF REFORMS WAS FINALLY ACTIVATED AND ALL EMERGING MARKETS HAVE BEEN FAST TRACKING SINCE THEN. I HAVE MUCH MORE TO SHARE WITH YOU. FOR NOW DIGEST ALL THAT I GAVE YOU. SMILE AND CALM DOWN. IT IS ALL GOOD. post 4 of 4 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies . PLEASE STOP WRITING AND SAYING. IRAQ HAS A WORTHLESS CURRENCY. THE CURRENCY IS ONLY WORTHLESS WHEN COMPARED TO THE DOLLAR. BUT SINCE THE DINAR DOES NOT CROSS BORDERS WHEN YOU SEE IRAQ BUYING THIS OR PAYING THAT THEY ARE DOING IT WITH USD. THE QI CARDS THAT YOU ALL TALK ABOUT PLEASE STOP SAYING THE CARDS ARE LOADED WITH 3 OR 5 BECAUSE THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE BECAUSE THE QI CARDS ARE DOMESTIC TO IRAQ WHY ON EARTH WOULD THEY HAVE A FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE INSIDE THEIR BORDERS FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES ONLY APPLY WHEN YOU CROSS BORDERS. post 3 of 4. stay tuned 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies POLICY AND LAWS ARE IMPORTANT FOR THE SUSTAINABLE IRAQ, THATrsquoS A FACT. WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT IS THE CONNECTION IRAQ CAN MAKE TO THE EXTERNAL FINANCIAL HUB . NOW DOES IT MATTER IF THE DINAR IS ELECTRONIC OR IN PAPER FORM NO NOT AT ALL, BECAUSE ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE SETTLED DIGITALLY. NO ONE IS CHARGED WITH THE JOB OF MOVING CURRENCY FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY IN A WHEEL BARROW IT IS ALL DONE ELECTRONICALLY. WHEN IRAQ TALKS ABOUT THE E-DINAR THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT MAKING A CONNECTION TO THE EXTERNAL HUB. THE DINAR WILL TRADE. IT IS A FACT AND IS NECESSARY ACCORDING TO THE 2010 REFORMS, AS AN EMERGING MARKET THERE IS A PLACE FOR IRAQ ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE. THE WORLD DOES NOT NEED THE DINAR FOR ANYTHING BECAUSE THAT IS JUST HOW THE WORLD WORKS. THE DINAR WILL NOT BE THE SAVING GRACE FOR THE PLANET. post 2 of 4. stay tuned 9-22-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies . IF YOU GET RID OF THE NOISE AND READ THE FACTS YOU WILL SEE THAT WHAT IRAQ IS DOING IS NO DIFFERENT THAN WHAT ALL OTHER EMERGING MARKETS ARE DOING. MANY FOLKS IN THE COMMUNITY ARE JUST HYPER FOCUSED ON IRAQ AND THE STUDY OF THAT COUNTRY WHICH HAS LED TO ALL SORTS OF STORIES ABOUT WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN FIRST LIKE IS IT THIS LAW OR THAT LAW IS IT THE RETAKING OF MOSUL IS IT THE LYNCHING OF MALIKI IS IT THE RETURNING OF SHABBIBI WELL GOOD NEWS FOR ALL OF US NONE OF THIS MATTERS IN THE BIG PICTURE. post 1 of 4. stay tuned 9-21-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke This is EXACTLY what we were hoping to see today, the 21st, as weve been talking about Sept. 21 now for past 3 weeks, as a Key important date. and SEE immediately on the other side. Zebari removed. and IEX 1st Qtr. info released. ALL while Abadi out of the country. hmmmmm. World Bank today also, huh. same day Right on Schedule, Right on Time, Right Now, moving according to Plan. Very Positive Momentum right now. Friends, its only going to get MUCH BETTER, from here on out. Therell probably be a small downer thrown in over the next few days - but IGNORE IT. will pass right by amp thru. As we indicated last time, this upcoming SUNDAY 25th amp MONDAY 26th, are VERY VERY important. Please find that SMILE thats been hiding in Doubt, for Oh, such a very long time. at least find a small one, even to yourself, that nobody else sees. Its time to Start Smiling, and KEEP Smiling. this time. 9-21-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: Parliamentary Finance demanding the central bank to intervene urgently to reduce the dollar exchange rate Heres hoping theres enough reserves to get the MCP below 2 for 90 days. The only way to get the street rate down is to satisfy the demand for dollars or unpeg and let the dinar drop to 1400-1 again. . Iraq has to demonstrate they have control over their currency and provide monetary stability to potential investors and right now, they dont have control over the dinar. 9-21-2016 Newshound Guru Shredd Article: Iraq Stock Exchange launches instructions online trading system for investors Quote: . the market identified instructed disclosures required of brokerage firms, which contain procedures to disclose the risks associated with an investment models dealing with investors (Know Your Customer KYC), and commissions that Satkadaha mediator, as well as the requirements are carried out by investors to agree to their trading via the Internet . this is a very good article and yet another reminder of the progress Iraq has and is making. Investors vetted via KYC and having access to easily trade electronically are huge foundational necessities for both public and private investment. 9-21-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 Herersquos another little thing for you. even when the value goes from an RI into an RV. yes the dinar will be a dinar inside the country. but it is going to explode in our hands. supply and demand. internationallyhellip 9-21-2016 Newshound Guru Adam Montana No alert flags. I see good things happening for the IQD right now, Im actually on a medium alert at this time. 9-21-2016 Intel Guru Delta URGENT FROM IRAQI TV: ISX WILL LAUNCH ON LINE TRADING SYSTEM FOR INVESTORS IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2017. 9-21-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Articles: Parliament dismisses Hoshyar Zebari Jubouri: We will respect the Federal Court s decision on answers Zebari Quote: House of Representatives voted to dismiss Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari on the background of corruption charges Parliament dismisses Hoshyar Zebari. Which is - (all of their pursuit of corruption) - one of the key points the IMF has made to them . they HAVE TO DEAL with it. they are doing exactly what the IMF has advised them they must do . Quote: . the first phase of the standby credit agreement with the international Monetary Fund included several reform requirements of the Iraqi economy, and performance standards, and financial management reform . . they are responding to their IMF supervision. 9-21-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 I believe IMO Abadi is giving Obama a full report right now . not on Mosul. because that is over with. not on terrorism because that is pretty controlled. but on corruption that was destroying and delaying the Monetary and Economic Reforms that the IMF demanded be done before November. This past week the market got out of hand. those that know how to steal and make money are making their last gasp. it is 1166 that is the exchange rate. but the street rate got all the way up to 1300. the CBI was getting hammered by the market. and the next thing you know. The IMF is Telling You to Reduce the Dollar Exchange Raterdquo. intervene urgently. adjust the exchange rate . this is continual pressure. I got a feeling that Iraq is going to raise the value of their currency IMO. and I have a feeling the CBI is ready and poised. because they have been escorted by not only the IMF, UST, WB, BIS. but by us. the USA. to be in position to raise the value of their currency. they are right now to be in a perfect situation. 9-21-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: IraqAcircs Shrinking Revenues, the I. M.F. and the Oil Dilemma Quote: The suggested reform program is very ambitious. It aims, according to the I. M.F. to bring spending in line with lower global oil prices. . when I read articles like this the IMF is doing exactly what they should be doing. Theyre insuring that the only real business model in Iraq stays afloat and the IOCs get paid, otherwise, these folks will pull up stakes and then Iraq really will be in a jam because without oil, theres very little else generating revenue. The numbers are staggering, Maliki and company brokered these deals when the price was 100 a barrel, now that its dropped to below 50, To keep payments at that rate when the oil price hit 30/barrel (or bbl), Iraq had to allocate more than three times that volume. This is more than 50 percent of its total oil exports that represent close to 90 percent of its budgeted revenues. Iraq had less oil to export and at a lower price, generating less and less revenues. The model is unsustainable, something has to change quickly. 9-21-2016 Intel Guru Bruce I believe everything is in the Gazette couple of days ago and visible. Bank reforms, new laws are all in the Gazette, published and online both. Iraq is done. Everything is a go from Iraqrsquos perspective. Everything is very positive. That part is good. They got their sovereignty, part of the World Counsel and were told to revalue their currency to make the rate availability immediately. We understand the CBI is connected to the IEX and the minute they put a new rate on it, it will be seen immediately on the system . My understanding was the IEX was to replace Forex. The final access codes are to be entered. The rates are very good to our knowledge. They may have gone slightly up. What we know, it is going to be fantastic guys. Pretty much we are looking for a sort of any time now scenario . post 2 of 2 Review Guru My Ladies post from 9-19-2016 below to see a different perspective on IEX 9-21-2016 Intel Guru Bruce When the G20 meeting took place and Paris agreement was ratified by all parties. it included the RV and GCR . It was a done deal at that time, it was agreed upon. What has happened at the UN was very positive in terms of Iraq. Abadi did meet with Obama yesterday. The result will be positive for us. Iraq has received complete sovereignty finally. All their sanctions were removed. They are the 209th nation admitted into the World Counsel of the UN. The second thing they were instructed at the UN was to go ahead to revalue the Iraqi dinar immediately . What does immediately mean Whatever immediately means, we are going to take as very good news. The understanding is they think Abadi has to return to Iraq. That meeting was going to finish around 9est time tonight Tuesday. Then the possibility he has to head back and make announcement in country. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-20-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 . there are about 21 provinces in Iraq. and they are preparing themselves to take care of the citizens of Iraq. I like this a lot. this is a very. very big step. because the citizens IMO were left for the very last part of their reforms. Monetary and Economic Reforms . IMO. you saw a lot of evidence this week that went by. the displaced citizens are being brought back. 9-20-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Iraqi judiciary: general amnesty law implemented from the date of approval Quote: A spokesman for the federal judiciary Judge Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar said the amnesty law provided for the implementation of pre-publication in the Official Gazette. 9-20-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke IGNORE all the information on ldquoNote Countsrdquo, with ANY Country. Itrsquos SIMPLE. Everyone wants the same thing: FIRST, Iraq to make their Dinar currency, Officially, Publicly International in status, so that it can be traded, used amp exchanged around the world, at your local bank. SECOND, for Iraq to increase the value, higher than the program rate range of 1166-1300, where itrsquos been for years. For Vietnam Dong, itrsquos even simpler, because they already have an Internationally traded currency, that can ALREADY be traded amp exchanged at just about any bank, around the world. THEY just have to increase their rate, from the range of 22,200-22,500, where itrsquos also been for years. 9-20-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL I HAVE BEEN TOLD TO BE PATIENT. IT IS COMING SOON . SO I AM BEING PATIENT. 9-20-2016 Newshound Guru mike Article: The World Bank does not want to dismiss Zebari and considers it contrary to loan agreement Quote: The World Bank sent a signal to the government and parliament has custody of the dismissal of the Minister of Finance, pointing out that the sacking Zebari, contrary to what was agreed upon with Iraq in obtaining international loans . The world bank knows that Zebari is being persecuted for being a whistle blower against Maliki and his cronies . Ditto. This is another witch hunt by the Reform Front, theyre doing everything they can to destablilize Abadis government from the inside out. 9-20-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Parliament will reconvene tomorrow to vote on the withdrawal of confidence from Zebari or not . TOMORROWS AGENDA. APPROVE AND DISCUSS A NUMBER OF THE DRAFT LAWS. AS WELL AS VOTE ON THE WITHDRAWL OF CONFIDENCE FROM ZEBARI. 9-20-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Backdoc Article quote: . the Ministry of Planning in cooperation with the ministries of commerce and communication to the application of the electronic card system, as an alternative to paper in the delivery of the ration card items to citizens . EXCELLENT ARTICLE. AGAIN WE HAVE MORE CONFIRMATION OF THE DIGITAL E-DINAR. AS THEY STATE HERE. THEY WANT TO USE THE PAYMENT CARD WHICH WILL DECREASE THE NEED FOR CASH THIS WILL ALLOW IRAQ TO KEEP THE NEED FOR CASH TO A MINIMUM AND THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO KEEP PULLING IN PAPER TO REDUCE THEIR NOTE COUNT EVEN FURTHER 9-20-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies I FEEL THAT YOU ALL DESERVE THE ABSOLUTE FACTS, WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO WITH THEM IS YOUR OWN BUSINESS I JUST WANT YOU TO HAVE THEM. I HAVE BEEN READING MORE AND MORE TALK OF WELLS FARGO AND ABBOTT DOWNING AND I AM JUST GOING TO SAY THIS I SPOKE WITH WELLS FARGO MAIN LEGAL COUNCIL AND. THEY WERE ALSO SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT THEY WERE THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATIONS IN DINAR ROOMS AND THEY WERE VERY SURE TO TELL ME THAT WELLS FARGO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING AND IS NOT THE LEAD BANK FOR ANYTHING. SO THE NEXT THING I DID WAS CALL THEIR EAST COAST LAW FIRM AND THAT ATTORNEY TOLD ME THE SAME THING. post 3 of 3 9-20-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies THE NEXT FACT I WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT IS CIPS AND AGAIN THIS IS NOT MY OPINION THIS IS A FACT. CIPS WILL NOT FACILITATE FUNDS TRANSFER RATHER IT SENDS PAYMENT ORDERS WHICH NEED TO BE SETTLED BY CORRESPONDENT ACCOUNTS. AND CIPS WENT LIVE IN OCTOBER OF 2015 AND ON MARCH 25 OF 2016 CHINA SIGNED A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH SWIFT AND WAS ALLOWED TO CONNECT. . WHY ARE YOU WAITING ON CIPS WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY OPERATIONAL AND WHY OR BETTER YET HOW ON EARTH WOULD CIPS OVERTHROW THE SWIFT SYSTEM WHEN THEY ARE ABOUT THE SAME TO EACH OTHER AS APPLES AND ORANGES . NEITHER SWIFT NOR CIPS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE IRAQI DINAR. post 2 of 3. stay tuned 9-20-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies . I WANT TO BRING YOU NOT OPINION BUT FACT. I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT SWIFT AND KNOW WHAT IT IS. I HAVE BEEN SEEING THIS COMPANY MISUSED. AND I WANT YOU TO HAVE ALL THE FACTS PLEASE. SWIFT IS A MESSAGING PROVIDER THEY DO NOT AND HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT EVER EVER EVER CLEAR OR SETTLE ANY FUNDS. SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN IT MEANS THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ACTUAL MONEY MOVING OR SETTLING OTHER THAN TO SEND THE MESSAGE OF YES THE FUNDS ARE HERE OR THE FUNDS ARE THERE OR THE FUNDS ARE READY AND SO FORTH. BUT THEY NEVER RECEIVE THE FUNDS. THEY ARE A PRIVATE MESSAGING COMPANY AND THERE IS A HEFTY FEE TO BECOME A MEMBER. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 9-19-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Last months agreement on Kirkuk was a requirement for the Article 140, and the HCL. But, Mosuls oil, and an agreement and/or census of the population in the regions have to be determined before the implementation of the HCL. So we watch as two significant events unfold: the liberation of Mosul resulting in security for Iraq, and China joining the IMFs SDR basket. Remember, Shabibis and Allaks statements that they will RV when the conditions are right, when there is stability and security. Security is in sight within the next few months. Stability is a never ending resistance within the GOI . Ive always thought that the RV would happen end of April, June or September, based on quarterly accounting and historical RVs. post 2 of 2 9-19-2016 Newshound Guru Islandg1211 Todays HCL article is of interest IMO because Abadi is pointing out that there does not need to be a new HCL law, but just AMENDING the old law . Good point Abadi, it will take less time to get it done and implemented. The TIMING of Abadis statement today, (as he kicks off his meetings with Obama and the UN), to me, is also of importance when looked in conjunction with todays article referencing the U. S./Iraq/Kurd meeting finalizing the agreement with Barzani on Mosul. IMO, that meeting didnt just cover the military plan for invasion of Mosul, but included post-Mosul plan - meaning the plan for Mosuls oil share for the Kurds. Thats just my opinion, time will tell what the agreement is. There can be no HCL, IMO, without an oil agreement with the Kurds over Mosul . post 1of 2. stay tuned 9-19-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies THE GCR IS NOT THE TOSS OF A SWITCH BUT A LONG PROCESS AND WE HAVE STUDIED AND CAN NAME TO DATE 53 COUNTRIES THAT HAVE RESET THEIR CURRENCY TO REALITY SO FAR. I RAQ WILL FOLLOW EVERYONE ELSE. WHAT WILL IT RESET TO I DO NOT KNOW AND NO ONE DOES. IS THERE AN IN COUNTRY AND OUT OF COUNTRY RATE NO NOT AT ALL THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE EVER EVER EVER, WHERE THE CONFUSION COMES IN IS THAT IRAQ AND MANY COUNTRIES HAVE 2 RATES THERE IS THE OFFICIAL RATE THAT WE SEE ON THE CBI WEBSITE AND THERE IS A RATE ON THE PARALLEL MARKET. . I WANT YOU ALL TO KEEP THE FAITH BUT LET GO OF THE. THINGS THAT DO NOT MAKE SENSE. I ASSURE YOU THERE ARE NO SECRET SOURCES ANYWHERE THAT ARE VALID. IRAQ WILL FOLLOW THE REST OF THE GLOBE IT HAS LITTLE CHOICE. HOW MUCH LONGER IrsquoM NOT SURE BUT I AM SURE IT WILL FOLLOW EVERY OTHER COUNTRY. HANG IN THERE A BIT LONGER. post 3 of 3 more to come. 9-19-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies I BELIEVE AND ALWAYS HAVE IN LOGICAL MATH AND BANKING AND THE WAYS OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM. NOW LOOK IRAQ IS NOT IN A VACUUM OK THEY NEED TO FOLLOW THE SAME LAWS AND PROCEDURES AS THE REST OF THE GLOBE. IF THEY EVER HOPE TO DO BILATERAL TRADES IN THEIR OWN CURRENCY THEY WILL NEED TO CREATE A DEMAND AND A TRUST FOR THEIR OWN CURRENCY. RIGHT NOW IRAQ IS WORKING VERY HARD AND QUICK TO PLUG INTO THE REST OF THE GLOBE. THEY ARE WORKING TO GET THEIR SYSTEMS CONNECTED AND THE CONFIDENCE THAT IS NEEDED TO CREATE A DEMAND FOR THE DINAR . post 2 of 3. stay tuned 9-19-2016 Newshound Guru My Ladies WE NEED TO WAIT ON IRAQ TO BE FREELY TRADING AND ON FOREX IN A BID/ASK CAPACITY . NOT A BUY/SELL WHICH IS WHAT IT IS ON THE CBI SITE NOW. IN MY OPINION THAT MIGHT NOT BE TOO MUCH LONGER OF A WAIT. I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE IEX. I SPOKE WITH Sxxx OVER THERE TODAY. THE IEX HAS BEEN TRADING SINCE OCTOBER 25TH OF 2013. HE TOLD ME THAT THE IEX HAS NOTHING WHAT SO EVER TO DO WITH CURRENCY, DOES NOT TRADE CURRENCY AND ONLY TRADES U. S. SECURITIES. HE WAS ALSO SORT OF SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT THE COMPANY WAS BEING WRITTEN ABOUT IN SUCH A MISDIRECTED WAY. THIS IS NOT MY OPINION THIS IS A FACT THAT IEX HAS NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH THE IRAQI DINAR NOW AND NEVER WILL. THEIR LICENSE WITH THE SEC RECOGNIZES THEM AS OF A JULY 17 2016 AS AN OFFICIAL STOCK EXCHANGE AND THAT IS HOW THEY CONDUCT THEMSELVES. ANYTHING ELSE OR CURRENCY SPECULATING WOULD BE A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THEIR LICENSE. FOLLOW THE FACTS AND CONTINUE TO LOOK TO FOREX WHICH IS A 5 TRILLION DOLLAR A DAY PLATFORM. WHEN THE DINAR PLUGS IN AND TRADES INTERNATIONALLY YOU WILL SEE IT THERE. post 1 of 3. stay tuned 9-19-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke . you talked about and were positive the RV would happen the last week in September with the pay-out first week in Oct. I sense you are backing tracking in this recent post and your mention of looking at Summer of 2017. What gives Wersquove never said it would occur in 2017. THEY DID. it could go into October, November, December and even 2017helliphellipmaybe 2018, 2019. But, we JUST DONrsquoT THINK SO, AT ALLhellip.. wersquove been saying the last week of SEPTEMBER - 1ST week of OCTOBER exchange, since January of this year, FOR A REASON . . we think there will be much more clarity soon, in the popular amp familiar words of Iraq: ldquo In the Coming Days rdquo. These things are NEVER broadcasted ahead of time, friends. You have a BIG advantage, and are ahead of the game, just by being here on this site, and soaking up all the information. ALL OF IT. You have a Front Row Seat. 9-19-2016 Intel Guru ADMINBILL ONCE AGAIN MONDAY MORNING FINDS THE SS DINAR BECALMED AT SEA. BUT, NOT TO WORRY, THERE ARE HIGH WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS IN THE FORECAST AS YOU SAIL TO YOUR DESTINATION. YOUR AROUND THE WORLD CRUISE HAS TAKEN FAR LONGER THAN IMAGINED DUE TO UNSCHEDULED PORT VISITS AND BREAKDOWNS AT SEA BUT IT APPEARS YOUR BOAT IS FULLY SEAWORTHY AND SET TO END YOUR LONG CRUISE AT LAST . PROVIDED THE WEATHER CONTINUES TO HOLD. 9-19-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: Abadi will meet on the sidelines of the General Assembly meetings of Obama and a number of prominent leaders and the heads of the world Quote: . the prime minister left for New York City to attend the annual meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations, pointing out that Iraq Abadi, will deliver a speech during the meetings of the General Assembly . 9-19-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG I believe they need to tweak the Investment Law still. any thoughts on that and any other pertinent things they need to get done I think they are close on that. I doubt the HCL is all that important. the reason Maliki keeps bringing it up - he feels like, if he can make it a leading issue, it is divissive enough to keep everyone arguing for years. He would be safe in the chaos for a long time. Not gonna happen. 9-19-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Backdoc REMEMBER, IRAN SAID, THEIR FOREX VALUE WOULD MEET ITS REALITY VALUE IN OCTOBER SO WE ARE EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY CLOSE. ITS SHIA BROTHER IRAQ WILL LEAD THE WAY. THE REALITY VALUE WILL BE DIGITAL ON THE IEX. IM SURE DR. S SHABIBI HAS HIS TRIGGER MAN PRACTICING FOR THE GLOBAL RELEASE BUTTON THIS IS REALLY GETTING TO THE EXCITING PART OF THIS REALITY. post 2 of 2 9-19-2016 Intel/Newshound Guru Backdoc IT APPEARS THAT THE BUDGET WAS LAUNCHED ON THE 8TH AS ALL IMPORTANT THINGS ARE. ALTHOUGH ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN IN 10 DAYS, IRAQ HAS DONE ALL THEY CAN DO UNTIL PERMISSION IS GRANTED BY THE U. S.T. ABADI WILL GET THAT MONDAY. IM VERY OPTIMISTIC THAT BY FRIDAY WE WILL SEE SOMETHING SPECIAL ON THE IEX, IF IT IS ALLOWED TO TRADE. DONT LOOK FOR THIS ON THE FOREX, IT WILL BE ON THE IEX. SO UNTIL THE IEX TRADES, I BELIEVE WE ALL WAIT. post 1 of 2. stay tuned 9-19-2016 Intel Guru Bluwolf Ok folks, nothing has changed, all seems to be intact and that is good. both the GCR and RVS are on a specific timer (it has a day and a time). So we still need to wait till this timer runs out. 9-19-2016 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG i been seeing the word exchange rate in alot of articles recently, if that has anything to do with anything gearing up for something Long story short. it is OBVIOUSLY on their minds. TOTALLY AGREED. SOMETHING IS UP 9-19-2016 Intel Guru Dr. Clarke It is our belief and opinion, that the Iraq Dinar and the Vietnam Dong, will both, significantly increase their ldquoin-countryrdquo rate and their ldquoout-countryrdquo exchange rates, relatively close in time, to one another, with a very high probability of happening at the exact, same time. . VNrsquos been ready for quite some time amp wanted to move, but advised to ldquosit a little longerrdquo. Iraq has (behind the scenes amp quietly) moved quickly on a few things, and ISIS (Security) is where they want it (and a few other things), Iraq can move - and with VN, as well. This next 8 DAYS is what wersquove been looking at ALL YEAR, according to ldquoPlanrdquo, SINCE JANUARY . If something snags this week, wersquoll know it by OCT. 1. but until then, everything is set to move. Our eyes are fixed squarely on the last week of SEPTEMBER.

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